
Craig Pell(otherwise known as VGR), the person who created the massive Atari 2600 cart list(and other lists), has written an MS-DOS version of Adventure called Indenture! Here's his original announcement from

It Begins...

The story thus far: I ask Atari for permission to sell DOS Adventure. They say no. Then Activision buys the rights to the game. So I call Activision and ask about it. What I'm told is that Activision has decided they want more Atari-made 2600 games than they'd originally planned on asking for, and Atari Corp. in its brilliance will need at least another year to draw up the new contract for that. Another year?

I was never interested in being Warren Robinett. I made Adventure for DOS because I loved the game and because I had fantasized about a few improve- ments of my own. I made them reality. But I ended up getting a lot more of the experience than I bargained for: I know how Warren felt. I know now what it means to be screwed by a shitpile of Atarian bureaucracy. I know now why he dedicated so much of that precious 4K to the secret message.

Fuck all of 'em.

I'm releasing it now. It is on my homepage. I've given the game subtle differences, the most notable being that it's called Indenture and also that it's freeware. It is much less likely I'll get sued if I'm not garnering any revenue from the game.

So go over to my homepage and get it. I'm sure my handful of beta-testers didn't find *all* the bugs. The homepage is:

I'll announce when it's on an FTP site.

   VGR      | $000C35FA                   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
            | (1812 Overture)           |   "The size of the brain is no 
"You have a | I GIVE UP                 |     measure of its capacity."
 SPARKLY!"  | YOU MUST BE A  VIDEO WHIZ |      - Mr. Johnathan Frisby