OS/A65 Kernel Interface Description

(c) 1989-97 Andre Fachat

OS/A65 Version 2.0

Preliminary Draft, as of 1.3.94r


The change from kernel 1.3 to kernel 2.0 is radical in some things, but conservative in others. The complete environment handling has been rewritten to make it easier to port to different platforms. Also threads have been introduced. Therefore all the memory management and interprocess communication calls have changed as well. The scheduler is now a lot faster, as no more checks are done for threads in the waiting list.

Although most routines have been rewritten, many of these calls still have the same parameters and behave the same way. Also the PCBUF is still used (unfortunately). This is the general communications buffer needed for filesystem operation and some kernel calls. It is a global buffer, and as such it is protected by the SEM_SENDBUF system semaphore. Each task that wants to use has to allocate this semaphore with PSEM before using the buffer.

Also there still is no block oriented communication, although the stream based communication has been improved by the out-of-band error, brk and push/pull flags.

I try to keep this documentation as correct and up-to-date as possible, but if in doubt, read the source... :-)


Kernel Interface Description

Most kernel routines return an error code in the accumlator (a), if the carry flag is reset upon return. Otherwise the ac might contain data.

$f000  	RESET   System reset

$f003	ENMEM	Enable 4k memory block, no in xr, for memory management - 
		MMU version only
$f006	SETBLK	set memory block ac at MMU entry yr - returns old entry
		in ac. MMU version only

The Stream functions have not changed much. The only addition compared to kernel 1.x is the error code byte, that allows passing of error conditions and push/pull signals as "out-of-band" data.

$f009	GETSTR	Get a free stream. increase read and write task counter,
		returns stream number in x

$f00c	FRESTR	decreases read and write task counter, thus freeing the
		stream, if both result in zero. parameter: stream number in x

$f00f	PUTC	puts a byte on the stream. parameter: stream number in x,
		data byte in a. returns errorcode in a

$f012	GETC	Get a byte from the stream. parameter: stream number in x,
		returns data byte in a (with carry=0) or error code 

$f015	UNGETC	Gives byte from stream back. parameter: stream number in x,
		data byte in a, returns error code in a

$f018	STRCMD	executes a stream command. parameter: stream number in x,
		stream command in a, returns error code in a.

		possible stream commands are:

		SC_GET		0	same as GETSTR
		SC_REG_RD	1	increase read task counter by one
		SC_REG_WR	2	increase write task counter by one
		SC_CLR		3	empty the stream
		SC_EOF		4	closing the stream from the sender 
					side, i.e. decrease write task 
					counter by one
		SC_NUL		5	closing the stream from the receiver
					side, i.e. decrease read task 
		SC_FRE		6	same as FRESTR
		SC_STAT		7	read stream status into ac
		SC_GANZ		8	returns number of bytes in stream in a
		SC_RWANZ	9	returns the stream write pointer in
					a and the stream read pointer in y

		SC_ESTAT	10	Get the error code byte in yr,
					and the normal (i.e. what you get
					with SC_STAT) stream state in ac.
		SC_SSTAT	11	Set bits in the error code byte
					each bit set in yr is set in error byte
		SC_CSTAT	12	Clear bits in the error code byte
					each bit set in yr is cleared in error 

		Possible stream status are:

		E_NUL		Noone reading from stream
				(i.e. read task counter is zero)
		E_EOF		stream is empty and noone is writing anymore
				(i.e. write task counter is zero)
		E_SEMPTY	stream buffer is empty
		E_SFULL		stream buffer is full
		E_SLWM		number of bytes below Low Water Mark 
				(1/4 buffer size)
		E_SHWM		number of bytes above Hogh Water Mark
				(3/4 buffer size)

		The error code byte has the following bits:

		SCE_PULL	%10000000  reader pulls data from sender
		SCE_PUSH	%01000000  writer pushes data to receiver
		SCE_BRK		%00100000  writer sends 'break' signal
		SCE_RERRM	%00001100  reader error condition mask
		SCE_WERRM	%00000011  writer error condition mask

The error condition byte can be set and read from both ends. This byte is cleared when the stream is allocated. If the reader "pulls" data, this is a sign for the writer to flush all its internal buffers into the stream. When this is done, the writer clears the pull flag.

