ATARI 5200 SUPERSYSTEM FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Version 1.1 Maintained by Keita Iida Send additions/comments/corrections/suggestions to: Keita Iida --, Copyright (c) 1996 by Keita Iida and others where noted. This file may be reproduced, in whole or in part, so long as the content of that portion reproduced is not modified, and so long as credit is given to this FAQ list or its Maintainer, or the author of that section reproduced when given. The data contained herein is provided for information purposes only. No warranty is made with regards to the accuracy of this information. Contributors: ------------- Dan Boris John Hardie Kevan Hearn Leonard Herman Brian Holscher Kevin Horton Jerry Jessop Mike Kahler Sean Kelly Bo Krogsgaard Scot Leibacher John Vivian Matthews Russ Perry, Jr. Scottie Prince Pete Schmek Jay Tilton Game Raters: ------------ Ralph Barbagallo (RB) Edward Brunner (EB) Clint Dyer (CD) Kevan Hearn (KHe) Kevin Horton (KHo) Keita Iida (KI) Jeffry Johnston (JJ) Todd Lawrence (TL) John Vivian Matthews (JVM) Daniel A. Mazurowski (DAM) Dan Mowczan (DM) Daniel Edward Reinholtz (DER) Tony Salvaro (TS) Mike St.Clair (MSC) Jay Tilton (JT) Casey Wales (CW) Bert Whetstone (BW) ----------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- FOREWARD by Sean Kelly 1.0) General Information 1.1 -- What is the Atari 5200 SuperSystem? 1.2 -- Did you know? 2.0) Cartridge Information 2.1 -- Atari 5200 game list 2.2 -- Label/game/box variations 2.3 -- Games believed not to exist 2.4 -- The best and worst 5200 games 2.5 -- General software info, tidbits, cheats and easter eggs 2.6 -- What games were compatible with the trackball? 2.7 -- What is the 5200 Multicart and where can I get one? 3.0) Hardware Information 3.1 -- Hardware known to exist 3.2 -- Hardware believed not to exist 3.2 -- General hardware tidbits 4.0) Technical Information and Hardware Specifications 4.1 -- Hardware specifications 4.2 -- Hardware overview 4.3 -- 5200 memory map 4.4 -- 5200 bios 4.5 -- 5200 controller pinout 4.6 -- 5200 cartridge slot pinout 4.7 -- 5200 expansion port pinout 4.8 -- What are the differences between the 2-port and 4-port models? 4.9 -- How can the 4-port model be modified to accept the 2600 cartridge adapter? 4.10 - 2 Port production modifications. 4.11 - Logic board IC chip functions 4.12 - Differences between the 5200 and Atari 8-bit computers 4.13 - 5200 Chroma/Luma (composite video) and audio output modification 5.0) Hardware Maintenance, Replacement and Repair Tips 5.1 -- 5200 console 5.2 -- 5200 controllers 5.21 -- Cleaning and maintenance 5.22 -- Replacing and repairing 6.0) Alternatives to the Standard 5200 Controllers 6.1 -- Third party joysticks 6.2 -- Masterplay Interface 6.3 -- Build your own 2600 joystick adapter 6.4 -- PC joystick to 5200 adapter 6.5 -- Standard Atari 5200 joystick with microswitch-fitted fire buttons 7.0) Atari 5200 Emulators 7.1 -- VSS (a.k.a. "Virtual SuperSystem") 7.2 -- Rainbow 7.3 -- Pokey 8.0) Electronic Resources, Books and Magazines 8.1 -- Internet resources 8.11 -- World Wide Web Pages 8.12 -- USENET Newsgroups 8.13 -- Internet Relay Chat (IRC) 8.14 -- FTP Sites 8.2 -- Books and periodicals 9.0) Dealers FOREWARD ======== BY SEAN KELLY I don't know that I would call myself anything of an expert on the Atari 5200, but I have played virtually every game for the system and actually like many of them whereas I'm not a real big fan of the 2600. The one thing that comes to most people's minds when the subject of the 5200 is brought up is it's God-forsaken controllers and rightfully so - they're undoubtedly one of the worst ever made for any system in my opinion. However, the problem that I'd like to address for a few here is the fact the it's lousy controllers have overshadowed the system overall which is NOT cool. Intellivision fans have dealt with what most people consider lousy controllers and still enjoy many of the good games Mattel put out for the system so it doesn't make much sense why the 5200's faults can't be overlooked in the controller department - or does it. Atari launched the 5200 on the heels of what was (and still is) one of the most popular videogame systems of all time - the 2600. A system that set a standard for controllers to be followed for decades. Mattel went in it's own direction from day one and pretty much went after people looking for a little more out of their videogames. Not neccessarily "more" overall, but more in terms of involvement. While the 2600 has several different types of controllers available for it, the systems basic capabilities just don't offer the programmer much of a chance to get too into their games no matter what controller they program it for. So as game systems advanced and Atari began to realize that there was only so much programmers were going to be able to get out of the 2600, they came up with what was called the "Video System X" in it's early stages of development. The system was to have a keypad like Intellivision and ColecoVision, probably an excellent idea on Atari's part as it allows for a much wider array of gameplay options, but then they apparently felt they had to revolutionize the controller industry again and decided to attach an analog joystick to that keypad! The 2600's controllers are what's called "digital" meaning you are either pressing a button or you're not. The joystick itself is simply a set of four buttons under the stick that you unknowingly press when you move the joystick in a direction. An analog signal measures HOW FAR you're moving the joystick which, here again I have to admit, does make for some interesting gameplay options, but since the 5200's sticks do not spring back to the center position when you let go of the stick it's difficult to get used to. Who's gonna complain about the keypad they came out with though? Start, Pause, and Reset right on the controller? Gotta like that a lot! Now the games made for the 5200 are a completely different story and pretty much the whole point of my writing here. Most of the games on the system are actually extremely good! If you look at the games released for the Atari 400/800, which uses standard joysticks, they were excellent in many cases. The computer didn't have the controller problems the 5200 does and the games and computer were very well-received. Since the 5200 is nothing more than an Atari 400 computer with a few minor modifications, like games, for the most part, are quite similar, if not exactly the same! Of course, the 5200 had many games that were not available for the Atari computers (and some games that were available for both systems were curiously superior on the 5200), so it's definitely worth getting into if you haven't already. Some of the classic arcade ports are excellent and still not to be found on any other system. Space Dungeon immediately springs to mind. Some of the third-party controllers you will find described here overcome the problems of Atari's controllers and could practically be called life-savers for the system. Check into a Competition Pro or Wico controller if you absolutely cannot stand the Atari sticks. Better still is the Masterplay Interface if you can get your hands on one - they're pretty hard to come by. Judging the system by it's controllers sucks in my opinion. Try and work around them if you can't deal with them and you'll be treated to a library of some of the very best games ever made! 1.0) GENERAL INFORMATION =========================== 1.1 -- WHAT IS THE ATARI 5200 SUPERSYSTEM? ------------------------------------------ The Atari 5200 SuperSystem was released by Atari in late 1982. It was the successor to the venerable VCS (2600) game system which dominated the first wave of cartridge-based home videogame systems. It offered improved graphics and several features not found on any other system during its time. When the 5200 was first premiered, Atari had solid reasons for optimisim. After all, beneath the sleek, uncluttered exterior of the 5200 lurked the throbbing power of a 16K computer designed specifically to play high-quality games. The heart of the SuperSystem was, in essense, an Atari 400/800 computer, the most powerful 8-bit computer system during that time, and thus games could theoretically be easily (and rapidly) ported between the two machines. The controllers have a small calculator-sized numeric keypad and two firing buttons are located at each side. The controller was a gallant attempt at crossbreeding the trackball and conventional joystick. It uses an analog control mechanism, offering a full 360 degrees of mobility instead of the usual eight positions. There is a speed control built-in which, on specific cartridges, allows the player to speed up the action. The harder the stick is pushed to any given direction, the faster the on-screen moving object zips across the playfield. Also found on the control is a "pause" button which enables the player to put any game on hold for as long as he likes. This now-standard feature was first pioneered on the 5200. Atari's attempt in revolutionizing the joystick controller, however, turned out to be a mixed bag. The controllers do not self-center, making games like Pole Position and Centipede a joy to play. On the other hand, games which demand precise, 4-way movement from the player, (like Pac-Man) can be an exercise in frustration for many gamers. In addition, the joysticks are infamous for being among the most unreliable controllers ever made. Although the 5200 enjoyed moderate success during its heyday, the gaming public never completely warmed to the SuperSystem, and the Great Videogame Crash of 1983 helped to seal its fate along with the rest of the home videogame consoles. The software selection at launch consisted mainly of proven but tired classics that failed to utilize the 5200's visual talents. Titles such as Super Breakout, Galaxian and Space Invaders were unsuccessful in generating the necessary excitement among gamers that Atari had hoped. Once the system passed through its introductory period, Atari began to liberally salt the 5200 library with glittering new gems like Qix, Space Dungeon, Robotron: 2084, Pengo, Joust, Vanguard and Ms.Pac-Man. Atari also had first call on games marketed by its coin-up arm, which brought arcade hits like Dig Dug, Pole Position and Centipede home. By the time the 5200 was settled in with a respectable library of quality titles, however, it was too late. The Great Crash of 1983 was well under way, and the 5200 joined the likes of the Colecovision, Vectrex, Intellivision and others as the home console market came crumbling down. As a result of the sudden shakeup in the videogame market, there is an inordinately high number of prototypes which exist for the 5200. Upon hindsight, it is quite elementary in regards to why the 5200 never achieved the success that Atari had hoped. Although the 5200 was a quantum leap beyond the 2600, the lack of compatibility with its predecessor (unlike the 7800) put off many 2600 owners who had accumulated a substantial library of games (Atari later released an adapter which allowed 2600 games to be played). Furthermore, it was not much better than the Colecovision and Vectrex. But the real reason that led to the doom of the 5200 (and, for that matter, the entire videogame industry) was the result of the drop in price of affordable game-oriented computers like the Atari 800XL and Commodore 64 -- sub-$200 machines which had, until about 1983, either been over $500 in price or were not in existence at all. For the retro-gamer/nostalgist of today, the 5200 is an excellent choice. While many of the coin-up translations have been improved upon by modern systems, there are several compelling games that no gamer should be without. Space Dungeon, Rescue on Fractalus, Qix, Beamrider, Gremlins, Bounty Bob Strikes Back (the spectacular sequel to Miner 2049er), Pengo, Gorf, Wizard of Wor and Berzerk (complete with voice) are fantastic games that have stood the test of time. Furthermore, those who purchase the Sean Kelly 5200 multicart (a cartridge that includes almost every game in the 5200 library) will be treated to several excellent unreleased prototype games. 