Welcome to H.A.C.E.

Home of the

Houston Atari Computer Enthuasists

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(at a resolution of 800x600 pixels)

We offer support to users of ALL Atari Products:

From the palm-size PORTFOLIO, the classic 8-bit line (400, 600, 800, XL & XE), the ST to the TT and Falcon 030 as well as the Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Jaguar and Lynx video games systems (including emulators).

We offer support to users of ALL Computer Products:

We at H.A.C.E. hold a special place within us for all ATARI products but realize that other alternatives exist. Although we consider the ATARI to be our natural preference, we've branch into other computer arenas and therefore support a wide host of computer architectures. We can help you!

Monthly Meeting Information

Unless further notice, the location of the HACE meeting is the

KHOU (channel 11) TV studios at 1945 Allen Parkway (Allen Parkway @ Montrose)
Map to Safari '97
Click the MINI MAP above to see a larger map to the HACE meeting.
WARNING: It's a BIG file!

Our Next Meeting...

October 23rd, 1997 @ 7 p.m. Sharp!

This Month...

This month we plan to cover topics surrounding hard drives and their supporting hardware with primary focus on SCSI interfacing. Please, be our guest and join us.

Last Month...

We keep growing! Welcome aboard to those members who've recent joined H.A.C.E. We appreciate your support and hope to be of service to you in the coming years. Last months focus spotlighted music on the Atari class of computers. Thanks to George Iken and Bill Anderson for making our MIDI Demos such a success !

Thanks to all who attended last months meeting...

Our Leaders...

Commander & Chief George Iken
President: Bill Roberts
V. President: Bruce Fudge
Secretary: Bob Leeper
Treasurer: Bill Kithas
Members at Large:
--------Bill Anderson
--------Harold Gailey
--------Jay Hall

Some of our favorite ATARI dealers 

Branch Always Software ChroMagic Software Innovations Computer Direct 
Crawly Crypt Corporation 4Play ICD
It's All Relative Systems For Tomorrow TOAD Computers
Trace Technologies

Finally, Our Favorite links...

Houston Atari Computers - George Iken's HomePage

Jaguar Developer's Page

Jaguar Server Page

Atari 8-bit Resources and Links


Please address your E-mail comments to: Bill Roberts (sledge@wl.net)