Important-Message by HeAvEn of TaquarT

Date: 28.12.96

To all who are waiting for HyPeRiOn !!!

This XL-demo was planned to be ready for the shadow`s party in feb. 97... but sad to be true... one (and the one with priority 1!) reason is that i have to pass some exams for my marketing studies even in End of Jan. 97/Begin of Feb. 97. Even I have nothing done for that exams (except watching demos on my aga-amiga and coding XL-Effects). and I have now (28.12.96) 4 weeks for 6 exams (incl. some "easy" ones like "Operations Research" and "buisness administration"...

So I am surly not able to make a final version of Hyperion for the demo-compo there... I want to make something special and even better as I have done in the past...look at carpe-demo and you know what I mean...

So... If I found some hours of free-time then maybe on the party there could be a running "preview" with some effects of hyperion...

But I can not promiss anything... I am terrible sorry... :( I hope you can understand this decission...

I want to be proud of Hyperion and i have many ideas of effects in the demo...but as I am not a superb coder it takes me a lot of time to implement fxes in the demo (even with massive email-help from jaskier/T. Bene of Hard)... but there are good news conc. hyperion as well...

I have got the grafix from Dracon/TQA/USG so it will looking good... as it sounds good with the sonix by Greg/TQA...

AND THERE WILL BE DEFINITLY A FINAL VERSION OF HYPERION... hyperion is not STOPPED!!! So Wait!!! I have in Feb. 4 weeks of free-time and this could be the time to finish the demo... so... why not planning the new release-Date of Hyperion for the next Orneta Party `97... hopefully there is one next year!

I whish you a happy new year 1997 and best regards



ps. please send me a reply per email that you could live with that decission...!!!!

Page created by Marek Tomczyk January 9, 1997