Electric Escape (Haven 04 Cyber'tronix'')
Lynx Review: Crystal Mines II
by Robert A. Jung

1 player, horizontal game
Atari Corp., for the Atari Lynx
Stereo? No

What do you get when you cross Dig Dug with Chip's Challenge? The answer is Crystal Mines II, the latest puzzle/strategy game for the Atari Lynx, and a sequel to Color Dream's original puzzle game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. You control a mining robot whose objective is to gather precious gems from a series of underground caverns. You must do this while avoiding falling rocks, wandering monsters, radioactivity, lava, and the dwindling time limit.

The robot is equipped with a digging laser and dynamite, which can be used to fight creatures and create caverns. Meet the gem quota for a level, and you must next find the exit to travel to another, more complex cavern. Some caverns offer more advanced challenges, such as gravity-altering switches and item-changing pipes. The game offers 150 regular levels and 31 hidden levels, ensuring lots of challenge.

One of the best aspects of Crystal Mines II is the diversity of game elements, which all interact in consistently complex ways. Rocks, dirt, and creatures can be explosive, indestructible, or easily disposed. Temporary enhancements are available for use, such as a long-range laser, a map of the current level, or protective shielding. Gathering more valuable gems can help you meet the level's quota faster; other game elements can help or hinder your progress, depending on how you use them.

The game elements all interact in a consistent manner, and a lot of the time is spent learning how they interact with you and with each other. A big reason for this is the instruction booklet (yes, the booklets are back) -- It is deliberately general, teaching only the most basic elements of gameplay and leaving the rest for the player to explore and discover. To make this easier, you have an unlimited number of robots, and each level has a four-letter password to let you play there in future games. Even better, if you take too many tries to finish a level, the game will offer to skip it.

Though Crystal Mines II is clearly a strategy title, it places a bit more emphasis on good reflexes than other games of this genre. This is neither good nor bad; how much you will enjoy this title depends mainly on what combination of strategy and action you prefer. Completing a cavern relies on figuring out how to use the features of that level to uncover gems and equipment, stop pursuing enemies, and avoid robot-destroying dangers. Aside from the first few introductory stages, the levels are very challenging and not easily solved.

The sights and sound of Crystal Mines II are simply functional, and no more. The main game graphics are drawn with grid-oriented components, with little or no animation. On the other hand, game features with similar properties are drawn similarly, making it easier to predict how they will react. Similarly, music and sounds are all very basic. Most of the noise comes from the title theme, which plays throughout the game, though it can be toggled off with Option 2. Other game sounds are generic, though distinctive from each other.

Crystal Mines II borrows a lot from earlier puzzle games, especially Boulder Dash and Chip's Challenge, and produces a decent challenge to both the mind and the reflexes. Though it won't win any awards for special effects, the large number of demanding levels and the wide array of game elements make this a respectable title for any strategy game player.

Gameplay: 9   
Graphics: 6   
Sound: 5   
Overall: 7.5   
Rating values  10 - 8   Great! This game can't get much better.
                7 - 5   Good. Average game, could be improved. 
                4 - 2   Poor. For devotees only.               
                    1   Ick. Shoot it.                         

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