Thanks to a very generous person, I've received a number of old ANTIC magazines. One issue in particular has an interview with James Levy (one of the Activsion "co-founders.") You can find the article here. Please visit my "Book Review" section located under "Classics." I wanted something similar to Amazon.com (with a book review section for readers to leave their comments/reviews). So, if you've read any of the books, please feel free to leave your input. I haven't got around to leaving my reviews yet, but please don't let that stop you! Activision Patch FAQ page is listed under "Classics." Clint Dyer has linked his site to mine, so this may explain why you're here. I've redesigned the page, adding several more interesting things: designer photos and gaming history. If you have additional info or photos - drop me a line at rodneys433@aol.com or you can leave a message in my "Feedback" section by clicking directly on Feedback. Below is another great read and you can get it in digital format! James Hague
(Dadgum Games) Halcyon Days. |
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