1.2 -- DID YOU KNOW? -------------------- The 5200 was developed as an answer to Intellivision, NOT the Colecovision as many people think. As an example of this, the analog controller was a response to Mattel touting its unit having 16-positions of movement compared to the 2600's eight. Atari's plans were to upstage the Intellivision in this area by creating an analog controller with a 360 degrees of full motion control. The 5200 was created at a time when poor marketing and questionable company policy helped to eventually sink Atari. The 5200 controller was developed by an individual who had NEVER even played a single videogame in his life! Response to the controllers from focus groups and clinics were poor, but the marketing arm stubbornly insisted on releasing the machine with a "groundbreaking" controller design. In addition, the controller was partially influenced by corporate policy in offering bonuses to its employees for creating designs that were subsequently patented. Not surprisingly, many engineers and designers developed hardware that were innovative for the sake of being "original" instead of trying to improve upon a proven concept. The engineers were so adamant in their disapproval of the 5200's controllers that they wrote a petition to the director of engineering in hopes that joystick would not be released in its present form. The wedge-shape design of the 5200 was influenced by the 2700 (RC Stella), a prototype remote-controlled 2600. Many other design features, such as fire buttons being on the side and the non-self-centering mechanism, eventually carried over to the 5200's design. The Atari 3600 (a.k.a. Silvia) was initially planned as the successor to the 2600. The bizarre 10-bit chipset (similar to the Intellivision) was designed in 1978/79. One must remember that the shelf life of typical home videogame units at the time was generally two years at most, and Atari did not anticipate the 2600 being the huge commercial success that it eventually became. The 3600 was killed by the game programmers as it was difficult to program games for the machine. Code-names had always been popular at Warner Atari. The VCS was "Stella," the 400 computer was "Candy," the 800 was "Coleen" and the 5200 was "Pam." All were named after well-endowed female employees working at Atari. The 5200 was unique in that Pam was strongly considered by Atari for being the name of the machine before eventually being passed over in favor of "5200." Why? Because the "PAM" designation would have doubled as "Personal Arcade Machine," an appropriate title for the most advanced game console during its time. 2.0) CARTRIDGE INFORMATION ============================= 2.1 -- ATARI 5200 GAME LIST --------------------------- Rarity Ratings go as follows: C-, C, C+ ---- Common U-, U, U+ ---- Uncommon R-, R, R+ ---- Rare ER-, ER, ER+ - Extremely Rare UR ----------- Unbelievably Rare NR ----------- Not confirmed to exist, even as a prototype PROTO -------- Prototype For example, an ER cart would be slightly more common than an ER+ cart and slightly harder to find than an ER- game. GAMES THAT WERE RELEASED OR HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED TO EXIST -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Title Publisher Product # Rarity ---- --------- ---------- ------ AE Atari PROTO ASTROCHASE Parker Brothers 9560 R+ BALLBLAZER Atari CX 5255 R BAR ROOM BASEBALL Atari PROTO BATTLEZONE Atari PROTO BEAMRIDER Activision FZ-009 ER- BERZERK Atari CX 5221 U BLACK BELT Atari PROTO BLUE PRINT CBS Electronics 80033 R- BOOGIE DEMO CART Atari PROTO BOUNTY BOB STRIKES BACK Big Five Software ER BUCK ROGERS: PLANET Sega 005-02 R- OF ZOOM CENTIPEDE Atari CX 5215 * Released version C * "Killer-hard" version PROTO CHOPLIFTER Atari CX 5253 R CONGO BONGO Sega 006-02 R- COUNTERMEASURE Atari CX 5210 C CRAM CARTRIDGE Atari ? DECATHLON Activision FZ-008 U DEFENDER Atari CX 5218 C DIAGNOSTIC CARTRIDGE Atari FD100144 ER DIG DUG Atari CX 5211 C+ DREADNAUGHT FACTOR, THE Activision FZ-005 R- FOOTBALL Atari CX 5207 C FRISKY TOM Atari PROTO FROGGER Parker Brothers 9530 C+ FROGGER II: THREEDEEP! Parker Brothers 9090 ER- GALAXIAN Atari CX 5206 C GORF CBS Electronics 80013 R- GREMLINS Atari CX 5257 ER GYRUSS Parker Brothers 9080 R H.E.R.O. Activision FZ-007 R JAMES BOND 007 Parker Brothers 9100 ER JOUST Atari CX 5240 U- JR. PAC-MAN Atari CX 5251 PROTO JUNGLE HUNT Atari CX 5222 U- K-RAZY SHOOTOUT CBS Electronics 80503 ER+ KABOOM! Activision FZ-001 U KANGAROO Atari CX 5229 C+ KEYSTONE KAPERS Activision FZ-006 U LAST STARFIGHTER, THE Atari PROTO LOONEY TUNES HOTEL Atari PROTO MARIO BROTHERS Atari CX 5247 U+ MEEBZORK Atari PROTO MEGAMANIA Activision FZ-003 U METEORITES Electra Concepts UR MICRO-GAMMON Atari PROTO MILLIPEDE Atari CX 5248 PROTO MINIATURE GOLF Atari PROTO MINER 2049ER Big Five Soft. BF1912 R MISSILE COMMAND Atari CX 5202 C+ MONTEZUMA'S REVENGE Parker Brothers 9460 R MOON PATROL Atari CX 5241 U MOUNTAIN KING CBS Electronics 80083 R MR. DO'S CASTLE Parker Brothers 9420 ER- MS. PAC-MAN Atari CX 5243 U- PAC-MAN Atari CX 5208 C- PENGO Atari CX 5236 R- PITFALL! Activision FZ-004 U PITFALL II Activision FZ-011 U+ POLE POSITION Atari CX 5217 C+ POPEYE Parker Brothers 9510 C+ Q*BERT Parker Brothers 9500 C+ QIX Atari CX 5121 U- QUEST FOR QUINTANA ROO Sunrise Software #1603 R+ REALSPORTS BASEBALL Atari CX 5209 U REALSPORTS BASKETBALL Atari CX 5219 PROTO REALSPORTS FOOTBALL Atari CX 5207 C REALSPORTS SOCCER Atari CX 5213 C+ REALSPORTS TENNIS Atari CX 5214 U+ RESCUE ON FRACTALUS! Atari CX 5254 ER RIVER RAID Activision FZ-002 U ROAD RUNNER Atari PROTO ROBOTRON: 2084 Atari CX 5225 U+ SOCCER Atari CX 5213 C SPACE DUNGEON Atari CX 5232 U SPACE INVADERS Atari CX 5204 C SPACE SHUTTLE Activision FZ-012 U+ SPORT GOOFY Atari CX 5237 PROTO STARGATE Atari CX 5252 PROTO STAR RAIDERS Atari CX 5205 C+ STAR TREK Sega 004-02 R STAR WARS ROTJ: DEATH Parker Brothers 9060 ER+ STAR BATTLE STAR WARS: THE Parker Brothers 9040 R+ ARCADE GAME SUPER BREAKOUT Atari CX 5203 C- SUPER COBRA Parker Brothers 9550 R TRACK 'N FIELD Atari CX 5258 PROTO VANGUARD Atari CX 5216 U- WIZARD OF WOR CBS Electronics 80003 R- XARI ARENA Atari PROTO XEVIOUS Atari CX 5246 PROTO YELLOW SUBMARINE Atari PROTO DEMO CART ZAXXON Sega 008-02 ER+ ZENJI Activision FZ-010 ER ZONE RANGER Activision FZ-101 R- 2.2 -- LABEL/GAME/BOX VARIATIONS -------------------------------- As far as the Atari releases go, there are four main label variations on the carts themselves. 1) Games with a copyright of 1982 have a large "ATARI" logo with the 5200 on the side. In addition, the trademark information and copyright dates are on the bottom edge of the front label, underneath the illustration. 2) Games with a copyright of 1983/84 are similar to the 1982 labels, with a few exceptions. The "Atari" logo (with the 5200 on the side) is smaller and is shifted to the top right side of the label. To the left of the logo, it reads "VIDEO GAME CARTRIDGE" and "ATARI 5200 SUPERSYSTEM", both with rather small fonts. The trademark and copyright information is on the left side of the label. 3) The labels on the 1986 Atari Corporation releases are exactly like the 1983/84 Atari Inc. carts, but with one MAJOR difference -- there is no title mentioned on the cart! The top and sides of the label are exactly the same as the 1983/84 carts. The illustration on the label is the only hint of what title the cart actually is. Of course, the titles are typed on the front of the box and on the instruction manual. All Ballblazer and Rescue on Fractalus carts have this label, and the following titles are known to have this variation as well (along with the standard 1982 or 1983/4 label): Space Invaders Vanguard 4) Another minor variations that are to be found in Atari-released 5200 carts are the greyish labels (as opposed to the normal silver) found in some of the Atari Corp. releases. The label is dull-grey in appearance like the ones found on late release 2600 and 7800 games. A few other Atari-released label oddities exist. For example, there is a 1986 release of Dig Dug which has the title on the cart, which is unlike most other 1986 releases. 5) Football was later renamed Realsports Football. The title for Soccer was also later changed to Realsports Soccer. The titles and slight alterations in the cart/box artwork notwithstanding, the gameplay for both titles is the same. Both Bounty Bob Strikes Back and Miner 2049er by Big Five Software has two different labels. The more common of the two features a picture label on a red case. A precious few have a silver foil text label, which is much more difficult to find than the picture label cart. Zone Ranger by Activision comes in two flavors. The earlier release had a regular illustrated label, the type used in all other Activision games. The later, and more common version (mostly seen being sold by Telegames) has a silver foil label with black text. Several late Activision releases for the 5200 have unusual box and instructions variations. Whether it is a result of a cost-cutting move or merely a foul-up on their part, we may never know. Quite a few of the late-release games come in 2600 boxes! Although they are supposedly new in box 5200 games, the box clearly states "for Atari 2600." Furthermore, some (but not all) of these boxes have "for Atari 5200" stickers pasted on the box over where it originally stated "for Atari 2600." That's not all. Some of the manuals inside the boxes have what appears to be pages of the original (early release) manuals shrunk down and photocopied onto one sheet of paper. If that is not unusual enough, quite a few of the supposedly-new Activision games apparently were packaged with either wrong (Colecovision, etc.) or NO manuals! Furthermore, some of the manuals are known to be made for all platforms in one. In other words, the instructions state the control mechanisms of the game for both the Colecovision and 5200 (which is not surprising as both controllers possess a joystick, two fire buttons and a numeric keypad. Below is the list of known games to have been found with the box variation: Kaboom Pitfall Pitfall II River Raid Space Shuttle (appears to be the biggest offender) I plan on adding a full-blown 5200 label variation list to this faq in the near future. In the meantime, for those of you who have information about other label oddities, by all means drop me a line! 2.3 -- GAMES BELIEVED NOT TO EXIST ---------------------------------- TITLE PUBLISHER PRODUCT # ----- --------- --------- ARABIAN Atari ASTEROIDS Atari CX 5201 ASTEROIDS DELUXE Atari (Same as Asteroids?) BLACK WIDOW Atari (Joystick connector) BRISTLES First Star BUMP 'N JUMP Sega CAMPAIGN '84 Sunrise CHESS Parker Brothers CLOAK AND DAGGER Atari (Joystick connector) CRYSTAL CASTLES Atari CX 5223 (Trackball) DOMINO MAN CBS 80133 DRAGONSTOMPER Starpath ESCAPE FROM THE MINDMASTER Starpath ESPIAL Tigervision FALL GUY 20th Cent. Fox FATHOM Imagic FINAL LEGACY Atari CX 5256 FLIP AND FLOP First Star FOOTBALL (for VS-X) Atari GRAVITAR Atari INDIANA JONES AND THE Atari TEMPLE OF DOOM JAWBREAKER Sierra On-Line LASER GATES Imagic LEGACY, THE Atari (Same as Final Legacy?) LOCOMOTION Atari LODE RUNNER Broderbund MADDEN FOOTBALL CBS 80123 MAD PLANETS Parker Brothers MAJOR HAVOC Atari MOONSWEEPER Imagic OMEGA RACE CBS 80093 PARTY MIX Starpath POLARIS Tigervision 700752 PURSUIT OF THE PINK PANTHER Probe 2000 (Odyssey) QUANTUM Atari (Trackball) QUICK STEP Imagic RABBIT TRANSIT Starpath RISK Parker Brothers RIVER PATROL Tigervision 700452 SATAN'S HOLLOW CBS 80143 SCRAPER CAPER Big Five SERPENTINE Broderbund SOLAR FOX CBS 80023 SPACE DUEL Atari SPRINGER Tigervision 700652 SPY HUNTER Sega SUPER PAC-MAN Atari SURVIVAL ISLAND Starpath STAR WARS: THE EMPIRE Parker Brothers STRIKES BACK SUBTERFUGE Amiga SWEAT: THE DECATHLON GAME Starpath TANK Atari CX 5210 TAC-SCAN Sega TAPPER Sega TEMPEST Atari CX 5220 TOY BIZARRE Activision TUNNEL RUNNER CBS TUTANKHAM Parker Brothers 9540 UP 'N DOWN Sega WARP WARS Activision WINGS CBS WING WAR Imagic WRATH OF QUINTANA ROO Sunrise 2.4 -- THE BEST AND WORST 5200 GAMES ------------------------------------ 5200 gamers were asked to rate each game that they had played, in both graphics and gameplay, on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being best. Below are the results (ranked in order of their average gameplay scores). In the future, when I get enough voters on each game, I will probably drop the high and low score to eliminate skew. Games will only qualify if it has been rated by three different individuals. Otherwise, the sampling error would be too large. If you too would like to contribute to this FAQ by rating the games, by all means drop me a line! We need more people to get themselves a Sean Kelly multicart to get some more ratings for the rare titles as well. Gameplay Graphics # Raters -------- -------- -------- 1. Montezuma's Revenge 4.71 4.43 (7) 2. Rescue on Fractalus 4.6 4.2 (5) 3. Space Dungeon 4.5 4.08 (12) 4. Zaxxon 4.43 4.57 (7) 5. Pitfall II 4.33 4.33 (12) 6. Star Raiders 4.27 3.8 (15) Qix 4.27 3.73 (11) 8. Ballblazer 4.25 4.5 (8) 9. Wizard of Wor 4.22 4 (9) 10. Defender 4.15 4 (13) 11. Gyruss 4.14 3.29 (7) 12. Centipede 4.13 3.6 (15) 13. Moon Patrol 4.1 3.9 (10) 13. Robotron: 2084 4.1 3.7 (10) 15. Jr. Pac-Man (Proto) 4 3.75 (4) Millipede (Proto) 4 3.5 (4) Gremlins 4 3.8 (5) Choplifter 4 3.14 (7) Miner 2049er 4 3.36 (11) Frogger II 4 4 (7) Mountain King 4 2.89 (9) Pengo 4 3.89 (8) 23. Pitfall 3.9 3.6 (10) 24. Joust 3.87 3.87 (15) 25. Ms. Pac-Man 3.83 4.08 (12) Beamrider 