If the writer wants to push his data (like after an CR on a terminal, for example) the reader should get the number of bytes in the stream to have an inidcation of how many bytes to read as "pushed" (or urgent in Internet speak). Then it removes the push flag and gets the bytes from the stream

If an error occurs, e.g. a read error when reading a file, the writer sets all the bits in the error code byte masked by SCE_WERRM to 1 (which is general error code - other codes still have to be defined). The reader of the stream then reads this and can handle the error.

If an error on the reading side occurs (like disk full when writing a file), The reader sets all the error bits masked by SCE_RERRM to 1 (which is general error code - other codes still have to be defined). The writer can then close the file on his side.

If the writer wants to send a Break (i.e. a ^C equivalent) code to the reader, it sets the SCE_BRK bit. The reader must clear it itself.

$f01b	DEVCMD	executes device commands. parameter: device number in x,
		device command in a, optional parameter in y.
		returns error code in a.

		possible stream commands are:

		DC_IRQ		0	execute IRQ routine
					the interrupt routine has to return
					E_OK if an interrupt source is cleared
					or E_NOIRQ if not.
		DC_RES		1	initialize device
		DC_GS		2	sets the stream (in y) the device 
					reads from
		DC_PS		3	sets the stream (in y) the device 
					writes to
		DC_RX_ON	4	switch on receive
		DC_TX_ON	5	switch off receive
		DC_RX_OFF	6	switch on send
		DC_TX_OFF	7	switch off send
		DC_SPD		8	set speed (in y), device dependend
		DC_HS		9	set handshake (in y), device dependend
		DC_ST		10	get device status, device dependend
		DC_EXIT		11	disable device, including IRQ sources

		DC_GNAM		16	get the name of a device, parameter:
					device number in x, returns 
					name PCBUF ($0200)
		DC_GNUM		17	get number of a device from name,
					parameter: name in PCBUF, length
					of name in x, returns device number 
					in x
		DC_REGDEV	18	register new device(s)

With the registration of the device the system has to know what to do with it and where to put it in memory. Therefore you have to put the address of the following struct into x/y registers.
		x/y ->          2 byte pointer to label1
				JMP Start_of_1st_device
		label1		2 byte pointer to label2
				JMP Start_of_2nd_device
		labeln		$ffff
With this method it is possible to register several devices, as long as they are in one memory block, with one call. The devices are started with DC_RESET. In y they get a system feature byte. Currently only bit 7 is defined, where $00 is 1 MHz system clock and $80 is 2 MHz system clock.

$f01e	FORK	start a new task. parameter: yr = length of the following
		struct in PCBUF

		FORK_SIZE	0	The size of the needed memory
					in 256 byte blocks, from botton up
		FORK_SHARED	1	number of 256 byte blocks that 
					share the mapping with the current
					task, from top down. 
		FORK_PRIORITY	2	priority of new task (0=inherit
					from parent)
		FORK_STDIN	3	stdin stream
		FORK_STDOUT	4	stdout stream
		FORK_STDERR	5	stderr stream
		FORK_ADDR	6	start address of task
		FORK_NAME	8	name of the program, ended by a 
					nullbyte. After that follows the 
					command line that started the program.
The commandline is put into the PCBUF of the starting task. The new task gets its own task id in x The stream read/write task counter are not changed. I.e. a thread that wants to use the end given to fork too has to increase the read/write counters itself.

The priority is a hack to allow to run tasks with different execution priorities. The priority counts the number of interruptions before a thread switch occurs. Default value is 3. A value of 0 lets the new task inherit the priority of the current task.

It is somewhat difficult to really start a new task, as the READ/WRITE routines to access another tasks memory have been removed.
Standard procedure should be to write a boot routine into the current PCBUF, after the command line, and jump to this boot routine when the FORK parameters are copied to the target PCBUF. The length parameter to FORK must of course include this routine. For a stdlib with null-separated command line parameters, they may also be included after the name, as long as the length byte includes them too.

The newly created task must release the SEM_SENDBUF semaphore for the PCBUF.

