• my atari games

  • atari manuals I have typed up and the atari 2600 manual archive

  • Games I would like to own someday

  • other atari 2600 sites on the web.

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    Rare Atari 2600 games that I own

  • BMX Airmasters
  • Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom
  • Communist Mutants From Space
  • Congo Bongo
  • Crossbow
  • Crypts of Chaos
  • Dark Chambers
  • Double Dunk
  • Edtris 2600
  • Excalibur
  • Fireball
  • Flash Gordon
  • Frogger II
  • HERO
  • Jr Pac-Man
  • King Kong
  • Miner 2049er
  • No Escape
  • Off the Wall
  • Omega Race with its spectial controller
  • Phaser Patrol
  • Pitfall II
  • Private Eye
  • Q*bert's Qubes
  • Radar Lock
  • Revenge of the Beefstake Tomatoes
  • River Raid II
  • Road Runner
  • Secret Quest
  • Sentinel
  • SoundX
  • Spitfire Attack
  • Sprintmaster
  • Spy Hunter
  • Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator
  • Stargate
  • Star Wars: The Arcade Game
  • Star Wars: Jedi Arena
  • Star Wars, Return of the Jedi: Death Star Battle
  • Suicide Mission
  • Survival Run
  • Tac-Scan
  • Tapper
  • Taz
  • Thunderground
  • Tomcat F-14
  • Xenophobe

    Is there a picture of a game cart you would like to see? Well, see if it is on my list of games that I own, then mail me and I'll put it up on the page within a week after I respond to your email.

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