3.83 3.5 (6) 27. Kaboom 3.82 3.27 (11) 28. Bounty Bob Strikes Back 3.8 3.8 (5) Zone Ranger 3.8 3.8 (10) 30. River Raid 3.79 3.64 (14) 31. H.E.R.O. 3.75 3.75 (4) 32. Mario Bros. 3.73 3.55 (11) 33. Dig Dug 3.71 3.71 (14) Missile Command 3.71 3.36 (14) 35. Megamania 3.7 3.6 (10) 36. Xari Arena (Proto) 3.67 3.33 (3) Xevious (Proto) 3.67 3 (3) Star Trek: SOS 3.67 3.56 (9) 39. Pac-Man 3.6 3.73 (15) 40. Keystone Kapers 3.56 3.78 (9) 41. Berzerk 3.54 3.08 (13) 42. Jungle Hunt 3.5 3.83 (12) Vanguard 3.5 3.58 (12) Dreadnaught Factor, The 3.5 4 (8) Pole Position 3.5 3.43 (14) 46. Realsports Baseball 3.44 3.44 (9) 47. Q*bert 3.38 3.46 (13) 48. Last Starfighter (Proto) 3.33 3.33 (3) 49. Galaxian 3.31 3.38 (16) 50. Buck Rogers 3.3 3.3 (10) 51. Frogger 3.25 3.83 (12) Gorf 3.25 3.38 (8) 53. Kangaroo 3.2 2.87 (15) 54. Blue Print 3.08 3.5 (12) 55. Realsports Tennis 3 3.33 (6) Mr. Do's Castle 3 2.86 (7) Super Cobra 3 3.33 (6) Super Breakout 3 2.71 (17) 59. Popeye 2.92 3.15 (13) 60. Star Wars The Arcade Game 2.89 3.11 (9) 61. Realsports Soccer 2.88 2.62 (8) 62. Countermeasure 2.79 2.93 (14) 63. Astrochase 2.75 3.62 (8) Meteorites 2.75 2.25 (4) Star Wars: Death Star 2.75 2.75 (4) 66. Realsports Football 2.73 2.64 (11) 67. Space Invaders 2.69 2.62 (13) 68. Road Runner (Proto) 2.67 2.67 (3) Zenji 2.67 2.67 (3) 70. Decathlon 2.6 3 (5) 71. Battlezone (Proto) 2.5 2 (4) 72. Space Shuttle 2.43 3.43 (7) 73. James Bond 007 2.29 2.57 (7) 74. Congo Bongo 2.27 2.27 (11) 75. Quest for Quintana Roo 1.2 2.4 (5) 76. Miniature Golf (Proto) 1 1.33 (3) PROVISIONALLY RATED (not enough people rating them) ------------------- Gameplay Graphics # Raters -------- -------- -------- Centipede ("Killer") 5 3 (1) Track and Field (Proto) 3.5 3.5 (2) K-Razy Shootout 3.5 2 (2) Sport Goofy (Proto) 2 2 (2) Looney Tunes Hotel (Proto) 2 1.5 (2) Microgammon (Proto) 2.5 3 (2) Spitfire (Proto) 2 3 (2) Meebzork (Proto) 2 1.5 (2) Realsports Basketball (Proto) 1.5 1.5 (2) Comments from the gamers ------------------------ The ratings after each comment are that person's OWN observations of the games. A "5/4" would stand for Graphics=5/Gameplay=4. ---------------------- Astrochase (TL) - I don't understand it. What's the point? Graphics are good though. (no rating) Ballblazer (BW) - One of my all time favorites on any platform! (5/4) (KI) - Split screen, first person perspective and two player simultaneous gameplay. Who could ask for anything more? (5/4) Battlezone (Prototype) (DM) - How did they manage to make this game this bad? Redefined character sets made the tanks and obstacles unscalable, and just made the whole thing look like a bad game you typed in on your 8-bit from Antic magazine or something. (1/3) (KI) - No wonder this game was never released. (2/2) Berzerk (TL) - This cool game taught me how to fight like a robot instead of a chicken. (4/4) (EB) - Best home version of this game. Speech is cool! (4/4) Bounty Bob Strikes Back (KHe) - All I can say is "WOW!" I thought Miner 2049er was great (and it still is), but Bounty Bob is king! This game is incredibly fun AND challenging. It takes the best elements of Miner, then expands on them. There is so much I like about this game: Lots-o-levels, lots of strategy, humor, warps, special configuration page. Even the high score entry and display pages are great. This game is a definite 5/5 for graphics/playability. Thank you Bill Hogue! (5/5) (DER)- Game play is really difficult. Takes all the fun of Miner 2049er out, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between the two except for the different colors. It's really difficult to jump from one level to another. I'll say it again. Game play is really difficult. (2/1) Buck Rogers (DER)- A game I like except I wish they would have taken it further and made the graphics a bit better a la Ballblazer. A distant predecessor to games like 1942. (3/4) Centipede (DM) - My 5/5 rating is really based on the fact that this is a port, its just a plain good 5200 version. Smooth moving enemies, fantastic sound, and the trackball makes this probably one of my favorite 5200 titles. (5/5) (KHe)- Gameplay improves when using trackball (3/2) (EB) - Different from (and better than) the 8-Bit version. (3/4) (JJ) - Beats Atari Computer version by a mile. (5/5) Congo Bongo (JT) - Hate this damn game. Cheesey 3-d perspective doesn't work at all. (2/1) (DER)- It's an OK game. I liked playing it in the arcade, but the 5200 version is kinda lame. The opening level seems like a big splotch of yellow with some brown added to it. (2/3) (EB) - Awful, just awful. (2/1) Countermeasure (TL) - The 5200's version of Combat. (4/2) Decathlon (KI) - If you want to kill your joystick by playing this game, be my guest. Don't say that I didn't warn you, though. Decent enough game for those who don't mind the risk of destroying their joysticks. (3/3) Defender (DER)- I consider this game the "feel-good" game of the Atari series. It seems no matter how bad you are playing, you can always rack up a high score. I like defender a lot, it's one of my all time faves. (3/5) (TL) - Not a big fan of the game but the graphics are outstanding! (5/3) (KI) - Beautiful scrolling and the absence of flicker (unlike the 2600 version) makes this faithful port of the coin-up a winner! (4/4) Dig Dug (DER)- I've seen better ports of this than the 5200 version, but there's something about Dig Dug I like that I can't put a finger on. An entertaining game nonetheless. (3/3) Frogger (JT) - Friggin' retarded control scheme (5/2) (TL) - What a sissy concept for a game (3/2) (KHe)- Looks good, but button/joystick combo that you have to use to control is a pain. Keypad controlling is even worse. (4/2) (KI) - Play this game with the Masterplay and you'll change your mind, guys :) (4/4) Frogger II (DER)- I like this game a lot. One of the last games I got before they became impossible to get. As a matter of fact, this game *IS* quite impossible to get. I like the graphics and it's a big improvement over the first one. (4/4) (KI) - Great sequel, but this game is bound to frustrate even the best gamers with it's absurd difficulty level. (4/4) Galaxian (BW) - Looks and plays like Galaxian, but just lacks something (4/3) (DER)- This game is haunted by the fact that the game play and screens never change. (See also Space Invaders). I like this better than Space Invaders. (3/3) Gorf (TL) - I can't give a 5/5 because they forgot the galaxian level. Otherwise it is Awesome! (5/4) Gyruss (JT) - Fantastic music. (5/4) (KI) - Along with Ballblazer, Pengo and Moon Patrol, this game is a showcase title of the 5200's remarkable audio capabilities. (3/4) James Bond (KI) - If the criteria of a good game is one that is IMPOSSIBLY difficult, then Parker Brothers would rank as one of the top third party publishers of all-time (the same goes for Frogger II and Super Cobra). An awful game to boot. (3/2) Joust (KI) - A faithful home port of the Williams hit coin-up. (4/4) Jungle Hunt (KHe)- Is it just me or is the final scene much more difficult than the original? (4/3) (KI) - Most people either love this game or they despise it. I'm quite indifferent towards this title, however. (4/3) K-Razy Shootout (KI) - A ripoff of Berzerk (2/3) Kaboom! (DM) - Although many people believe playing Kaboom! without a paddle is some kind of sacrelige, I love this version of the game. With the 5200 Joystick, you're simply controlling the same potentiometer in the controller, but with a knob on the 2600 and a stick on the 5200. Output is analog either way. Plus, the 1812 overture really gets me pumped up! (4/5) (KI) - The option of allowing a second player to play as the Mad Bomber is a cool feature not found in any other home videogame console version. (3/4) Kangaroo (TL) - This game is down right stupid. The graphics are even worse. I bet they had Commodore shaking in their boots at the time. (1/1) (KI) - Controlling Mama-roo is tricky with the standard 5200 joystick, but this game truly shines with the Masterplay Interface. (4/4) Mario Bros. (KHe)- Great port. Fun, especially with two players. (4/5) Megamania (TL) - Cool graphics, but redundant as #@$%. (4/3) (DM) - I love this game. Apart from the fact that the game just feels a little different from the 2600 version that we're all used to, this game is terrific in every way. And aside from the game, the label and box art are quite superior to their 2600 counterparts. If this one had come out first, they would have laughed the 2600 version out the door. (5/5) Meteorites (KI) - A decent Asteroids clone. Speaking of which, whatever happened to Asteroids??? (3/4) Microgammon (Prototype) (DM) - I'm glad they used the highest resolution possible for at least one game. The computer may not be a very good backgammon player, but they really had a great idea here and I'm sorry it wasn't released. (5/3) Millipede (Prototype) (KI) - Absolutely phenomenal. The trackball option puts this version above the technically superior NES edition. (4/5) Miner 2049er (DER)- This game is everything that BBSB isn't. Easy to play, not too difficult, ok graphics, just a lot of fun. (2/4) (KHe)- Great game! Was my favorite as a kid. (5/5) Missile Command (TL) - This game has it all! Easily my favorite 5200 game and among my favorites of all time. Anyone have a track ball for sale? (5/5) (DM) - With two buttons and a keypad available, one missile base in inexcusable. They even fit two bases into the Atari ST version, using each button on the mouse. Why couldn't Atari port they're own game worth a shit? (3/2) Mountain King (KHe)- Fun, are the higher levels winnable? (3/5) Mr. Do's Castle (DM) - After seeing the Colecovision version, this is just plain sad. The 5200 could certainly have moved the Domeister and the chameleon unicorns around better than they did. (2/3) Ms.Pac-Man (DER)- The successor to Pac-Man is more challenging than the original, and game-play is better. (3/4) Pac-Man (TL) - The screen is just too wide. And what happend to the great sound effects that were included in the 2600 version? (2/3) Pengo (KHe)- Fun! I liked the arcade game, but wasn't too good at it. Played this version a lot! great port. (3/5) (KI) - A pixel perfect port of the coin-up classic (5/4) Pitfall! (BW) - I actually like 2600 Pitfall better! (3/3) Pitfall II (KI) - For an additional challenge, try the secret Adventurer's stage! (4/5) Pole Position (BW) - Made me want a 5200 back in the day. (4/4) Popeye (TL) - Graphics leave a bit to be desired. (2/3) (KI) - Never liked Nintendo's coin-up version, so the 5200 one doesn't do much for me. (3/3) Q*bert (JT) - Retarded controls (like Frogger) (4/2) (KHe)- Not one of my favorite games, but seems to be a good port. Of course, it's missing the "thwack" of the original when Qbert/Coily jumps off the pyramid side of the pyramid. (3/3) (EB) - About the same as colecovision version. (3/4) Qix (TL) - A true classic. Decent graphics. Great Concept! One of the best ever! (5/5) Realsports Baseball (DER)- This game is fun! I like playing the higher levels, because the easy level is too easy. On the easy level, you can bunt for home runs. The voice in the game is cool, but can get old after a long time of playing. (4/4) Realsports Basketball (Prototype) (DER)- I played this game for two weeks as part of an Atari survey my Dad got in '83 or '84 in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago. The graphics were terrible, and the gameplay wasn't too much better. I suppose it would have been better if I had really good joysticks, or that I should have played it on the two-port version. (2/2) Realsports Football (DER)- This game is just above average. The playbooks are cool, but I can run the same play over and over again and demolish the computer. I don't understand how a player can run around the screen and end up on the other side. (2/2) Realsports Soccer (DER)- I'm a big fan of soccer, and this game is an ok version. It seems that most of the time the other players are out just wandering around. (2/3) Rescue on Fractalus (KI) - The system of fractile geometry which generates the planetary landscape in this game was a gaming first. (5/5) River Raid (BW) - I don't like the jagged river edges, and the stick ruins it for me. (3/4) Space Dungeon (TL) - Berzerk in outer space with a little more meat to it. (4/4) (JJ) - Simply put, this game rules!!!! (5/5) (KI) - Robotron meets Berzerk meets Zelda. A closet classic that begs to be played by everyone. (5/5) Space Invaders (DER)-I know its an older game, but Galaxian and Megamania picked up where this one left off. Gameplay is ok and graphics are weak, but that's what it's like to be an original. (2/2) (KHe)- Not really like the original but kind of fun. The space ship comes out constantly! (3/3) (KI) - Wish they would have left a good thing alone. A failed attempt at sprucing up the original. (2/2) Star Raiders (BW) - Great, even