The Atari 2600, 5200, & 7800

The Atari 2600/5200/7800 were Atari's first systems. The Atari 2600 was the first video game system Atari released, It has over 1000 games available, as well as many emulators. Before the Atari 2600, Atari had planed on releasing the Game Brain, but got canceled in favor of the 2600! The Atari 5200 was bigger and bolder than the 2600, unfortunetly, it was unsuccessful and has a small software library because it came out just as the great video game crash began. The Atari 7800 was Atari's final 8 bit system. This system looked more like the 2600. It was released to contend with the Nintendo. There were so many games released between the three systems, that I decided not to list their bests, but instead just say, get these systems and decide for yourself!
Links to other sites:
The Atari Vaporware & Prototypes Site
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