$f021	TERM	<- a = return code
		ends the current thread. If still threads in the tasks are
		running, the return code is ignored. Otherwise the return 
		code is sent to the parent with SIGCHLD.

$f024	KILL	<- a = return code
		ends a complete task, with all threads in them. 
		ac is return code, xr is task ID to kill.
		The return code is sent to the parent with SIGCHLD.

$f027	SUSPEND	just give control back to the scheduler, as there is nothing
		to do at the moment - but keep running (not needed for
		preemtive multitasking, an interrupt interrupts any task!)

$f02a	FORKT	forks a new thread in the current task. Execution start
		address must be in a/y

$f02d	SBRK	(carry=1): sets the freely available RAM area in the
			   active environment to ac blocks with 256 byte 
			   each, by adding memory to or removing memory 
			   from the end of the already available memory 
			   area. Returns in ac the length
			   of the available memory in 256 byte blocks,
			   if c=0 on return. Otherwise returns error.
		(carry=0): returns in ac the length of the available 
			   memory in 256 byte blocks. 

$f030	GETINFO	getinfo returns process information about all (up to 16) 
		running processes in the PCBUF (which must be allocated
		by the process before)

		There are ANZ_ENV valid entries in the table, a 
		0 in the TN_NTHREADS field indicates an empty slot.

		The fields are as follows:

		TN_PID		0	PID of process in this entry
		TN_NTHREADS	1	Number of threads for process
		TN_ENV		2	Environment number for process
		TN_PARENT	3	Parent process
		TN_MEM		4	amount of allocated RAM
		TN_SIGNAL	5	signal address
		TN_STDIN	7	STDIN stream
		TN_SIGMASK	10	signal mask value
		TN_NAME		11	start of prog name (if available)

		each field is TN_SLEN bytes long and the
		length of the name field is TNAMLEN. If the name is longer
		than TNAMLEN-1, the the last characters are cut off, and in
		the table the ending nullbyte is missing.

$f033	DUP	(carry=1): set new STD* stream. parameter: STD* number in x,
		new stream in a, returns old stream in ac;
		read/write task counters are not touched!
		(carry=0): get redirected STD* stream number. parameter:
		STD* number in x, returns stream in a

$f036	GETSEM	gets a free semaphore. returns semaphore number in x

$f039	FRESEM	frees a semaphore. parameter: semaphore number in x
		negative (system) semaphores cannot be freed (nor are they 
		returned by GETSEM)

$f03c	PSEM	'PSEM' operation on a given semaphore. task waits till
		semaphore is freed. parameter: semaphore number in x
		carry=0: block till semaphore is free
		carry=1: do a test&set operation and return with 
		E_OK if semaphore gotten, or E_SEMSET if semaphore is in use.

$f03f	VSEM	'VSEM' operation on semaphore, allows other tasks
		to grab the semaphore.
		parameter: semaphore number in x

$f042	SEND	send a message to another task
		parameter: optional message type in a, target task in x,
		length of data in PCBUF in y; y=0 means 256 byte in PCBUF
		The data is in PCBUF ($0200). returns a and y as given and 
		the 'redirected' target (e.g. from filesystem manager) in x

$f045	RECEIVE	receives a message.
		(carry=1): waits for any message
		(carry=0): returns immediately, with an error if no message
		received. Otherwise if a message is received, 
		return sender task id in x, length of
		data in PCBUF in y (0 means 256) and the optional message
		type as given with SEND in a.

$f048	SETSIG	sets the signal address and the signal mask
		(carry=1): sets signal address in a/y
		(carry=0): sets signal mask
		returns the old mask resp. the old signal address
		in the same registers.

$f04b	SENDSIG	ac contains the signal mask to be sent to the task ID 
		given in xr

Signal handling works as follows: With SETSIG the signal address and the signal mask can be set. There is only one signal address, that is the address of a subroutine that is called on a signal. When the routine is called, it has the current pending signal mask in AC. The routine must return with a code sniplet
which jumps directly to the code executed before the signal occured. Note that the x and y register must not be changed or must be preserved during the signal routine.