with the 5200 stick! (5/5) (DER)- Predecessor to X-Wing and Wing Commander. Really involved for a 5200 game. It had one of the largest manuals for any game, 40-some pages. (3/5) (KHe)- I guess this is considered to be a "classic", but I just can't get into this game. Yuck! (1/1) Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (EB) - Boring translation of a game that has no good ports (vector to raster). (3/2) Star Wars: The Arcade Game (DM) - After this guy got fired from Atari for Battlezone, he must have went to Parker Bros. Same crappy blocky battlezone graphics ruined this one too. (2/3) (KI) - It looks like the arcade, and it sure sounds like it, too. But it plays nothing like the vector coin-up. (3/2) Super Breakout (KHo)- The 2600 version blows this one out of the water! (1/1) (BW) - How do you rate graphics on Breakout? Of course they're blocky... (4/3) Vanguard (TL) - I liked the 2600 version better but credit is due for a great game like Vanguard. (5/3) (KHe)- Captures the spirit of the original. Sadly, the four fire button arrangement of the original can't be duplicated. I hate how the ship doesn't move easily while firing. (3/3) Wizard of Wor (TL) - Cool Game. Decent graphics (4/4) Xari Arena (Prototype) (DM) - Good marks just based on originality. What a nifty game this was. (4/5) (KI) - If you liked Warlords, you'll absolutely love this prototype. (3/4) Zaxxon (KHo)- Blows away the Colecovision and C-64 versions by a mile! (5/5) Zone Ranger (TL) - Playability is awesome (4/4) 2.5 -- GENERAL INFO, TIDBITS, CHEATS AND EASTER EGGS ----------------------------------------------------- A.E. (Prototype) A prototype that is similar to the Atari computer version, one was recently auctioned off by Best Electronics. Only a precious few are known to exist. Asteroids MIGHT exist as a prototype, but we're still searching for a person who has this game. Bar Room Baseball (Prototype) A prototype exclusively intended for use with the 5200 Arcade Unit, a coin-operated machine which was sold in Latin American countries. Virtually identical to Realsports Baseball with the exception of a timer which restricts games to 3 minutes in length per quarter (credit). Battlezone (Prototype) Very early, and very rough. Berzerk The first console game that had built-in voice without the need for an adapter, Berzerk is virtually a pixel-perfect port of the coin-up. Highly recommended, particularly if you like to be taunted by Evil Otto with phrases like "Chicken, fight like a robot!" An interesting glitch exists in this game that allows you to make Evil Otto (that's Mr. Happy's official name) go the opposite direction from where you are on the screen, but this works only on the left exit. Position your character until he's just about to exit the maze (that is, the next joystick movement to the left will make him leave the maze). Evil Otto will start to bounce towards the right instead of coming after you. If you stand at the exit long enough, Evil Otto will wrap around to the left side of the screen. Whether he kills you when he touches you is uncertain; that wrap-around scenario has not been tested as of yet. This glitch is extremely useful, especially when you want to finish off the robots and Evil Otto comes in sooner than you anticipate. It takes practice to position your character perfectly to make Evil Otto go the other way, but you'll get it with practice. Another tip that can help in mastering the game is the character's neck. Or should I say lack thereof? :-) Seriously, that open space below his head can be useful when facing robots straight to the left or right. If you position the character just right, the robot's lasers will go right through without killing him. It's very tough to master, especially on higher levels when the lasers are traveling at the same speed yours do. And last but not least, it's easier to avoid Evil Otto by going to the left or right exits than to going to the top or bottom. This is due to how Evil Otto bounces when he chases you. Of course, there will be times that the top or bottom exits will be your best retreat. Boogie Demo Cart (Prototype) Plays a continuous "Boogie" tune. One was recently auctioned off by Best Electronics and only a precious few are known to exist. Bounty Bob Strikes Back To transport to another screen, grab the item mentioned, then press and hold the number (stated below) then press start. You will go to the level mentioned. 1. Bob's Morning Calisthetics Flower pot / 1 / start = level 4 2. Utility Hoist Aliens / paint roller / 3 / start = level 22 3. The Suction Tubes Goblet / 4 / start = level 15 5. Jumping 101 Coffee Pot / 8 / start = level 8 10. The Gravity Lift Pitch Fork / 5 / start = level 14 16. Advanced Suction Tubes Tube 1 to left / pie / 9 / start = level 19 26. The End...... "Congratulations, you are an expert! For getting this far, you may start the game at any level you desire by setting special codes 1-25 in the Game Adjustment Screen and then pressing START." At the game adjustment screen, enter one of the following special codes and press * for a few secret messages: 5 6 49 69 100 213 666 782 818 2049 6861 An absolutely brilliant sequel to the classic Miner 2049er. By Bill Hogue. Centipede, Released version Named the best game (covering all systems), best 5200 game and best graphics in a 5200 game in the first annual Videogaming Illustrated "Vista Awards." Centipede, "Killer prototype" (Prototype) Recently discovered, this edition of Centipede is similar to the released version, with the exception being that it's HARD! (as if the released version was easy to begin with). The Centipedes slide down the screen at a frantic pace, and the spiders have even better AI along with faster movement. Cram Cartridge Diagnostic cartridge with automatic turn-on jumper. Defender Second runner-up in the best 5200 game category in the first annual Videogaming Illustrated "Vista Awards." Diagnostic Cartridge Note: There are several revisions of this cart! Football Score 199 points or more without allowing the other team to score more than 3 during a practice game in regulation time. Instead of "Game Over", you will get the message "DESIGNED BY THE WARLORD." In addition, you must score the last touchdown with no time left. Later renamed Realsports Football. Football (for Video System X) Photos of this game, along with the Video System X (the working title of the 5200) were shown in magazines before the 5200 was eventually released. The cart had a completely different label from 5200 Football, and it is not known whether the game is any different from the 5200 version (or if it was just a cart shell mockup, for that matter) Frisky Tom (Prototype) A prototype based on the coin-up game by Nichibutsu, one proto was recently auctioned off by Best Electronics. Only a precious few are in existence. Frogger One had the option of using the keypad buttons to control the direction of Frogger's movement. Press button #2 to hop Frogger forward, button #8 to hop him backward, button #4 to hop Frogger left and button #6 to hop him right. Frogger II: Threedeep! Three distinctly different screens take Frogger on another homeward bound journey, but this time it's underwater, over water, and through the air. As in Frogger, the player can choose to use the keypad buttons to control Frogger. Jr. Pac-Man (Prototype) Just about complete, but it wasn't released commercially. An absolutely phenomenal conversion of the coin-up. THE best version of Pac-Man anywhere. Kaboom! The SuperSystem version is similar to the 2600 edition, but has an added feature which allows two players to take turns playing the Mad Bomber (dropping the bombs), and moving the water buckets (catching the bombs). By Paul Wilson By scoring 1800 or more points in 1 player mode and sending in a picture of the score, the player was awarded the Bucket Brigade Patch from Activision. The Last Starfighter (Prototype) Adapted from the computer Star Raiders II, complete except for the lack of shields. Locomotion Mattel had the rights to this game, but curiously, a box of this game from Atari exists. No word on whether a cart exists. Looney Tunes Hotel (Prototype) Very close to being complete. Meebzork (Prototype) Has a few bugs that cause freezes and black-outs. Millipede (Prototype) Complete. Exceptional port of the coin-up hit. Especially fun with the trackball. Miner 2049er Start a zone. Jump onto the first platform and position Bounty Bob so that no creatures will touch him (do NOT pause game). Hold UPPER red joystick button down while entering Big Five's phone number (2137826861) on the keypad. You will know you did it right because it will immediately restart the zone again when you enter the last digit in the phone number. Congratulations, you now have a way to "warp" to any zone/station in the game! HOW TO USE IT Push the reset button on the joystick and select 1-0 on the keypad for the zone you want to play. (1=zone 1, 2=zone 2...0=zone 10). Now hold the upper red button down while pressing 1-0 on the keypad. This will allow you to select which station to play. You will immediately warp to the selected station! The warping ability will work at *ANY* time during a game! This is extremely useful for getting "unlimited" lives. (HINT: If you die on a level and IMMEDIATELY warp Bounty Bob, the game will keep track of your score, but won't take away a life!) NOTES: Miner is great fun at the difficult levels. Some levels are NOT clearable. After lots of playing, I found that these are the levels that are possible: ZONE STATION ---- ------- 1-8 ALL 9 1-9 10 1-4,8,9 Zone 8/station 10 is the hardest, but *IS* possible. Zone 10/station 4 requires a lot of thinking/strategy to clear. Try it, it's fun! For some reason on Zone 10, Bounty Bob walks very fast and jumps a LOOONG way. This makes certain levels difficult and others impossible. However, on zone 10/station 10, the creatures just move too fast to make it possible to clear. It's a shame, I always wondered what would happen if you cleared it. Miniature Golf (Prototype) Very early in development, with hardly any colors at all. Inferior to the 2600 version in its present form. Mountain King When first starting Mountain King, let it go through the "opening demonstration" where the MK guy jumps/dances to the music and eventually jumps to the top of the hill where the flame is. Once the "show" ends, maneuver the guy to the very bottom where the spider's "cave" is. Stand on top of where the spider comes out. Make the MK guy(does he have a name?) stand on the far right of the cave so that he is mostly balancing in mid air with only his left foot barely touching the top of the cave. (See diagram 1...hopefully it will look right when viewed on your computer.) (1) (2) 0 <- MK guy -|- / \ ___________ _____________0 spider _ _-|- cave _ _/ \ _ _ _________________________ ________________________ Ok, once you have him in position, pull down briefly/slightly (like you were going to make him squat) on the joystick once or twice and the guy should walk PART WAY DOWN the side of the cave and "hang" there. If he goes all the way to the floor, then try it again. (See diagram 2) Now walk to the left. He should fall through/into the cave. Keep going might have to jump to the left to get him to keep moving left. As you're going left, he should fall THROUGH the bottom of the screen. As you are falling, you should see a special message that tells who programmed the game! NOTES: When you do this, there is no way back out. Actually, I think you catch on fire and die. :) This doesn't work right if you don't let the game do the demonstration/music sequence at the beginning. Pac-Man On the Cherry screen, take off to the right and head straight up and into the right-hand tunnel. As you go off-screen, you'll hear a chomp. Pause the game and examine the dots to the left of the starting point. You'll find a missing dot. On the fifth key round, the ghosts start flashing immediately after Pac eats a power pellet, and they don't stop. Unless Pac eats them, they stay in a vulnerable state for the entire round. It doesn't happen in the sixth key round (after the intermission), but does for the seventh key and beyond. You have to be pretty stupid to die accidentally from then on. Named first runner up in the best 5200 game category and best arcade adaptation (all systems) in the first annual Videogaming Illustrated "Vista" Awards. Popeye Missing the Sea Hag found in level 3 of the coin-up. Pursuit of the Pink Panther Originally, slated for an early 1984 release, the lack of adequate supply of ROM chips was blamed by the company as the reason for its cancellation. 