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Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 11.4) How do I transfer files using a null modem cable?
Next Document: 11.6) How can I convert my commercial boot tape into a cassette image file?


11.5) What is SIO2PC?

 Original text by Dave Paterson,

SIO2PC is a cable and software combination that lets you use your PC as up
to 4 drives for your 8-bit.  Drives can be SD, ED, DD or custom sizes up to
16 megs.  SIO2PC also lets you redirect the printer output to your PC
printer or to a file on the PC.  High speed drives are emulated (a la US

All these functions are transparent at the Atari end; you never notice the
difference between SIO2PC and regular drives, except that the SIO2PC drives
are faster than any others (except Ramdisks and PBI interface drives).

Several different designs for the SIO2PC hardware are floating around.  Best
contact the author for the latest details.

SIO2PC 4.13 is shareware by Nick Kennedy,

Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 11.4) How do I transfer files using a null modem cable?
Next Document: 11.6) How can I convert my commercial boot tape into a cassette image file?

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Michael Current <>

Last Update November 09 1997 @ 02:11 AM