The Atari 1060 CP/M ADD-ON Module was slated to be released in 1984.   There are a few prototypes floating around (perhaps as many as 3 units).   One unit is housed in a 1050 case, another is housed in the above shown lower sized case with the same footprint as a standard 1050 disk drive.   A possible third 1060 known to exist is just a motherboard with no case.

     Atari was attempting to enter as many areas of software as possible to generate additional sales of its computer line.  However management was not allowing engineering to produce other new hardware idea's which may have added more life to the Atari line instead of simple allow its systems to run software from other platforms.   However at the time the 1060 was an excellent idea.   As yet it was still up in the air as to which operating system would become dominant in the IBM arena (MS-DOS or CP/M) so by making a product that would allow the use of CP/M 2.2 compatible software, Atari was giving itself a better chance at keeping in the ballgame.