BASIC Commands
Cmd Abbr/Ex. Comment
BYE B. Goes to memo pad or self-test mode
CLR CLR Clears all variables
CONT CON. Continues execution after or STOP
DIM DI. A$(30) Reserves 30 bytes for A$
DI. B(100) Defines an array with 101 positions
DI. C(17,3) Defines an 18 x 4 array
END END Closes files, turns off sound, halts program
LET LE. A=B Assigns variable A to the value of variable B
C$=D$ (the word LET can be omitted)
LIST L. Lists a program
L. 400,500 Lists program lines 400 through 500
NEW NEW Erases program and variables from memory
POKE POKE Y,X Writes value X to memory address Y
REM . program comment Comment
RUN RU. Begins execution of program in memory
RU. "D1:MYPROG Loads MYPROG from disk and runs it
STOP STO. Halts program without closing files
Program Statements
FOR, TO, F. X=3 TO 9 STEP 2 STEP may be omitted for step value of 1
STEP... 3, 9, and 2 may be arithmetic expressions
GOSUB... 100 GOS. 300:___ RETURN goes to the statement following
RETURN 300 ? the colon.
400 RET.
GOTO G. X X may be a variable or line number
IF/THEN IF Y=5 THEN 500 Conditional branch
IF X THEN Y=6 X=0 is false, X>0 is true.
IF A$="Y" THEN A=1:? False goes to next line number; true
executes the rest of the line
ON/GOSUB ON X GOS. 20,30,40 If X<1 or X>3, it goes to the next line
ON/GOTO ON X G. 20,30,40
POP POP Use when RETURN or NEXT is bypassed
TRAP T. 1000 Identifies the line to GOTO if error occurs
T. 32768 If TRAP >32767, previous TRAP is cleared
I/O Commands
CLOAD CLOA. Loads a program from cassette
CLOSE C. #2 Closes a file (no error if file is not open)
CSAVE CS. Saves a program to cassette
DOS DO. Goes to DOS (if DOS not loaded, same as BYE)
ENTER E. "D1:MYPROG Loads a program saved with LIST
GET GE. #5,Y Input a single byte
INPUT I. Y$ Prints "?", then receives data from keyboard
I. #1,A Receives data from file #1
I. #16,Y$ Recieves data from keyboard with no "?"
LIST L. "D1:MYPROG Lists a program to a file
LOAD LO. "D1:MYPROG Loads a program save with SAVE
LPRINT LP. A$ Prints a line to printer
NOTE NO. #2,A,B Detects sector and byte within file
OPEN O. #2,N,0,"D1:FILE Open FILE; N=4 - input N=6 - directory
N=7 - dir w/ <> (DOS 2.5)
N=8 - output N=9 - append
N=12 - input and output
POINT P. #3,A,B Position on sector A, byte B within a file
PRINT ? A,B;"HERE" Comma tabs, semicolon appends
PUT PU. #5,Y Output a single byte
READ REA. A,B Assigns data values from DATA statements
DATA D. 5,10,16,3 Hold data values for READ
RESTORE RES. 350 Data for next READ is on line 350
SAVE S. "D1:MYPROG Saves a program to be loaded with LOAD or RUN
STATUS ST. #3,A Sets A to the device status value
XIO XIO cmd,#5,aux1,aux2,"S:" (See XIO Command Codes)