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Note: the following programs should run on a stock 800XL with 1050 drive. Upgraded memory is neither required nor used.

Veronika The very first "production" published by HARD in 1992 - A collection of intros with very basic routines like swinging logos and scrolltexts. Most of the musics, gfx and fonts were ripped from C-64. Each music consists of the original C-64 code and the SID player routine developed by Sándor Téli of HARD. Actually the whole demo disk was created around the 'dancing girl' animation - which is also ripped, but the animation player is original - , all the other parts are just there to fill the disk. All in all, we are not very proud of this work of us.

Blip! A very simple, yet nice variant of Pong, published in the ABBUC Magazine in 1993. This little game was programmed by Sándor Téli and Farkas Felker of HARD. They also made a two-in-one logical game package, named Logo, which has never been released.

Cool Emotion Our second megademo (in 1993) with some design, some really cool and advanced effects (see for example the Oil-Plasma) as well as a lot of nice graphics from Sándor. (Although some of the graphics were still ripped ones.) It also contains a new, improved version of the SID-player, making it possible to play mixed digi/waveform musics like Outrun, BMX Kids...
The loader in this demo is a very special one; We wanted to play a two-channel music during loading, but it turned out that the SIO in the Atari OS occupied all the 4 audio channels of the POKEY for disk operations. So we had to write a new SIO. But if we are at it anyway, why not make a more advanced one than the original? The result was a SIO routine which worked parallel with any other program and interrupt routine and took about 20% of the CPU time away.

ABBUC Magazine #36 Intro At the end of 1993, when we finished the Cool Emotion demo, Wolfgang Burger, head of the ABBUC Magazine, asked us to make an intro for the upcoming issue (#36) of the magazine. We were out of good routines at that time, and the deadline was also very close so we had to work hard to finish the intro...

Joyride Our latest (and possibly the last) production under the HARD label. It was released on the Quast'95 copy party in Orneta, Poland. Of course we intended it to take part on the demo compo, but it was disqualified since none of us were present at the party. So the demo was presented - outside the compo - by Tomasz Tatar (thanks Tomasz!).
A few words about the demo itself; most of the musics were composed by Sándor with Joytracker and the Benjy Soundmonitor, respectively. There are still some SID-musics, however. Most of the routines are the first of their kind on the Atari 8bit (like the face-twirl or the dot landscape) generally they use all the memory and CPU-time available, and have very complicated and optimized code. A lot of graphics were created on PC and then converted to Atari; this work was done by Farkas.

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