2600 and Colecovision editions were also announced but they too never saw the light of day. Q*Bert Invisible Pyramid -- On the first screen, hop down four squares and on to the disc. As soon as the disc turns yellow, press PAUSE and START the game over. Keep pressing the HOP button the whole time you are doing this. When the game starts again, jump down 2 squares to the right, then back 1 square. Jump onto the middle square and then change the colors of the squares opposite the ones on the right. Now hop up to the top square and off to the left onto the invisible pyramid. Quest for Quintana Roo "Help Yucatan Sam explore the dozens of terror filled chambers that create the mystical temple of the Mayan god Quintana Roo. You must use your supplies as well as your cat-like reactions to avoid the sleeping snakes, overcome the mummy's curse, and eliminate the other adversaries while attempting to solve the mystery that will deliver this hidden treasure to you and Yucatan Sam. Do you dare to get involved?" Passwords: Level 2 -- 1830 Level 3 -- 8817 Roadrunner (Prototype) With the exception of missing sound, the game is basically complete. Realsports Basketball (Prototype) Appears to have been scrapped very early. Start the Demo and press the number 5 key for a secret message: "When Running Into the Tropical Entropy Nightly, By Yourself, Project And Try Reaching Into Circles Killed Because All Seems Strange." The first letter of each word spells out -- "Written By Patrick Bass." Also during the demo, the * key toggles the word REALSPORTS on or off. The tones generated by the keypad are actual dialing telephone dialing tones. Try it! :) Realsports Football See Football. Realsports Soccer See Soccer Robotron: 2084 Not as good as the 7800 version, but is actually more enjoyable due to the joystick connector allowing you dual-joystick action like the coin-up. Packaged with the joystick connector. Soccer On par with NASL Soccer for Intellivision. Particularly enjoyable using the trackball controller. Later renamed Realsports Soccer. Space Dungeon The only known home console version of this Taito sleeper coin-up hit. Packaged with a joystick connector which enables dual-joystick control ala Robotron. Spitfire (Prototype) This game is very incomplete. Hardly any gameplay involved, but has some nice graphics Sport Goofy (Prototype) Mostly complete with the exception of a few bugs. Stargate (Prototype) Recently discovered, it is apparently complete. Star Raiders Originally a smash hit on the Atari 400/800 computers, Star Raiders is enshrined in the Electronic Games Magazine Videogame Hall of Fame. Super Cobra A truly awful port of the Konami coin-up. Incredibly difficult. Tank The original (tentative) name of Countermeasure before its release. Who knows, perhaps a prototype of this version exists somewhere! =) Tempest (Prototype???) We're still searching for this one! Toy Bizarre Made it to the C64, but not 5200. Track N Field (Prototype) Complete. Xari Arena (Prototype) A Warlords-type 4-player game. Although unfinished, what's there is quite enjoyable. Xevious (Prototype) Complete as far as we can tell. Yellow Submarine Demo (Prototype) One was recently auctioned off by Best Electronics. Only a precious few are known to exist. 2.6 -- WHAT GAMES WERE COMPATIBLE WITH THE TRACKBALL? ----------------------------------------------------- * -- Trackball recommended # -- Some gamers prefer to play it with the trackball, some don't. X -- Works with the trackball but not recommended. * Centipede # Football/Realsports Football X Galaxian * Millipede * Missile Command Pole Position # Soccer/Realsports Soccer X Space Invaders # Super Breakout 2.7 -- WHAT IS THE 5200 MULTICART AND WHERE CAN I GET ONE? ---------------------------------------------------------- The Atari 5200 multi-cart is a single cartridge with the entire Atari 5200 library on it less one title - Bounty Bob Strikes Back. It comes packaged in a regular 5200 cartridge casing. Very basically it can be looked at as a comparatively inexpensive way to be able to play all the 5200 games. Titles such as Meteorites, Stars Wars Death Star Battle, and others are going to cost you an arm and a leg IF you are able to locate someone with a copy of them, but they are all included on the multi-cart, in their entirety mind you, for one flat-fee. As far as collectability goes, the multi-cart is still being made and will continue to be for the forseable future so it's worth exactly what you pay for it - no more. If you are interested in purchasing one or would like more information about it, you can email Sean Kelly at or check out his homepage at where he has information on it and all the other multi-carts he makes. 3.0) HARDWARE INFORMATION ============================== 3.1 -- HARDWARE KNOWN TO EXIST ------------------------------ NAME COMPANY PRODUCT # RARITY ---- ------- --------- ------ ATARI 5100 (AKA 5200 Jr.) Atari CX 5100 PROTO ATARI 5200 CARRYING CASE Atari ATARI 5200 SUPERSYSTEM (2-Port) Atari CX 5200 ATARI 5200 SUPERSYSTEM (4-Port) Atari CX 5200 ATARI 5200 JOYSTICK Atari CX 52 ATARI 5200 JOYSTICK CONNECTOR Atari C021811 ATARI 5200 TRACK-BALL Atari CX 53 ATARI 5200 TV SWITCHBOX (4-Port)Atari CX-522 ATARI VCS CARTRIDGE ADAPTER Atari CX 55 ATARI VIDEO SYSTEM X Atari PROTO COMPETITION PRO JOYSTICK Coin Controls ER CONTROL GUIDE Entert. Systems ? DUST COVER Classic Covers 20027 FROB, THE FrobCo ? MASTERPLAY INTERFACE Electra Concepts UR SPECTRAVISION 5200 HOTEL UNIT Spectravision UR WICO COMMAND CONTROL JOYSTICK Wico R+ WICO COMMAND CONTROL Wico ER- NUMERIC KEYPAD 3.2 -- HARDWARE BELIEVED NOT TO EXIST ------------------------------------- 7800 CARTRIDGE ADAPTER Atari COMPUTER MODULE Atari FIRE COMMAND JOYSTICK GIM Electronics LASER DISC PLAYER Atari TRIGA ELITE JOYSTICK Electra Concepts VOICE SYNTHESIZER/RECOGNITION MODULE Atari/Milton Bradley 3.3 -- GENERAL HARDWARE TIDBITS ------------------------------- Atari Video System X -- The working title of the 5200 before its release. Actual photos of the VS-X, which looked exactly like the 5200 with the exception of the "Atari Video System X" text on the unit and controllers (instead of "Atari 5200"), were shown throughout the contemporary video gaming magazines during early 1982. 7800 Cartridge Adapter -- Announced but never released. This adapter would have allowed 5200 owners to upgrade to the 7800 without having to purchase the 7800 unit itself (although the difference in cost would have been negligible.) Atari 5100 -- A prototype system that is compatible with the 5200. It was a trimmed down version of the 5200 (much like the 2600jr.). Atari 5200 Carrying Case -- Made of durable plastic and shaped like a suitcase, it can store the console, power supply and two joysticks. Similar to the cases found in Blockbuster for the Virtual Boy, SNES and units. Atari 5200 Joystick Connector -- Allowed dual joystick action for Robotron and Space Dungeon by snapping two 5200 joysticks into this item. Packaged with both Robotron and Space Dungeon. Competition Pro Joystick -- An excellent third party controller, the Competition Pro is micro-switch-based, giving gamers a satisfying "click click" response to any press. Better than the Wico (in my opinion) but harder to find. Control Guide -- A snap on item that converts the standard 5200 joystick to 4-way control. Fire Command Joystick -- Offering a slightly different feel than its non-analog cousin for the 2600, the 5200-compatible version was to feature a y-adapter that must be connected to the keypad for full compatibility (the same holds true for the Wico and Competition Pro joysticks). Could've been a big winner. Frob, The -- Allows you to program 5200 games using the Apple II family of computers. Masterplay Interface -- An item who's usefulness exceeds its actual rarity (UR), the Masterplay is an adapter which allows the use of 2600 joysticks on the 5200. (see also section 6.2) Spectravision 5200 Hotel Unit -- A console that was used in hotels and motels that had a selection switch for television, movies and games. Game boards were able to be added by placing them into a 4-game internal rack. Voice Synthesizer/Recognition Module -- Milton Bradley and Atari were jointly associated with this project, where Milton Bradley was to develop the device while Atari was supposed to develop games for it. However, Atari (wisely) canned the idea shortly thereafter. A module for the 2600 was also in the works. Milton Bradley sued Atari as a result of this breach. Wico Command Control Joystick -- An analog (but self-centering) controller which featured two fire buttons and the ability to calibrate the controls. Came packaged with a y-adapter which enabled the use of the standard joystick keypad functions. Wico Command Control Numeric Keypad -- A stand-alone keypad which substituted for the 5200 joystick keypad functions when used in conjunction with the Wico joystick. Although it featured nine pins, it was only compatible with the Wico controller (a shame). Sold seperately. 4.0) TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS ========================================================= 4.1 -- HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS ------------------------------ CPU: 6502C (8-bit), 1.78 Mhz Memory: 16K RAM Colors: 256, 16 on-screen Resolution: 320x192 Sound: 4-channel Power Supply: 4-Port -- 11.5VDC @ 1.95A 2-Port -- 9.3VDC @ 1.95A Note: Ignore the power supply specs. Both the 4 and 2 port power supplies are functionally identical. As long as it's part #CO18187, it will power either flavor 5200. Have trust in the console's voltage regulators to take care of things. 4.2 -- HARDWARE OVERVIEW ------------------------ The Atari 5200 is essentially a slightly stripped down version of the Atari 8-bit computers (400,800, 130xe, etc.) The functions of the system are divided up between 4 major IC chips: CPU: The CPU in the 5200 is a modfied version of the standard 6502 processor. The only difference is that the Atari version of this processor has some extra hardware that allows the ANITC chip to take over the bus to do Direct Memory Access (DMA). POKEY: POKEY's main job is to generate sound and to perform a variety of other misc funtions. The POKEY has 4 seperate sound channels, the pitch, volume, and distortion values of each of these channels can be controlled individually. This chip is used to read the position of each of the joysticks, and scans the keypad on each controller for keypresses. It's other functions include the random number generator, IRQ handling, and 3 high speed counters. POKEY also has a serial communications port that is connected to the 5200's expansion port. ANTIC: The ANTIC can be thought of as the 5200's graphics co-proccessor. The ANTIC has direct access to RAM where it reads a special program called the display list. The display list tells ANTIC exactly how to draw the display and then sends information to the GTIA which generates the actual video signals. The 5200 supports 17 seperate video modes, some are character modes, others graphic. Each mode has a different combination of vertical size, horizontal size, and number of colors. Using the display list these modes can be mixed freely on a single screen, so for example a screen could have a couple lines of text mode at the top, a block of hi-res graphics in the middle, and more text at the bottom. The location in memory that display data comes from can easily be controlled through ANTIC. The display data can be almost anywhere in memory, and it is even possible for the data for each line to come from totally different places in memory. This allows horizontal and vertical scrolling to implimented very easilly. ANTIC is also responsible for controlling Non-Maskable Interrupt to the processsor. GTIA: The GTIA's main responsibilty is to generate the video signals to the TV and to handle sprites. The GTIA is where the actual colors are put into the video signal. The 5200 has a palette of 256 colors. Most video modes only allow 4 colors, but a facility in the ANTIC chips allows the values of these colors to be changed on each line of the screen, so it is possible to have all 256 colors on screen at once. The 5200 has 4 player and 4 missile sprites. Player sprites are 8 pixels wide and either 128 or 256 pixels high, missiles are 2 pixels wide and either 128 or 256 pixels high. Each sprite can have it's own color, independent from the normal screen colors. The GTIA chip can detect collisions between players, missiles, and the playfield. This chip is also responsible for reading joystick trigger buttons, and controlling which controller is being read by the POKEY. 4.3 -- MEMORY MAP ----------------- Memory map: $0000 - $3FFF Ram $4000 - $BFFF Cartridge ROM $C000 - $C0FF GTIA $D400 - $D5FF ANTIC $E800 - $E8FF POKEY $F800 - $FBFF Character Set ROM $FC00 - $FFFF System ROM 4.4 -- 5200 BIOS ---------------- The 1K BIOS has three functions: (1) To initialize the system, draw the Atari rainbow logo and transfer control to the cartridge. Note: Some cartridges bybass the Atari logo and init the system on thier own. (2) To service interrupts. (3) To maintain RAM copies (shadows) of important hardware registers. 