David's Computers
David's Computers
Current System
current system is Intel Free! I built it by hand, from the motherboard on up.
AMD 486DX4-120, 256k cache, 16Mb RAM, 1Mb RAM VESA video card with Aztech TV/Video card, 1.08Gb Quantum Fireball, Eiger Labs 28.8k DSVD Voice/Fax/Modem, Hitachi 4x CD, ESS688 16-bit sound card with 2Mb WaveTable
I've also recently abandoned MS-DOS for OpenDOS 7.01, from Caldera. Take a look!
Classic System
I've also got a collection of Atari 8-bit hardware that still serves me well after all these years. After all, you can't play M.U.L.E. on a PC, can you?
I've got 2 800xls (one with 256k, the other with my own custom OS and a 65816 CPU), an XF551 360k drive, a BitWriter/Super Archiver 1050 drive, a 256k MIO, and a Tandy mono monitor. I maintain The Atari 8-bit Hardware Upgrade, Modification and Add-On FAQ.
A great Atari 8-bit homepage is The BRiTiSH Underground Atari 8bit. Take a look for lots of information on the greatest 6502 based system ever.
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