SENDSIG can be called from other tasks or from devices, not from a thread in the same task. When SENDSIG is called, first the signal mask is checked to see if the signal is allowed. If it is not, SENDSIG just returns. If the signal is allowed, threads in the receiving task can be in different states: Ready, Interrupted, or Waiting. If ready or interrupted, the thread is directly set up to execute the signal routine. If the thread is waiting, it depends on the INT bit in the signal mask what happens.

If the INT bit is set, then any system call that lets the thread block (i.e. wait for Semaphore, wait for Receive, wait for Send) will be interrupted. They then return E_INT in ac - after the signal routine has been called. The other registers are bogus after an interrupted system call.

If the INT bit is not set, then the signal is pending, and the signal routine is called when a thread of the task is set to running again.

Signal mask values are

	SIG_INT		%10000000	/* allow interruptable kernel calls */
	SIG_CHLD	%01000000	/* Child process has terminated */
	SIG_TERM	%00100000	/* Child process has terminated */

	SIG_USR4	%00001000	/* user signal 4 - used for STDLIB */
	SIG_USR3	%00000100	/* user signal 3 */
	SIG_USR2	%00000010	/* user signal 2 */
	SIG_USR1	%00000001	/* user signal 1 */
When a SIG_CHLD is executed, the receiving task is notified that a child has died. This means it should call CHECKCHLD to see which child has died with what error code.

The SIG_TERM code should be used by "standard" libraries. Currently there is no way to inform a task about its death and let it clean up all resources - that are not bookkept by the kernel! - before it dies. So other libraries should, instead of calling "KILL", send a SIG_TERM signal when they want to kill a process. The signal routine of the receiving process should catch this signal and clean up and then call TERM itself.

$f04e	TDUP	register a task for a (negative) system task number.
		parameter: (negative) task number to replace in x,
		new task number to be used instead in a

$f051	XRECEIVE receives a message from a specified task only. parameter as
		with RECEIVE, plus sender task id in x

$f054	SETNMI	in systems without MMU, set the system NMI routine address.
		(carry=1): set the new NMI routine address (in a/y)
			   returns the old NMI address in a/y.
			   The old address is saved in the place pointed
			   to by (newadress-4) (see below) by this routine.
		(carry=0): clear NMI routine.
		The NMI routine has to save all registers by itself!

		At NMI address -2 there must be the address of a ctrl routine
		that can be called via CTRLNMI. Expect that the 
		ctrlnmi routine is called during this SETNMI  with either
		NMI_ON of NMI_OFF in AC, to set the initial state.
		The ctrlnmi routines is called with JSR, i.e. return with RTS.

		At NMI address -4 is a pointer to a memory location
		where the address of the next NMI routine can be found.
		If the address found there is $ffff, then the list is at
		its end.

		A possible scenario then is:

		Task calls SETNMI with NEWNMI in a/y. We then have the 

		(NEWNMI-4)	address of oldvec -->   address of OLDNMI
		(NEWNMI-2)	address of nmictrl			
		NEWNMI -->  	NMI routine code

		This way the structure can be held in ROM, and still allow
		flexible NMI chaining. If CTRLNMI is called, each of the 
		nmictrl routines is called with the given value in AC.

$f057	CTRLNMI	Send command in AC to all currently chained NMI ctrl 
		routines as described with SETNMI. Possible values are:

		NMI_ON  = allow NMIs 
		NMI_OFF = disallow NMIs

		This routine is called when initiating and ending an
		IEC serial bus transfer, for example.

$f05a	GETPID	returns the current task ID in x and the current thread ID
		in y

$f05d	SLOCK	c=1: locks scheduler to actual task. 
		c=0: unlocks scheduler
		returns c=0 when ok, c=1 with E_NOTIMP if error.

$f060	RENICE	changes the priority of the current task.
		ac = value to add to the priority.
		returns ac = old priority.

		c=0: returns a child process ID in x and child return code
		in a of a child process that has died. Only works
		if the SIGCHLD signal mask has been set when the 
		child died.
		c=1: no child that has died found.

