Welcome to the History of the Home Computers!
This site will tell you the story of homecomputing from 1976 to today - from Apple I to the Pentium. Besides the story there is also a large index of about 100 computers and their technical specs - some of them come along with a picture. You will also find many links to interesting Web-sites, newsgroups and FTP-server.
And if you desperately search for a way to get a computer from the database, you can check out the emulator section which contains emulators for Amiga, PC, Linux, ST, QL, Macintosh and 8 bit computers.

Why a 'History of the Home Computers'?
Old computers never die - every computer has its own history, advantages and deserves to live on. For example take the Enterprise, a revolutionary computer from 1984: It could display 256 colours at once and had a screen resolution of 672*512! The Enterprise is only one example. Many computers have something that makes them unique.

Matthias Jaap
Please note that this site is still under construction, so some texts are missing (but most of the links to the unfinished pages are deactivated). This site is a translated version of Die Geschichte der Heimcomputer.

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Symbols used on my history pages:
Link to another site on the Net
Commercial emulator
Link to a FTP-server

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This page has been created on the 6th of October 1996
Last Update: 10/1/1997

All computers and products mentioned on these pages are registered trademarks of their manufacturer. I am not taking any warranty for grammar mistakes or any other mistakes!
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