Atari 1450XLD

One of many Atari prototypes which were never sold.
The 1450XLD was technically better than the later published 600XL and 800XL. It was equipped with two 5 1/4"-diskdrives both could save 360 KByte. They were situated above on the computer and give the 1450XLD an imposing look. Interesting (especially for the U.S. market) was the modem with 300BPS. Also integrated was the voice-box which could be used directly from the 1450XLD's Basic.
The OS of the 600 and 800XL still suports the voice-box and the additional keys - but they don't exist.
See description for the Atari 400 & 800
Computer: Atari 1450XLD
CPU/Clock speed:6502/1,92 MHz
Release year:-
RAM (expandable)64 KByte
Text display:40 *24
Graphics display320 * 192 (2 colours)
160 * 192 (4 colours)
Colours256 colours
Sound:4 channel mono, voice box
Operating systemAtari-OS (XL-version)