Error Codes

On bootup the system is tested and possible errors are detected. On systems with a system port, the hardware error is shown by the number of flashes the LED makes before the system reboots
/*        Hardware-Errors          */

#define   HE_ZP     <-1	/* zeropage mem test */
#define   HE_RAM    <-2	/* RAM test  (to few RAM) */
#define   HE_ROM    <-3	/* Couldn't start a program */
#define   HE_DEV    <-4	/* device returns error upon init */
#define   HE_TASK   <-5	/* all programs have terminated - reboot */

possible error codes are (from oadef/oa1str.def, where most things, except filesystem stuff are defined) (These codes must be reordered):

/*        Software-Errors          */

#define   E_OK          0       /* no error                             */
#define   E_NOTIMP      <-1     /* feature/function not implemented     */
#define   E_CONFIG      <-2     /* in this configuration not available  */
#define   E_ILLPAR      <-3     /* illegal parameter                    */
#define   E_NOMEM       <-4     /* no more memory                       */

/* stream handling errors */
#define   E_NOSTR       <-5     /* no more streams available            */
#define   E_SFULL       <-6     /* stream is full                       */
#define   E_SEMPTY      <-7     /* stream is empty                      */
#define   E_SLWM        <-8     /* stream below low-water-mark (1/4)    */
#define   E_SHWM        <-9     /* stream above high-water-mark (3/4)   */
#define   E_EOF         <-10    /* last byte read, other side has closed */
#define   E_NUL         <-11    /* noone listening on stream            */

/* device handling errors */
#define   E_NODEV       <-12    /* illegal device number                */
#define   E_DON         <-13    /* device already in use                */
#define   E_DOFF        <-14    /* device not in use                    */
#define   E_NOTX        <-15    /* device doesn't send                  */

/* misc errors */

#define   E_NOENV       <-16    /* no more free environment/task ID     */
#define   E_NOSEM       <-17    /* no more free semaphore               */
#define   E_SEMSET      <-18    /* semaphore is already set (with PSEM) */

#define   E_NOIRQ       <-19    /* irq routine has not removed irq source */
#define   E_VERSION     <-20    /* wrong (executable file) version      */

#define   E_NOTASK      <-21    /* no more free task */
#define   E_INT         <-22    /* interrupted (by signal) system call */

/* file handling errors */

#define   E_FNODRV      <-32    /* illegal drive number                 */
#define   E_FNOPATH     <-33    /* wrong path                           */
#define   E_FILLNAM     <-34    /* illegal name (joker "*","?","\"")    */
#define   E_FNAMLEN     <-35    /* name too long                        */
#define   E_FNOFIL      <-36    /* file not found                       */
#define   E_FWPROT      <-37    /* file write protected                 */
#define   E_FILEXIST    <-38    /* file exists                          */
#define   E_FDISKFULL   <-39    /* disk full                            */
#define   E_FDNEMPTY    <-40    /* subdirectory not empty when rmdir    */
#define   E_FLOCKED     <-41    /* file locked                          */
#define   E_FMEDIA      <-42    /* media error                          */
#define   E_FLOGICAL    <-43    /* bad logical structure on media       */
#define   E_FINTERNAL   <-44    /* internal error - should not happen!  */

#define   E_LASTERR     <-96    /* for customized error numbers         */

ROM bootup

During bootup, the kernel initializes the memory and sets up the standard system memory configuration. This includes mapping the system ROM from the top of memory down, and the system RAM is mapped from the lower end up.

When the system initialization is done, the ROM is searched for executable files. The first two bytes of the ROM are taken as an address. If this address is not $ffff, then directly after the first two bytes follows the program ROM structure described below. After starting the first file, the address at the beginning is taken as a pointer to the next file and so forth, until the kernel finds a $ffff.

The program ROM structure looks like:

	P_KIND		0	/* byte, type of file			*/
	P_ADDR		1	/* word, start address of execution	*/
	P_RAM		3	/* byte, amount of RAM needed from 
				   lower end of memory in 256-byte 
				   blocks				*/
	P_SHARED	4	/* byte, size of memory shared with 
				   parent counted from top of memory, 
				   in 256-byte blocks			*/
	P_PRIORITY	5	/* byte, priority of the task to be 
				   started				*/
	P_DEV		6	/* 2 byte, the first byte gives the 
				   device number that is opened for the
				   stdin stream, the second gives the
				   device number for stdout/stderr	*/
	P_NAME		8	/* name of the program, ended by 
				   nullbyte. After the nullbyte is the
				   commandline the program is started
				   with.				*/
There are several program types available:
	PK_PRG		0	/* simple program 			*/
	PK_DEV		1	/* device block				*/
	PK_FS		2	/* filesystem				*/
	PK_INIT		3	/* ROM init process			*/
These file types have to be filled into the P_KIND field above. In addition they can be or'd by the following flags.
	PK_AUTOEXEEC	$80	/* autoexecution 			*/
	PK_RESTART	$40	/* restart when died			*/
When the PK_AUTOSTART bit is not set, the file is ignored by the kernel.

