History of modification Big Atari 8bit Home Page

Greetings to The Gatekeeper! Idea of this page is stolen from his "The Atari 8-Bit Home Page". Forgive me, Ivo! :-)
I've read in FAQ list that there isn't any WWW Atari 8bit page. So, I've quick done small page to be first. It was extremely poor, only header and one sentence. Unfortunatelly, this FAQ list was rather old (from April), and now I know that my page was 4th :-(

Then I expanded my page. I've found nice Atari logo. I've done links to other WWW pages, FTP servers, FreeNet and Newsgroup comp.sys.atari.8bit. I've also added FAQ list by Michael Current. Unfortunatelly nothing my own.

Some changes in FTP services. Added one server, removed another one. New version of FAQ list (I won't place information about every update its here. It is first and last time).

Better Atari logo (higher resolution) - about one hour of work... I've also added date of last modification. Surprise: it was "30-August-94"!

I've done BOT, so I create channel, so I'm telling you about it: "Added information about Internet Relay Chat and our channel on it."

Added description of Atari 8bit DOSes and results of Shadows Copy Party's competitions (I was very surprised that there was Atari 8bit copy party in my country!).

More changes! New version of FAQ list (OK, it's the last time), also added Ven/Dev list and date of the creation my page. Last, (but not least, of cource) added this history file.

Because Atari 8bit languages aren't worse than DOSes, I've just added description of them. It would be expanded! Other descriptions also would be developed.

I've just got this fantastic file: "Atari System Reference Manual" and I've added it immediately! You'll spend some time on reading this document, but it is worth it, for sure!

Small change in "Reference manual". I've split it to separated chapters. There is also index of these parts. If you want to get this document in oryginal form, just download it from the Archive!

I've added page with statistic information. I think that it is very small, for now, but when I was doing this history page, I thought the same!

Big change of design of my Big Atari 8bit Home Page. Don't read history of this page, look for it!

I've included quite long description of the Atari Basic instructions. It isn't modification of Home Page really, but modification of Atari pages for sure. Now, when Home Page has got new design, it won't be often changed.

I've realized "Gallery of the famous Atarians". It will be incresed in future, I hope. I've also done "Hot Topics" page for easy access to pages which I advice to see.

Quite small change. I've added link to the hypertext version of the FAQ list by Michael Current. It is very useful, because it is splitted into separated chapters and has got links to other WWW, FTP, USENET resources.

Oh no! Troubles with nic.switch.ch site! I have to change link and remove this server from my FTP list. My favorite server! :-(

I've included link to The Central Atari Information Network (CAIN). I've also updated usage statistics of my Atari pages (November requests) and changed a little page with FTP sites.

Some changes on "other WWW pages" page. Added link to the BRiTiSH'es page and updated link to the Gatekeeper's one. Also small surprise...

13-January-95 (!)
New document! Atari 8-bit Hardware Review! Are you able to find it? OK, look at the "Hot Topics"! Also new version of the Bill's "Emulator..." FAQ.

New FAQ available! It's "The Atari 8-bit Hardware Upgrade, Modification and Add-On FAQ" by David A. Paterson. Also updated: FTP page and DOSes' description page.

New service created! It is small files archive. I hope it'll be useful.

New page and some new stuff on the file server. They are generated by last copy party in the Orneta which I was on.

Have you noticed that Big Atari 8bit Home Page has over one year? I have almost forgot about it!

Invitation for new Copy Party in Poland (created and included).

As usual on December, Christmas greetings included. One week earlier then last year...

Report from last polish copy party - Atari Silesian Open, Mikolow 95. Late a little, I agree.

Introduced new Copy Party in Orneta. Also added three nice balls on the main page (some more design changes are planned).

Some more changes... Removed link about new Internet tariff in Poland. Two pages reconstructed a little - I hope you won't be confused. Added descriptions of few demos (of three demos at the moment, but more are expected). XE_BOT is again not on the channel so it is notified on the IRC page. Did I miss something? I hope I didn't... BTW, don't forget that tomorrow begins Orneta '96 copy party. Expect some fresh stuff in a few days!

Many changes caused by Orneta '96 Copy Party. Some stuff included on the Local File Server page. Pretty long report written.

Detailed results of all Orneta '96 competitions presented at last.

Local File Server configured a little - I hope it's end of troubles with binary files going onto screen. Also added accesses counter.

On May 27th I warned you about planned design changes. Here they are! I've been working on them for few days, but finished it at last. Enjoy!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! No bigger changes last time, I agree. I hope I'll prepare something new during Christmas. I have several interesting ideas...

Yes, it's another year of this page... What changes? "Cobra Team Official Page" added to demo-scene page (reorganized a little). Also included info about coming Rush Hours Copy Party. Two new programs on File Server page. Small correction in Orneta '96 competitions results (have you noticed bug?). OK, I think its enough for today...

Short info about Rush Hours Copy Party.

New pages! "Unlimited Charts" - available from "Demo-scene page" and photos from Orneta '95 Copy Party - available from "Hypermedia pages". Some HIP stuff placed on the "File Server" page.

"Hot topics" reorganized a little.

Reports from Intel Outside and QuaST copy parties added to demo-scene page.

One more DOS (BW-DOS by Bewesoft) described on "DOSes for Atari 8bit" page. It's contribution from Sven Gleich. Please, send me more!

One link added to "Other pages" collection. Report from Gravity copy party added. Report from Intel Outside modified a little - results of the competitions added.

Results of the competitions from Orneta '97 copy party enhanced - to final form, I hope.