Basket Brawl

Play with Michel Jordan on your team!
Put in MJ?? to play with a partner, supposedly Jordan. Replace the ?? with any two numbers. Pause, hold down Option 1 and press Option 2. You can change the pause message to anything you want! (from Star*LynxBBS)

Level codes
Level 1-1 AAAALevel 1-2 BBBBLevel 1-3 CCCC
Level 2-1 DDDDLevel 2-2 EEEELevel 2-3 FFFF
Level 3-1 GGGGLevel 3-2 HHHHLevel 3-3 IIII
Level 4-1 JJJJLevel 4-2 KKKKLevel 4-3 LLLL
Level 5-1 MMMMLevel 5-2 NNNNLevel 5-3 OOOO
Taken from January 1993 EGM (Edward Mann). Someone at Atari is very imaginitive.

These codes transport you to the beginning of each level with maximum power-ups and allow you to shoot at the hoop in any level:

Max power level codes
Level 1-1 999QLevel 1-2 P99RLevel 1-3 9P9S
Level 2-1 PP9TLevel 2-2 99PULevel 2-3 P9PV
Level 3-1 9PPWLevel 3-2 PPPXLevel 3-3 999I
Level 4-1 P99JLevel 4-2 9P9KLevel 4-3 PP9L
Level 5-1 99PMLevel 5-2 P9PNLevel 5-3 9PPO
(from Deena Krutak in June '93 GamePro)

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Last updated 9-4-97 Troy H. Cheek