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Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 7.1) What WWW pages support the 8-bit Atari?
Next Document: 9.1) What's this UUEncoding stuff (.uu, .uue files) all about?


8.1) What IRC channels discuss the 8-bit Atari?

==> #atari8 - Just for 8-bit Atari users!

==> #rgvc - Classic Games and Systems Collectors.  "Rec.Games.Video.Classic" (Chad Wagner) writes:

If you have access to a Unix host then you should be able to get to irc by
typing irc at your shell prompt and jumping on an EFnet server
(,, and joining #atari8.

If you are using a host that has a menu system then locate IRC and go there,
and join #atari8 (and hope your on EFnet, :).

If you are using SLIP/PPP then download a client (for Windows users, download
mIRC for Winsock archives, and I would guess that most SLIP/PPP users -- if
they have gotten that far -- are familiar with IRC, :) and select one of
the servers and join #atari8.  There is many IRC servers on EFnet, chances
are the one your on is on EFnet.

Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 7.1) What WWW pages support the 8-bit Atari?
Next Document: 9.1) What's this UUEncoding stuff (.uu, .uue files) all about?

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Michael Current <>

Last Update November 09 1997 @ 02:11 AM