The Editorial Page

Welcome to the world of Atari editorial page, I will hopefully release a new editorial about Atari every Monday.

10/6/97--The New Jaguar Games

Hello again, this is editorial number two, This weeks topic is The new Jaguar games. There are many companies brining out new games for the Jaguar. The most impressive is Telegames, they have already released 3 Jaguar games, and have announced one more for the end of the month, and hopefully more planed after it. But there not the only company releasing games. ICD has already released Air cars and is going to publish Battlesphear, which by the way only has 3 coding days left. ICD has also looked into other games for the Jaguar. Then there is SavantGaming group, which is going to release (hopefully) many games for the Jaguar and also the Lynx. I just wish they had a web page! We also have Dark Knight Games and Visual Dimensions 3-D with Defcon 1, we will see what becomes of that game. There is OMC games with at least two games for the Jaguar, and finally there is a company calling theselves JEG with Adventure 3-D. JEG also claims they will have a Jaguar RPG out in January 98, we will see. Things are looking good for the Jaguar right now. For more information on many of there games, go to my coming soon page. Long live the Jaguar!

9/29/97--Zero 5

Well, this is the first editorial of my weekly editorials. I plan to have a different topic or topics each week. This weeks topic, Zero 5! As many already know, today is the release date of Zero 5. This game was originally being created by Atari, but after Atari pulled out of the video game buissness, Telegames licensed the rights to this game. It looks like it will be a great addition to the Jaguars collection. Although it is not as good as Battlesphear, it will be a great program to keep people occupied until BS is released. The reason I say BS is better is because it is much more realistic. The graphics are better for one thing, the music is excellent, and one of the most importent things is BS can be networked! But don't get me wrong, Z5 looks like a great game, and if I can get the money to buy it, I will, but first I am going to get Towers 2. Thanks Telegames for supporting the Jaguar!

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