Whats It All About ?
(Last Updated August 31, 1997)

A list of the most common questions I get asked.........


As far as I know, "Beyond The Black Stump" is an Australian expression which means "remoteness". It generally indicates something is a long way away and in the middle of nowhere (in the boondocks?)
Apparently there was a telephone exchange in the Merriwagga/Griffith area called Black Stump and legend has it that in 1886 a woman named Barbara Blair was incinerated in a bushfire. When her husband returned he found her charred remains and sadly described her form as resembling a black stump and the name stuck.
I've also read somewhere that the The Black Stump Hotel located in Merriwagga was the original "Black Stump".
I've also been asked a few times if it's affiliated or associated with Nevil Shute's book of similar name. The answer is no, not in any way. In fact, having been asked so many times, I decided to go buy the book - it's now out of print with little likelihood of a reprint anytime soon. But I have since found it in a second-hand shop, so I'll get to read it one day.


It started life as most sites do, as an experiment with HTML coding and consisting of my bookmarks. It was originally called "Garriga's World Wide Whoopee Home Page" (yuk!), and then "Garriga's WWWorld" and finally "Beyond....The Black Stump". It still exists in various directories under all of those names although it's over 16 months since the names changed to the current form.
When I settled on the new name, I wanted to remove my name from the site so it didn't appear quite so personal and I wanted it to be, and sound, Australian without being too colloquial (i.e. G'day mate etc).


The site is essentially a reference site to things I find interesting presented in a way that (hopefully) makes resources quick to load (not many graphics!) and find. I also hope that others find the sites listed interesting enough to keep coming back. I detest sites with huge graphics which take forever to load. (so don't suggest sites with a graphic on the home page which takes 10 minutes to load....)


Chris Hills generally helps me out by scanning Usenet for appropriate links an emailing them to me. I think Chris is my main "Promoter" also, suggesting to other sites that they link back to "Beyond....The Black Stump". I have an idea that many of the "awards" the site has won has been the result of Chris telling people about the site.
Adam Todd also helps out in a big way by providing a home for blackstump.com.au at no cost to me and he's been the only one willing to run the Black Stump Search Engine. So, if you like the Black Stump site, drop in on Adam at ah.net sometime.
Anyone else want to help ???


I do it because I got sick of watching TV, a lot of it mindless junk (except Seinfeld, Friends, Frasier, Frontline and Football!) , and I wanted to be involved with, and get to know, Internet technology and it's workings. I also like the idea of providing a resource that a lot of folks seem to like - the email I get from people encouraging me to continue is also very gratifying.


Arrggghh, too much ! Generally speaking, I use the Net between 9pm and midnight most days, probably more at weekends. I use a few different providers who each have different "features" which I find useful. Within Australia, Pegasus is useful as it's national and IBM is also handy as it has global access (so I can always get my email).


From lots of places. I scan a lot of different sites and Usenet groups and also get help from guys like Chris Hills. I like to check each site I list for appropriateness so I know that each site listed has some value. I don't list questionable sites (sometimes this is a pity as occasionally a really good site also has some "adult" references, so it won't be listed here).
I also get a lot of submissions via email, some of which make the grade. This has become the most time-consuming part of developing the site, for what is a small return.


Pirate Pete is me (gee whiz, what a surprise !). I thought the expression "PPPoWWW!" was a bit catchy. Pirate Pete's Pick is just my list of sites I find useful or just plain fun.


Ahhh, I get asked this quite often. I keep my work and my "Netting" quite separate.....but I can tell you that I'm in the Computer Industry (have been for 20 years) and I am currently the Internet Services Manager for a large organisation with responsibility for the Asia/Pacific region.


After I wandered thru the Web for a while, I got sick of endless home pages with long diatribes about the site owner so I decided I'd never advertise or promote myself on this site.
I do have my photo on the site (it's hidden, but can be found), and also a photo of my four kids and wife I've been married to for over 18 years.


That's an easy one ! Nothing, not a brass razoo. I've resisted any advertising banners, so far, in the interests of keeping access time to the pages quick. Maybe one day, when I'm destitute..... So, the next time you are going to email me to abuse me for something (yes, I get them!), remember the site costs me !
The one exception I will be making to this is to work with Adam Todd on ah.net. He provides me the blackstump.com.au site at zero cost to me including the Search Engine (no other ISP I'm with will!), so I'm happy to generate something to help out Adam. We're still working out how.


Send the URL and a description via email if you think it fits within the Categories. Forget it, if it's "adult', though. I have an email link on the main page. Ok, here it is again --> Postbox

If it's a commercial listing contact Adam Todd here


It's just that I have four different accounts. I use Eudora Light and the Unix ".forward" command to direct all mail to one repository usually. For the record, use this email account;
You may get a reply from a different system depending on which system I do the reply from.


Basically, because I (alone) decide which sites to list, it's a big site and I don't want to spend all my time answering email. Its a bit of a Catch 22, but I think that less than 10% of sites submitted by email actually make it, so its a low return for a big effort. But, if you really must, see Q12 !


I've developed and used a couple of Java applets, and ActiveX controls, but I think they make the page too slow to load so I've just maintained a mainly text based page. Sorry if that's too boring for some but I'm aiming at people who want some information unhindered by slow load times.