4.5 -- 5200 CONTROLLER PINOUT ----------------------------- Pin Function 1 Keypad -- right column 2 Keypad -- middle column 3 Keypad -- left column 4 Start, Pause, and Reset common 5 Keypad -- third row and Reset 6 Keypad -- second row and Pause 7 Keypad -- top row and Start 8 Keypad -- bottom row 9 Pot common 10 Horizontal pot (POT0, 2, 4, 6) 11 Vertical pot (POT1, 3, 5, 7) 12 5 volts DC 13 Bottom side buttons (TRIG0, 1, 2, 3) 14 Top side buttons 15 0 volts -- ground 4.6 -- 5200 CARTRIDGE SLOT PINOUT --------------------------------- TOP BOTTOM D0 1 36 Interlock D1 2 35 A11 D2 3 34 A12 D3 4 33 A10 D4 5 32 A13 D5 6 31 A9 D6 7 30 Audio In (2 port) D7 8 29 A8 Enable 80-BF 9 28 Not Connected Enable 40-7F 10 27 A7 Not Connected 11 26 +12VDC directly from the power adaptor Ground 12 25 Ground Ground 13 24 Ground (Video In on 2 port) Ground (System Clock 02 on 2 port) 14 23 Ground A6 15 22 A4 A5 16 21 A3 A2 17 20 A1 Interlock 18 19 A0 4.7 -- 5200 EXPANSION PORT PINOUT --------------------------------- TOP BOTTOM +5V DC 1 36 +5V DC Audio Out (2 port) 2 35 Not connected Ground 3 34 Ground R/W Early 4 33 Not connected Enable E0-EF 5 32 D7 D6 6 31 D5 D4 7 30 D3 D2 8 29 D1 D0 9 28 Ground IRQ 10 27 A0 Ground 11 26 A1 Serial Data In 12 25 A2 In Clock 13 24 A3 Serial Out Clock 14 23 A4 Serial Data Out 15 22 A5 Audio In 16 21 A6 A14 17 20 A7 System Clock 01 18 19 A11 4.8 -- WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE 2 PORT AND 4-PORT MODELS? ------------------------------------------------------ The 4-port model comes with an automatic RF switchbox that is not found in the 2-port machine. In addition, most 4-port 5200s cannot use the VCS cartridge adapter without modifications. Several other minor differences exist between the two machines. --- (Taken from ANALOG Magazine) Newer releases of the 5200 incorporate some minor hardware changes. Controller ports 3 and 4 have been eliminated, making POT4 through POT7, TRIG2, TRIG3, and bit 1 of CONSOL useless. A few of the connector pins have been redefined. Pin 2 of the I/O expansion connector now carries POKEY's Audio Out signal. Three pins on the cartridge connector have changed to accomodate the new 2600 adapter. The system clock, 02, is output on pin 14, isolated through a diode. An alternate video input is taken from pin 24 and is also isolated through a diode. Pin 30 provides an alternate audio input. There is space on the newer boards for circuitry for a PAL (European TV standard) version of the 5200. Also, on power- up, the monitor program checks for the PAL version by examining the GTIA register PAL after step 2 of the initialization routine. It also checks the cartridge program for PAL compatibility. The byte at $BFE7 should read $02 if compatible, or $00 if not. This is the only important change to the monitor program. There are some additional hardware changes, but none affects the machine's operation from the programmer's view. 4.9 -- HOW CAN THE 4-PORT BE MODIFIED TO USE THE 2600 CARTRIDGE ADAPTER? --------------------------------------------------------------- Early 5200s that have four joystick ports cannot accept the VCS (2600) adapter unless modifications can be made. However, Best Electronics offers an adapter kit which allows 4-port 5200s to be modified to enable the use of the VCS adapter. *** NOTE -- Owners of 4-port units with an "*" in the serial number are in luck. Atari apparently made a small run of VCS adapter- compatible 4-port units before changing over to the 2-port units. 4.10 -- 2-PORT PRODUCTION MODIFICATIONS --------------------------------------- There are three production modifications to the logic board of the some 2 port 5200s. A number of people have seen these mods on their 5200s (some have not seen them) and the mods appear to have been factory installed. 1. Pin 11 of A5 (GITA) is lifted out of socket. This pin on the GTIA is the trigger 3 input which is unused on the 2 port model. When it is in the socket, is it connected to trigger 1. This mod probably had something to do with the change from 4 ports to 2. 2. Pin 8,9,10,11 of A7 (POKEY) are connected to pin 1 of A7 on the back of the board. This mod connects the paddle 4,5,6,7 inputs to ground. This mod probably has something to do with the change from 4 ports to 2. 3. A wire is run from the feed thru below C94 to A27 pin 1, pin 1 and 2 of A27 are connected together on the back of the board, pin 10 of A15 is lifted, and connected to A27 pin 3. This modification takes the PH1 signal from the processor, inverts it in A27, and connects it to the CAS logic in A15. This modifications alters the timing of CAS to the dynamic ram. 4.11 -- LOGIC BOARD IC CHIP FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------- (Locations refer to the 2 port version, these may be different on the 4 port version) A1 4050 Video signal buffer. A2 CO14806 CPU 6502C This is a custom version of the standard 6502 microprocessor. It is functionally identical to a standard 6502, except that hardware has been added to it to allows the ANTIC chip to do Direct Memory Access (DMA). A3 CO12296 ANTIC This chip is a microprocessor that reads data directly from RAM to determine how the screen should be drawn and controls the GTIA to actually generate the graphics. The ANTIC is also responsible for processing NMI's. A5 CO14805 GITA This chip is responsible for generating the video signal to the TV, generating sprites, reading the joystick trigger buttons, and controling the reading of the joysticks and keypads (the actual reading is done by the POKEY). A6 74LS139 Address decoding. A7 CO12294 POKEY This chip is responsible for generating sound, reading the position of the joysticks, reading the keypad buttons, processing IRQ's, and controlling the serial I/O port which is accessible through the expansion connector. A8 C019156A ROM BIOS This is a 2K ROM chip that holds the character set and the BIOS software. The BIOS initializes the system and to service interrupts. A9,A10,A11 4052 Keypad scanning multiplexers. A14 74LS125 Control signal buffering. A15 74LS51 DRAM control signals A16,A17 74LS258 DRAM address multiplexers A18-A25 MK4516 1X16k DRAM A26 4013 Power on/off switch latch. A27 74LS00 Misc. logic. 4.12 -- DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE 5200 AND 8-BIT COMPUTER ------------------------------------------------------- The 5200 is basically a stripped down Atari computer. It has all the major chips that the computers have with the exception of the PIA chip, but most of the chips are at different memory locations. Here are the differences between the 5200 and the computers: . Memory: The 5200 has a fixed 16K of RAM. Memory locations $00 - $18 and $200 - $21B are reserved for the BIOS to use. . ROM: The BIOS ROM of the 5200 is only 2K instead of 10K. Virtualy none of the computer's BIOS functions are implemented on the 5200. . ANTIC: The 5200 does not have a System Reset key, so bit 5 of NMIST is not used. . GTIA: The trigger inputs, TRIG0 - TRIG3 are connected to the bottom buttons of the controllers. The 5200 does not have Start, Select, or Option buttons, so these lines are used as outputs. Bit 2 of CONSOL enables and disables the joystick pots. Bits 0 and 1 control which keypad controller is being read. This only affects the keypad buttons, and the top trigger buttons. . POKEY: The eight paddle inputs from the computer are now wired to the joysticks, 2 to each stick, one for vertical position and the other for horizontal position. The joysticks are read in the same way that the computer's paddles are read. On the 5200 the KBCODE register bits 1 - 4 hold the scancode from the currently selected keypad controller. Bit 6 of KBCODE is used to read the top button of the controllers instead of the SHIFT key. They also cause the BREAK-key interrupt. The POKEY's serial lines are connected to the expansion connector. . Cartridge: The cartridges can be up to 32K. There are two interlock connectors that are wired together on a cartridge board. The 5200 uses this as a switch for the cartridge's power connections and as a Reset signal. Therefore, a cartridge may be safely removed or inserted while the 5200 is powered on. 4.13 -- CHROMA/LUMA (COMPOSITE) AND AUDIO OUTPUT MODIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------- Difference between 2-port and 4-port consoles: Not surprisingly, there are very few appreciable differences between the 2-port and 4-port variations of the Atari 5200. For the purposes of this article, they are considered to be identical. Where to get signals: Most of the components do not have visible labels on the board's silkscreen, so giving component numbers is not useful. In the upper right corner of the area of the board that's covered by the shielding, there is a horizontal row of components. o o o o o o o o o o o o | | | | | | | | | | | | C R3 R2 R1 D R R R R R R R | | | | | | | | | | | | o o o o o o o o o o o o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | `-Chroma | | | | `----Luma 1 | | | `-------Sync | | `----------Luma 0 | `-------------Luma 2 `----------------Luma 3 There is a row of components to the right of the GTIA (CO14805) and below a cluster of inductors and transistors. o o o o o o o o o o o | | | | | | | | | | | R40 R R R R R C R R C C | | | | | | | | | | | o o o o o o o o o o o ^ `--Audio Luma output: The Luma signal needs amplification to be useful. After probing around on an Atari 800 (a close relative to the 5200 that conveniently has Chroma/Luma outputs built in), I realized the amplifier circuit they used is remarkably similar to the one attributed to Thomas Clancy in the Classic Atari 2600/5200/7800 Game Systems FAQ for the Atari 2600. Rather than try to copy the circuit in the Atari 800 or design one from scratch, I decided to use the one given there. The only significant difference is the addition of another level of luminance. Materials needed: 100uF capacitor 10uF capacitor 10 ohm (2)75 ohm - an 82 ohm works well (RS 271-1107) 750 ohm 1.6 kohm 2 kohm 4.7 kohm 9.1 kohm 18 kohm 36 kohm CR - low power silicon diode (RS 276-1122) Q - 3904 or equivalent (RS 276-2016) RCA jack o+5V | | + |---|(----, | 100uF | | \/ GND | | 10uf |---/\/\/---,--|(--, CR1 750 1.6K | 10 | + | Sync --|<]--/\/\/-, ,-/\/\/-` | \/ GND 4.7K | | ___/-------` Luma 3 ---/\/\/-----| | Q /|/c\ 9.1K |--|------(b| ) RCA jack Luma 2 ---/\/\/-----| | \|\e/ 75 __ 18K | | \-----,---/\/\/-----O__ LUMA Luma 1 ---/\/\/-----| | 2K | | OUTPUT 36K | `-/\/\/----/\/\/--` GND \/ Luma 0 ---/\/\/-----` | 75 GND \/ Chroma output: In my experience, the 5200's chroma signal is sufficiently strong that it can be used without amplification. On my own 5200, I ran the chroma through a 2kohm resistor to "take the edge off," then a 1uF capacitor to filter the DC voltage off. Play around with the resistance there to find what suits you. RCA jack 2k 1uF __ Chroma ---/\/\/---|(-----------------------------------O__ CHROMA | OUTPUT GND \/ Audio output: This is just a capacitor to filter out the DC voltage. RCA jack 1uF __ Audio ------|(-----------------------------------------O__ AUDIO | OUTPUT GND \/ Composite video output: To gain composite output, just tie the Luma and Chroma outputs together into a single output. Where to put it: I mounted the circuits on a small project board from Radio Shack, tapping into the appropriate points on the 5200 board with a length of ribbon cable. I then tucked the board into the controller storage space at the back of the console and ran the output signals to three RCA jacks I had mounted in the removable expansion interface cover. That way the only permanently modified/damaged piece (the cover) is also one that is easily replaced. 