Alien vs. Predator Maps - Enhanced

This is a complete, cross-referenced set of level maps for the game Alien vs. Predator for the Atari Jaguar. The maps include connection details between levels and airducts, the locations of all security cards and other items, and required access levels for security-locked hatches.

If you're seeing this text instead of an image, your browser probably doesn't support the <FIG> element, and you should ignore this link. You can get most of the functionality of the enhanced maps from the unenhanced maps --- everything except the highlighting. If your browser is displaying a grey circle on a white background inside a black border, congratulations; your browser supports <FIG>'s and <OVERLAY>'s, and you will get the full benefit of these enhanced maps. If you're getting the circle and the background but not the border, your browser doesn't handle overlays, and you won't see the highlighting, in which case you may as well go back to the unenhanced maps. So far, Arena doesn't seem to do the overlays right; I don't have access to Emacs-w3 or UdiWWW, so I can't test them, although from its description page, UdiWWW sounds like it could do it. If you have a browser that gets all this right, drop me a line and let me know.

New! The maps now use hyperlink hotzones for easier navigation. Click on an airvent to move through it into (or out of) the connecting airduct. Click on a security-locked door to find the security card required to open it. This requires a browser that supports <FIG> hotzones; to find out if yours does, click on the circle above.

And now...

The levels

Or maybe you're just looking for that elusive security card...

Where is:

A note about copyright: The actual level layouts are probably copyrighted by Rebellion and/or Atari. My graphical renditions of same herein, and the text of these pages, are Copyright © 1995 Scott Bigham, but may be used freely as long as credit is given.

And of course, if you find any errors in any of the maps, please contact me at the address below.. [And a quick thanks to Dennis Winningstad, who caught an error on the Alien ship for me. Oops...]

Last update 05 Jul 95

Scott Bigham