ATW 800

Fomerly it was called Abacus or Abaq but Atari had to change the name because of a name conflict with another company. The ATW was a powerful machine but only 350 units were built. You can speculate why they did not produce the ATW for the masses.
The speed of the ATW could be increased by adding another Transputer.
Internet page:
The totally unofficial ATW800 page

Computer: ATW 800
Release year:not released
CPU/Clock speed:T800/20 MHz
ROM:? KByte
RAM (expandable)4 (32) MByte
Text display:80*25
Graphics display:512*480 (16.777.216 colours)
1280*960 (16 colours)
Colours:16,7 million
Operating system:Helios
Size (in mm)?