5.0) HARDWARE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR GUIDE ============================================= 5.1 -- CONSOLE -------------- Coming Soon! 5.2 -- CONTROLLERS ------------------ 5.21 -- CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE -------------------------------- Atari 5200 controller buttons, mainly the fire and start/pause/reset buttons, wear out prematurely, either by repeated use or by periods of non-use. Here's the easy way to (temporarily) fix the 5200 controller buttons. The buttons work by pressing a carbon coated disk against a set of printed circuits. The two circuits are interweaved and a connection is made when the carbon touches both traces. The traces look like this: |----- | | ------| |------ | | ------| The carbon coated disks are located on the underside of the rubber buttons you press. What makes them quit working is the exposed circuit traces corrode and get dirty, not allowing the connection to be made. This is especially true if the controllers are stored for some time in a damp place (or just unused for a long amount of time) (or especially if you spill pop on them :). The quick way to fix them is to clean the traces. This can be done by rubbing (gently!) with a pencil eraser until shiny clean. This will remedy the situation, but they will soon corrode again, depending on use. (some versions of the controllers used different coatings on the traces to avoid this, but these only slightly prolonged the life of the buttons; I haven't seen any that don't need some periodic cleaning). To open the controller to clean, follow these steps exactly: 1) With a small screwdriver, pry up the bezel surrounding the start/pause/reset buttons. Remove the rubber buttons if they didn't come out with the bezel. Now peel the printed circuit off the plastic case; it's just glued onto it. Lift the right side, as the left side has connections into the controller. Do not rip or remove the circuit, just un-glue it from the case. 2) Remove the three screws from the bottom of the case. Center the joystick, and leave it there. Now separate the case halves, by opening starting at the start/pause/reset end. The other end is pressed together; it will snap apart as you separate the cases. Don't move the potentiometers in the bottom of the case for the stick won't mate back up when you put it back together. 3) Remove the fire buttons and their bezels. Now the traces for the fire buttons are exposed. Clean them by rubbing with eraser. Wipe off with a clean napkin or similar afterwards. 4) Place the fire buttons and their bezels into the lower half of the case. Guide the start/pause/reset circuit up through the upper case half where it belongs, and bring the two halves together. By centering the stick before placing the halves together, it's receptacle will automatically fit into the bottom of the case, and the two directional axis plates will automatically hook up with the potentiometers. It's best to place the number keypad end together loosely first, as this will allow peering into the joystick end as it goes together to make sure everything lines up. The end of the joystick has to go into the hole in the bottom case, and the posts on the two arms on the potentiometers have to go into their respective holes on the plates in the upper case. After together, make sure the stick moves in all directions freely and completely. If so, replace the three screws. 5) Re-stick the start/pause/reset circuit to the case, then clean these traces as described above. Replace the buttons and the bezel. You can also clean the keypad traces while it's apart; they don't seem to get used as much, so will usually work alot longer. The flex circuits with the traces on them are fragile, so be gentle around them. A hairline crack in a trace can cause certain buttons not to work at all. These cracks can be repaired by soldering a bridge over the crack. Careful, the flex circuit melts much before the solder does! The permanent way to fix these buttons is by soldering sealed, surface mount micro-pushbutton switches onto the circuits. This not only makes the buttons ALWAYS work, but also gives them a 'snap' action, compared to the mushy feel of the original buttons. The switches I use are small enough to fit under the original rubber buttons, so except for them working and feeling different, you can't tell from the outside that any change has been made. If anyone is interested in having their sticks retro fitted with these superior buttons, let me know. 5.22 -- REPLACING AND REPAIRING THE 5200 JOYSTICK ------------------------------------------------- One of the most "beat upon" parts of the joystick are the "fire" buttons. Good news is that they can be replaced easily. First you will need to order replacement parts. I recommend replacing all the internal parts except for the pots (unless you experience specific difficulty with them). Best Electronics offers the Following: SPARE PARTS Description Quantity per joystick Part # $$$ ----------- --------------------- ------ --- Fire Buttons 2 (provides 4 buttons) CO20501 $2.00 Start, Pause, Reset 1 CO18128 $2.50 Buttons Numeric Keypad 1 CO18126 $2.50 Internal Flex Circuit 1 CO18124 $2.50 Controller Boot 1 CO21084 $0.50 Boot Retaining Ring 1 CO18116 $0.20 Total per joystick 7 $10.20 What Now?? 1. Use a knife to remove the plastic bezel containing the Start, Pause & Reset buttons. 2. Remove the 3 screws holding the joystick together. 3. Use a screwdriver, at the base, to separate the 2 halves of the joystick. 4. Remove the Fire buttons from each side, making sure to save the plastic bezel that holds them in. (you'll need this when installing the new Fire buttons). 5. Remove the old Flex Circuit. It was probably attached with double- sided tape. Replace this tape when installing the new FC. First make certain the new FC fits well then add the tape. Don't put the tape over the top of the Flex Circuit. We're trying to make a connection between the button and the circuit board. 6. Replace the Fire buttons mounted in their plastic bezels 7. Center the Numeric keypad ontop of the Flex Circuit. Use the top half of the joystick to estimate where it should fit. Also use the guide pegs that align the FC into place. 8. Before reattaching the joystick make sure the pots are oriented correctly so that you maximize the chance that the stick will line up properly. The correct position of the pots are: Top pot peg positioned at 10 o'clock Bottom pot peg positioned at 6 o'clock. 9. Reattach the top half of the joystick. Make sure you feed the Flex Circuit for the S,P,R buttons through the slot on the left. Also make sure the joystick handle fits into the cup in between the 2 pots. 10. Before replacing the screws in the bottom, slowly move the joystick handle around to see if it "feels" like its in place. 11. If it feels good, replace the screws. How do I tell if it is lined up properly? Play a game like Missile Command or any game that features up/down movement as well as side-to-side. If one or more directions fail you will need to reopen the joystick and follow from instruction #8 above. 6.0) ALTERNATIVES TO THE STANDARD 5200 CONTROLLER ==================================================== 5200 gamers, rejoice! For individuals who have long suffered at the hands of the unreliable and imprecise standard 5200 controller, there are now a slew of alternatives that are mentioned below. 6.1 -- THIRD PARTY JOYSTICKS ---------------------------- Wico Command Control Joystick (Wico) A decent replacement to the original controllers, the Wico is an analog stick which comes with a Y-cable which enables the 5200 joystick to be used for the keypad functions. Competition Pro Joystick (by Coin Controls) An excellent alternative to the standard 5200 joystick, this controller is a ball-handled microswitch joystick which offers tremendous feel and control for most games. Highly recommended. 6.2 -- MASTERPLAY INTERFACE (By Electra Concepts) ------------------------------------------------- This is THE device to have for any collector or die-hard game player. The handy plug-in unit allows 5200 owners to replace the system's analog joystick with any number of 2600-compatible, digital joysticks. In addition, the Interface features a slide switch so that a digital joystick can be used in either a remote 'start' mode or a 'fire' model depending upon the game. A second slide switch lets you keep the unit permanently connected to the console so that the analog controller functions, including the use of the keyboard portion by itself, can be accomplished simply and easily. The Masterplay Interface came packaged with a second fire button for games that require it. This button can either be taped or velcroed to the 2600 joystick. 6.3 -- BUILD YOUR OWN 2600 JOYSTICK ADAPTER ------------------------------------------- Materials needed Radio Shack part # * (2) 1 kohm resistor 271-1321 (includes 5) * (2) PNP 3906 transistor or similiar 276-1604 (includes 15) * (2) silicon diodes 276-1122 (includes 10) * (1) 9-position male D-sub connector 276-1537 * (2) approximately 250 kohm resistor These are to be used to define the stick's center position. Exactly 250 kohm isn't necessary. Stacking a 220 kohm resistor (RS #271-1350) with a 22 kohm resistor (RS #271-1339) works well enough. Stacking a 220 kohm with a 33 kohm (RS #271-1341) also works well. * (1) 15-position female D-sub connector Best Electronics has these, but Radio Shack doesn't to have anything like it in their retail stores. FWIW, I've used a six-foot PC joystick extension cable, which has many benefits. Not only does relieve you of the four-foot tether of the standard controllers (room to stretch your legs!), but the cable has both the male and female connectors. By hacking off the male end along with about six inches of the cable, you can make a Y-adapter that pipes the keypad/function key stuff (pins 1-8) to a regular controller, and the joystick-related stuff (pins 9-15) to this thing. Schematic 5200 port 2600 stick --------- ---------- pin 12 +5V------------------------pin 7 +5V Not entirely necessary unless you're using a rapidfire stick/adapter pin 15 Ground---------------------pin 8 Ground pin 13 Bottom Fire----------------pin 6 Fire pin 14 Top Fire-------------------pin 9 For compatibility with most Genesis pads. pin 10 H-pot---------->|----------pin 4 East Duplicate all this for | | diode the vertical control / | circuit. Mentally ~250\ | substitute the kohm/ | following pin numbers: \ |__ Port pin 10-->11 | \ 1 kohm Stick pin 3-->1 | PNP \|___/\/\/\__pin 3 West Stick pin 4-->2 | 3906 ^| Pin 9 Pot__|_______/ Common Function * Pushing east on the stick grounds the horizontal circuit, mimicking the effect of infinite resistance between pot common and H-pot. * Pushing west causes a short circuit between pot common and H-pot, i.e. zero resistance. * The fire button works exactly like it does on the regular 5200 controller. * If you're using a Genesis controller, button B functions as the bottom fire button, and button C as the top. Good Things ----------- * No more problems with games that were unplayable with your crummy non-centering 5200 sticks. * Cheap! I've spent less than eleven dollars on the raw materials for one of these, including some rather fancy touches (Y-adapter, switchable analog stick, etc.) * It should work with every 2600 joystick there is. I've tested it with my mechanical switch sticks, my Genesis-to-7800 pad, my NES-to-7800 pad, and my 2600 remote control sticks, and they all work peachy-keen. Bad Things ---------- * 2600 sticks don't have two fire buttons. If you want, you can glue an extra fire button onto your 2600-compatible stick of choice. Just wire it up between port pins 14 and 15. * Won't work with games that require the analog capabilities of the 5200 stick, like Missile Command. A few other games like Centipede and Galaxian make limited use of the analog-osity of the regular stick by giving two movement speeds depending on how far you push the stick. With the adapter, you can only get the fastest speed. It's not a huge handicap, but it's probably worth mentioning. * Neither this adapter nor the Masterplay interface gets along well with three particular games: Qix, Vanguard, and Ms. Pac-Man. There are others, but I haven't gotten around to trying it on all the games yet. They will respond to pushing east (or south) on the stick as if you're pushing west (or north). No real clue exactly why this happens, but you may be able to make them work by starting up a game, thrashing the digital stick around until the game behaves itself, then starting a new game. It might work work for you, and it might not. YMMV. 6.4 -- PC JOYSTICK TO 5200 ADAPTER ---------------------------------- Brian Holscher Yes, you can build an adapter Y-cable for the 5200 to allow one to use a PC analog joystick. You plug the Atari 5200 controller into one connecter to use its keypad. You plug a PC joystick into the other connecter for movement and buttons. Great for Star Raiders and Galaxian. OK for Super Breakout if you have a steady hand. How to Connect a PC Joystick to an Atari 5200 System. (Revision 1.0) 5/24/96 This is an adapter for connecting a PC joystick to an Atari 5200. Its a small cable with two 15 pin connectors on one end and one 15 pin connector on the other. The single connector end plugs into the A5200. One the other end, one connector is for a PC joystick and the other is for an Atari 5200 controller. The keypad and top row buttons are used on the 5200 controller as usual. The PC joystick replaces the A5200 direction control and fire buttons. Any PC compatible joystick will work, but some PC compatible joystick are digital instead of analog. These seem mostly the joypad variety. You can still use digital joysticks, but some games will not work. Super Breakout is the big one that is impossible to play with a digital PC joystick (Well you can, but the paddle can only be all the way left, all the way right, or in the middle). Games like Pacman and Defender play no different with a digital PC joystick. However, I have noticed, that games like Galaxian and Star Raiders play better with an analog joystick. For example the ship in Galaxian has two speeds in each direction. Moving the stick a little to the left will move the ship slowly to the left and moving the stick all the way to the left will move the ship at a faster speed. So these games are still playable with a digital joystick but won't have the same feel as an analog joystick. For the serious gamers, I would recommend an analog joystick with trimmer controls. The trimmers allow optimum sensitivity adjustment and as a bonus you can play Super Breakout with just the trimmer control. There's one from Quickshot called the Warrior 5 that is only $10. If you have a joystick without trimmers like the Thrustmaster, it still works, but it seems more sensitive in one direction than another. This can be fixed by playing with different capacitor values. Some of you may be wondering about calibration. I can't confirm this, but from my observations, there is some auto calibration going on. For example, I put in Galaxian, and press start. My ship starts moving right even though I'm in the neutral position. However, If I move all the way left and all the way right, the ship always stops when I'm in neutral position. I have observed this behavior with my adapter as well as the Atari 5200 controller. I have also been asked about the Gravis PC Gamepad. I don't know for sure, but I believe the Gravis PC Gamepad is digital. