Sublevel 2
Download map of Sublevel 2 (12K).
- T: Computer terminal
- J: Jammed hatch or airlock not in use
- 3: Security level 3 access required to open
- 4: Security level 4 access required to open
- 5: Security level 5 access required to open
- 7: Security level 7 access required to open
- 9: Security level 9 access required to open
- V1: W wall, Airduct 2B, vent 1
- V2: E wall, Airduct 3B, vent 2
- V3: S wall, Airduct 3B, vent 3
- V4: E wall, Airduct 2B, vent 3
- V5: N wall, Airduct 3B, vent 4
Items of interest:
- A: Flamethrower
- B: Security card #3
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