Atari 130 XE

	Processor		6502C
	Clock speed		1.79 MHz (NTSC)   1.77 MHz (PAL)
	RAM			128 KB	( 64 KB Main memory, 64 KB banked )
	ROM			24 KB
	Release year		1985
	Production stopped	???
	O.S. version(s)		XE O.S.
	Cartridge port(s)	1	Adress space : 16 KB
	Built-in software	Self-Test
				Basic Revision C
	Controller port(s)	2
	Function keys		Reset, option, select, start, help,
	Parallel Bus Interface	No, 'Enhanced Cartridge Port' instead
	Cosmetics		Grey casing, PC-Style key stroke

	Additional		Incorporates a 'Freddy' chip for memory
				management of the 64 KB banked memory.