We have both an original Atari Lynx and the Lynx II or "Bat-Lynx" as some call it. As you can see, the original Lynx has seen a lot of use! The Bat-Lynx is actually the smaller of the two (screen is the same size), but I took the picture from closer in.
Our favorite Lynx game is also my first purchase for it.
Gates of Zendocon is a scrolling shoot-em-up with a gazillion different enemies to blast.
It has over 50 levels. I've finished it, but it took a long time.
I picked up a second copy when I purchased the new Lynx. Too bad it's not one of the games that you can Com-Lynx together for head-to-head competition.
We have the following Lynx carts:
We are looking for the following Lynx titles:
The other collection which was listed here has been removed. It was crashing people's readers.
Last updated 8-27-97 Troy H. Cheek