The ROM only starts device blocks (PK_DEV) and init processes (PK_INIT), because they are set up before the scheduler starts and therefore the PCBUF is (on non-MMU systems) not available. I.e. init processes do not check their command line, and do not release the PCBUF. Also PK_INIT tasks get no stdin, stdout and stderr streams and have to set them up themselves.

When starting device blocks, the address given in the P_ADDR field is given to the DEVCMD command to register the devices.

When using the special init process (init v1.0 from the sysapps directory), the other entries are started by the init process. PK_PRG tasks are started with their stdin/out/err opened to the devices given by the PK_DEV field. The name and command line are copied from the P_NAME field to the FORK_NAME field for the fork.

PK_FS are started as programs, but with the stdin/out/err streams set to STDNUL, which is ignored.

If the init process is configured for it, and the PK_RESTART bit is set, it registers the task id of the started process and restarts it when the task dies.

Configuration when building

The kernel is configurable in a wide range. Many options are available for all versions, but also many options are architecture dependent. The options are generally set in a global file that builds a system ROM. Therefore, to not set the options in the kernel file itself, the macro ROM must be defined.

General options:

	CMOSCPU		/* have (rockwell) R65C02		*/
	NMIDEV		/* allows handling of NMI in devices
			   (only for non-MMU systems, untested)	*/
	NMIRESET	/* calls RESET when an NMI arrives	*/

	STACKCOPY	/* on non-MMU systems the stack can 
			   either been split up or, with this
			   options, copied to a save area	*/
Memory options:
	RAMSIZE		/* size of checked RAM during bootup, 
			   in 256-byte blocks			*/
	MIN_MEM		/* minimum memory size to boot		*/
	RAMTEST		/* if set, RAM is tested, if not RAMSIZE
			   is taken to be the real RAM size	*/
	BATMEM		/* memory is not cleared but kept during
			   memory test				*/
	NOMIRRORMEM	/* can be set if we _know_ that we do
			   not have mirrored memory		*/
	MEMINIVAL	/* value with which to set the memory at
			   boot. If not set, 0			*/
Some Architecture specific options:
	NOSYSPORT	/* The CS/A65 computer has a certain 	*/
			   port where it can read the IRQ line
			   for example. Not available if set	*/
	ROMTEST		/* on CS/A65 systems allow booting from	
			   a running OS/A65			*/


Porting has been made much easier with this kernel version. In general, there is a proto architecture subdirectory that holds some prototype files for a non-MMU system. that can easily be changed to fit own needs.

The kernel needs two files in the arch/*/kernel subdirectory, namely kenv.a65 and kinit.a65. The kinit.a65 file is included in the kernel startup code, i.e. after setting the interrupt flag and clearing the decimal flag this file is executed, and it is expected that the CPU gets out of this file at the end of it.


This file must initialize the stack, the memory management and mapping of the system ROM and RAM. Then the system preemption timer must be set up. When including kernel/zerotest.a65 and kernel/ramtest.a65 here all the memory options from above are available. Also the ramtest file returns the size of memory found in 256-byte blocks in a. This value must be passed to the end of the init routine in this file.

In addition to this some Macros have to be defined, that are used in the kernel later.