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong. If it is, it comes under the same restrictions discussed above. If anybody is interested in making these adapters to sell, you have my permission. All I ask is that somewhere you give me credit for the design. Now the Disclaimer. I am not responsible for: 1. Any damage done to your A5200 2. Any damage done to your PC Joystick. 3. Any errors in these instructions or schematic. I'm not going to give step by step instructions. I'm going to assume that the reader has some basic knowledge of electronics and can figure out what to do with the schematics and info presented here. I will, however, answer questions if asked. Now that I covered my backside, here is how to do it: Parts List: 2 15 pin Female Sub-miniature D connectors 2 15 pin Male Sub-miniature D connector 2 .22uF Ceramic Capacitors 1 ~1 ft. 15 pin cable Schematic: ________ ________ | | | | | 1 1 |_________________________| 1 1 | | 5 | | 5 | | 2 |_________________________| 2 | | P | | P | A5200 | I 3 |_________________________| 3 I | Controller A5200 | N | | N | | 4 |_________________________| 4 | No connection | F | | M | on pins 9-15 | E 5 |_________________________| 5 A | | M | | L | | A 6 |_________________________| 6 E | | L | | | | E 7 |_________________________| 7 C | | | | O | | C 8 |_________________________| 8 N | | O | |________| | N | | | | | | | | | ________ | | | | | 13|_________________________| 2 1 | | | | 5 | | 14|_________________________| 7 | | | | P | PC | 9 |_________________________| 1 I | Joystick | | | N | | 10|_____x___________________| 3 | No connection | | | | F | on pins 5, 8-15 | 11|_____|_________x_________| 6 E | | | | | | M | | | _|_ _|_ | A | | | ___ ___ | L | | | | .22uF | .22uF | E | | | | | | | | 15|_____x_________x_________| 4 C | | | | O | | | Gnd | N | |________| |________| Notes: 1. Wire up one end of the cable to a 15 pin female connector. This will be the connector that goes to the A5200. Wire the other two connectors to the other end of the cable. 2. The value of the capacitors is not critical. If the PC joystick has a trimmer, a slightly smaller or larger value should work. 3. The type of capacitor is not important. If polarized caps are used, connect the negative leads to the 15---4 wire. 4. Because of the A5200 joystick connector is so deep, using a clam shell cover for this adapter connector makes it very loose. I recommend heat shrink tubing or electrical tape on this end. 6.5 -- STANDARD ATARI 5200 JOYSTICK WITH MICROSWITCH-FITTED FIRE BUTTONS ----------------------------------------------------------- Finally a trouble free controller for the atari 5200!! These are the original atari units, with sealed, micro-push button switches fitted in all 4 fire buttons plus the start/pause/reset buttons. These replacement switches not only avoid the failures common to the atari resistance type switches, but provide a tactile 'click' which makes the buttons much more responsive. No cosmetic differences noticeable from outside. After working on several of these, and getting several requests for pinouts, here's a semi-schematic, textual description of the controllers. I've heard a PC type controller can be wired to work the stick, but then youv'e got 19 buttons to put somewhere! --------------------------------- \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 / \ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 / ----------------------------- This pinout is looking at the controller (female) end of a 5200 controller. The switches are arranged in a matrix, as shown in the diagram below. Any wire pair (1 horizontal, 1 vertical) passing through a key are the two wires that the switch must close. All the switches in the 5200 controller are normally open. (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (9) | | | | | | S---1---2---3---(2) LUF---RUF---(10) | | | | | | P---4---5---6---(3) LLF---RLF---(11) | | | | R---7---8---9---(4) S: start | | | P: pause *---0---#---(1) R: reset L|R U|L F: left|right upper|lower fire The potientometers used for the stick are regular, 270 degree 3 terminal pots. (some models had pots limited to about 40 degrees of movement, but standard pots will work regardless). The pots used have a nominal resistance of 500K ohms, I checked several and found some to be nearer to 600K. Anything from 500 to 600K should work. The pots are arranged so X and Y movement rotates the pot about 20 degrees off center for each positive and negaltive movement. The remaining wires are connected to the pots so the following happens. (15) and (14) are connected to the X pot so at center, the difference between them os ~250K ohms. At the full +X position, ~450K ohms. At full -X position, ~10K ohms. Again, I checked several, and all readings varied about 100K ohms at any position, so these not need be exactally reproduced. As the 5200 does a A to D conversion, it probably compares the starting (center) position to an offset position, and calculates movement off that regardless what the actual ohm value is at any position. (13) and (15) go to the Y pot, again at center ~250K, but at full +Y ~10K, and at full -Y ~450K. Note that with this info, you could easily adapt a set of =DFpaddle controllers to operate the Y movement in the 5200 (for super breakout, etc.). Or you could just use your trak-ball! 7.0) ATARI 5200 EMULATORS ============================ 7.1 -- VSS (A.K.A. "Virtual SuperSystem") ----------------------------------------- Dan Boris's Emulator Page VSS (Virtual SuperSystem) is a newly-released *FREE* Atari 5200 SuperSystem emulator for MSDOS. The current version runs about 75% of the ROM images I have almost flawlessly, and at a reasonable speed even on a 486 DX2/66. On a Pentium system the emulator gets close to, or better than full speed on a lot of games. To use the emulator you will need a copy of the 5200's 2K BIOS ROM, and 5200 ROM cart images. Some of the games that I have found to run almost perfectly are: Pac-Man, Ms.Pac-Man, K-Razy Shootout, Frogger, Frogger II, Jungle Hunt, Astrochase, Berzerk, Blue Print, Centipede, Defender, Gorf, Gremlins, Kaboom, Missile Command and Zaxxon. The current version of the emulator (V0.50) supports: * 16K or 32K ROM images * 1 joystick emulated through the keyboard or mouse (for analog games) * All keypad and trigger buttons on controller are emulated. * Configurable frame rate * Integrated debugger and disassembler. Unlike Pokey or Rainbow, this one is a dedicated 5200-only emulator. 7.2 -- RAINBOW -------------- Rainbow Emulator Page Rainbow is an Atari 8-Bit Emulator that allows Atari 8-bit Computer and 5200 software to run on the Macintosh or Windows95/NT. Currently, only a preview demo is downloadable for Win95/NT, with the shareware version expected momentarily. A full shareware version for the Macintosh has been available for some time. Here's a quick list of key features in the full shareware version: * Accepts 16K and 32K ROMs for 5200. * Fast full and medium screen displays. * True 256 Atari colors. * Full ANTIC/GTIA graphics, namely all ANTIC modes, Player/Missile Graphics, fine scrolling and Display List interrupts. * Four joysticks (via keypad) and four paddles (using mouse) 7.3 -- POKEY ------------ Pokey Emulator Page Pokey, like Rainbow, is a *FREE* Atari Computer emulator for DOS that can also emulate the 5200 if you have the 5200's 2K BIOS ROM. It is currently in its early stages of development but shows promise. Present Pokey features: * 320 X 200 screen (scrollable) or Mode X (320 X 240 or 360 X 240) * Supports two PC joysticks (swapple on the fly or upon loading) * DLI and VBI supported. * All ANTIC modes. * Player-missile graphics with collision detection * GTIA graphics * Horizontal and vertical fine scrolling * System monitor. 8.0) ELECTRONIC RESOURCES, BOOKS AND MAGAZINES ================================================= 8.1 -- INTERNET RESOURCES ------------------------- 8.11 -- WORLD WIDE WEB PAGES ---------------------------- -- Atari Gaming Headquarters A complete online Atari resource. -- 5200 Instruction Manual Archive 5200 Instruction Manuals in ASCII format. -- 5200 SuperSystem Homepage Your one stop resource for 5200 information. Home of the 5200 FAQ and rarity list. -- History of Home Videogames Homepage A comprehensive look at all the significant home videogame systems, from past to present. -- Pete's Vintage/Classic Games Includes coverage of the 5200, as well as a section on how to build your own arcade-quality joystick for the 5200! -- Dan Boris' Home Page The man behind VSS -- the 5200 SuperSystem emulator. 8.12 -- USENET NEWSGROUPS ------------------------- -- Discussion about any and all classic (pre-NES) game hardware and software. -- Discussion about any and all classic (pre-NES) game hardware and software. Does not have very much traffic. -- A videogame newsgroup which is dedicated to those who wish to buy and sell games. RGVM is not limited strictly to classic systems. 8.13 -- IRC (INTERNET RELAY CHAT) --------------------------------- -- #RGVC #RGVC is the official IRC channel of the newsgroup, and was created in February, 1996 for people who enjoy classic games to chat about more or less anything, in a real time environment. There are usually people around 24 hours a day, so drop in and say hello anytime! If you're curious about learning more about the channel, point your browser to: You'll find info about #rgvc's origin, some of the people who visit there, and lots of other cool stuff. 8.14 -- FTP SITES ----------------- need help here... 8.2 -- BOOKS AND PERIODICALS ---------------------------- "Phoenix: The Fall and Rise of Home Videogames", by Leonard Herman. Rolenta Press, PO Box 3814, Union, NJ 07083-1891. A MUST READ for those who would like to learn about the history of home videogames, from its very inception to the present. Classic Books and Periodicals List. Maintained by Lee Seitz An excellent index of reference materials! Atari Age Magazine An official magazine of the Atari club and published by Atari, this publication had 11 bi-monthly issues from May of 1982 until April 1984. Similar to Nintendo Power in that it was basically a means for Atari to promote their products while at the same time providing readers with Atari news, articles and strategies. 9.0) ATARI 5200 DEALERS ========================== If you would like to be mentioned here, please drop me a line. DEALERS ------- Best Electronics 2021 The Alameda, Suite 290, San Jose, CA 95126-1127 (408) 243-6950 Flashback 4619 E. Thomas, Phoenix, AZ 85018 (602) 957-4654 FMH Games P.O. Box 493, Chesterland, OH 44026-0493 (206) 729-0761 JerryG Visionaries 14700 NW Bonneville Loop, Beaverton, OR 97006 Ben Johnson 5024 156th Ave. SE, Bellevue, WA 98006-3629 Sean Kelly 5789 N. Milwaukee, Chicago, IL 60646 (718) 583-1552 Steve Reed Steven Tucker 9897 Yolk Road, N.Royalton, OH 44133 (216) 237-5308 Telegames Box 901, Lancaster, TX 75146 (214) 228-0690 Then Games (Scott Stone and Mark Terry) (802) 893-3004 Video 61 22735 Kongo St. NE, Stacy, MN 55079 (612) 462-2500 PRIVATE COLLECTORS ------------------ John Hardie 90 Judith Lane, Valley Stream, NY 11580 (516) 568-9768 Keita Iida, 180 Halstead Ave. #2H, Harrison, NY 10528 (914) 835-4069