  	GETFREQ()	returns a=0 for 1Mhz, a=128 for 2MHz
  	LEDPORT		address of LED port to signal hardware failures
  	LED_LED		bit of LED bit in LEDPORT address
  	H_ERROR()	if LEDPORT is not defined, then H_ERROR replaces
    	                the LED toggle routine if needed.
  	CLRTIMER()	clear the system preemption timer interrupt
  	KERNELIRQ()	returns if an interrupt occured in the kernel
     	                or outside. Is checked by "BNE IRQ_in_Kernel"
  	SAVEMEM()	save system mem config for interrupt
  	RESTOREMEM()	restore system mem config after interrupt
  	STARTMEM()	This is used to alloc/enable memory pages found
     	                during kernel init. Takes mem size in AC as given
   	                by the kernel init. It is called _after_ inimem!
For the most systems without MMU, most of these macros can be taken from the C64 kinit.a65 file. If you have a more complicated mapping, you can have a look at the CS/A65 kinit.a65 file.


The kenv.a65 file is included in another part of the kernel. It is the part that maps the memory according to the environment number for each task. Several routines must be defined here:

	inienv		init environment handling
	setthread	set active thread
	initsp		init task for thread (no in xr)
	push		push a byte to active threads stack 
	pull		pull a byte from active threads stack
	memtask		jump to active thread
	memsys		enter kernel

	getenv		get e free environment
	freenv		free an environmen
	sbrk		reduce/increase process memory in an environment

	enmem		enable memory blocks for environments
			(this kernel call is used for MMU systems and
			heavily system specific)
	setblk		sets a specific memory block in the memory map	
			of the active task. Also for MMU systems only
Also some macros must be defined:
	MEMTASK2()	This is equivalent to memtask above, but it
			is used for returns from interrupt
	MAPSYSBUF	maps the PCBUF of the active task to the
			address given by SYSBUF in system memory
	SYSBUF		mapped tasks PCBUF
	MAPENV()	maps the address given in a/y in env x to somewhere
			in the kernel map, returns mapped address in a/y
	MAPAENV()	as MAPENV, but does it for actual env.
	GETTASKMEM	returns (in AC) how much memory a task has
			(task id in y)
	CPPCBUFRX	copies PCBUF from other task (yr) to active one
	CPPCBUFTX	copies PCBUF from active task to another one (yr)
	CPFORKBUF()	copies the PCBUF from the FORK call to the task.
	GETACTENV()	returns active environment in ac
The full descriptions can be found in the C64 kenv file for example. This may look complicated, but it isn't. If you have a simple 6502 system without memory management, just copy (or set a link) to the C64 file. If you have a more complicated system, have a look at the CS/A65 file.

System Constants

Terminal devices should understand the following terminal control codes (But the currently implemented device driver doesn't understand them all, though...)
/*        Terminal Commands        */

#define   TC_BEL    7		bell	
#define   TC_BS     8		backspace
#define   TC_HT     9		horizontal tabulator
#define   TC_LF     10		line feed
#define   TC_VT     11		vertical tabulator
#define   TC_FF     12		form feed
#define   TC_CR     13		carriage return
#define   TC_ESC    27		Escape code

#define   TC_CLFT   $80		cursor left
#define   TC_CRGT   $81		cursor right
#define   TC_CUP    $82		cursor up
#define   TC_CDWN   $83		cursor down
#define   TC_HOME   $84		cursor to the upper left edge
#define   TC_CLR    $85		clear screen
#define   TC_DEL    $86		delete char
#define   TC_INS    $87		insert
#define   TC_WLO    $88    	set upper left window corner by cursor pos
#define   TC_WRU    $89  	set lower right window corner by cursor pos
#define   TC_WCLS   $8a		clear window
#define   TC_EOL    $8b		put cursor to the end of line
#define   TC_CLL    $8c		clear rest of line from cursor

FORK, SETIRQ and TRESET can NO MORE be called via a SEND system call, when the receiver address is SEND_SYS and the message type is SP_* !!
/*        SysProcCalls             */

#define   PCBUF     $200

STD* stream number are replaced by the numbers saved in the environment struct.

/*        StdStream                */

#define   STDNUL         $fc       /* will be ignored (for FS STDIO)*/
#define   STDIN          $fd
#define   STDOUT         $fe
#define   STDERR         $ff

Reserved system environment numbers:

#define   SEND_FM        $fe		/* filesystem manager */

#define	  SEND_ERROR	 $fd		/* critical error handler */

#define   SEND_TIME      $fc		/* set/get actual time */