Peek/Poke Adresses Frequently Used

(multi-byte values are LSB-MSB)

 Label    Decimal   Hex       Description

DOSVEC    10-11     A-B       Start vector for disk software,
                               normally to start of DUP.SYS routine
POKMSK    16        10        POKEY interrupt shadow.  To disable BREAK
                               key, poke this and 53774 ($D20E) w/ 112.
                               BIT   DECIMAL  ENABLED INTERRUPT
                                7      128    break key
                                6       64    "other key"
                                5       32    serial input data ready
                                4       16    serial output data required
                                3        8    serial out xmit finished
                                2        4    POKEY timer 4
                                1        2    POKEY timer 2
                                0        1    POKEY timer 1
RTCLOCK   18-20     12-14     24-bit TV frame counter/real-time clock
SOUNDR    65        41        Noisy I/O flag: 0=quiet, default=3
ATTRACT   77        4D        0 to suppress attract mode, 128 to start;
                               incremented every time loc. 19 increments
LMARGIN   82        52        Left screen margin,  default 2
RMARGIN   83        53        Right screen margin, default 39
GRMODE    87        57        (BASIC) Graphics mode number
RAMTOP    106       6A        Top of RAM in 256-byte pages
STOPLIN   186-7     BA-B      Line number of STOP or TRAP (BASIC)
ERRSAV    195       C3        (BASIC) Error number
FR0       212-3     D4-5      Value returned by USR (BASIC)

VBREAK    518-9     0206-7    Software break vector for 6502 BRK instruction
SDMCTL    559       022F      Shadow for DMA control register
                               Playfield size: 1=narrow, 2=standard,
                               3=wide.   Missile DMA=4, Player DMA=8.
                               Player resolution: 0=double line,
                               16=single line.
                               DMA enable=32
SDLSTL    560-1     0230-1    Points to display list
COLDST    580       0244      Nonzero = reboot when RESET pressed

KEYDIS    621       026D      0=keyboard enabled, 255=disabled (XL/XE)
FINE      622       026E      0=course scroll, 255=fine scroll (XL/XE)

GPRIOR    623       026F      Player/Missile/PlayField priority:
                                1 = P0-3, PF0-3, BAK
                                2 = P0-1, PF0-2, P2-3, BAK
                                4 = PF0-3, P0-3, BAK
                                8 = PF0-1, P0-3, PF2-3, BAK
                               16 = allow 5th player (from missiles)
                               32 = allow 3rd color

PADDL0-7  624-631   0270-7    values of paddles 0-7, 0-228
STICK0-3  632-5     0278-B    values of joysticks 0-3
PTRIG0-7  636-643   027C-0283 values of paddle buttons 0-7
STRIG0-3  644-7     0284-7    values of joystick triggers 0-3

TXTROW    656       0290      Text cursor row
TXTCOL    657-8     0291-2    Text cursor column
INVFLG    694       02B6      Inverse character flag, XOR'ed w/ATASCII code
                               0=normal, 128=inverse; other values
                               result in weirder stuff
SHFLOK    702       02BE      0=lowercase (no shift), 64=uppercase (shift)
                               128=control key
BOTSCR    703       02BF      Number of text rows available for printing

PCOLR0    704       02C0      Color of player/missile 0
PCOLR1    705       02C1      Color of player/missile 1
PCOLR2    706       02C2      Color of player/missile 2
PCOLR3    707       02C3      Color of player/missile 3
PF0       708       02C4      Color register 0
PF1       709       02C5      Color register 1
PF2       710       02C6      Color register 2
PF3       711       02C7      Color register 3
BAK       712       02C8      Color register 4

KRPDEL    729       02D9      Jiffies before key begins repeating (XL/XE)
                               0=no repeat
KEYREP    730       02DA      Jiffies between key repeats (XL/XE)
                               0=repeat only once
NOCLIK    731       02DB      Non-zero=no key click (XL/XE)
HELPFG    732       02DC      HELP key status: 17=HELP pressed alone,
                               81=SHIFT-HELP, 145=CTRL-HELP;
                               must be manually cleared. (XL/XE)

RUNAD     736-7     02E0-1    Run address of binary file
INITAD    738-9     02E2-3    Initialization address of binary file
MEMTOP    741-2     02E5-6    Top of free memory, below screen memory
MEMLO     743-4     02E7-8    Bottom of free memory

CRSINH    752       02F0      Cursor inhibit: 0=on, otherwise off
CHACT     755       02F3      Character mode register, controls how
                               characters are displayed:
                             VALUE   INVERSE CHARS   ORIENTATION   CURSOR
                               0       inverse         upright     absent
                               1        blank          upright     absent
                               2        normal         upright   transparent
                               3        solid          upright     opaque
                               4       inverse        inverted     absent
                               5        blank         inverted     absent
                               6        normal        inverted   transparent
                               7        solid         inverted     opaque
CHBAS     756       02F4      Pointer to page of character set (even):
                               default 224; 226=lowercase/graphics;
                               204=international (XL/XE)
CH        764       02FC      Keyboard code of last key pressed
                               (255 to clear)
FILLDAT   765       02FD      Color data for XIO FILL command
DSPFLG    766       02FE      0=control characters do their function,
                               otherwise control characters display
                               as characters (as if ESC pressed first)
SSFLAG    767       02FF      Start/stop display flag: 255=stop, 0=go;
                               normally manipulated with CTRL-1

HPOSP0    53248     D000      (W) Horizontal position of player 0
M0PF        "         "       (R) Missile 0/playfield collision
HPOSP1    53249     D001      (W) Horizontal position of player 1
M1PF        "         "       (R) Missile 1/playfield collision
HPOSP2    53250     D002      (W) Horizontal position of player 2
M2PF        "         "       (R) Missile 2/playfield collision
HPOSP3    53251     D003      (W) Horizontal position of player 3
M3PF        "         "       (R) Missile 3/playfield collision
HPOSM0    53252     D004      (W) Horizontal position of missile 0
P0PF        "         "       (R) Player 0/playfield collision
HPOSM1    53253     D005      (W) Horizontal position of missile 1
P1PF        "         "       (R) Player 1/playfield collision
HPOSM2    53254     D006      (W) Horizontal position of missile 2
P2PF        "         "       (R) Player 2/playfield collision
HPOSM3    53255     D007      (W) Horizontal position of missile 3
P3PF        "         "       (R) Player 3/playfield collision
SIZEP0    53256     D008      (W) Size of player 0, 1=2X, 3=4X
M0PL        "         "       (R) Missile 0 to player collision
SIZEP1    53257     D009      (W) Size of player 1, 1=2X, 3=4X
M1PL        "         "       (R) Missile 1 to player collision
SIZEP2    53258     D00A      (W) Size of player 2, 1=2X, 3=4X
M2PL        "         "       (R) Missile 2 to player collision
SIZEP3    53259     D00B      (W) Size of player 3, 1=2X, 3=4X
M3PL        "         "       (R) Missile 3 to player collision
SIZEM     53260     D00C      (W) Missile size, 1=2X, 3=4X
P0PL        "         "       (R) Player 0 to player collision
P1PL      53261     D00D      (R) Player 1 to player collision
P2PL      53262     D00E      (R) Player 2 to player collision
P3PL      53262     D00F      (R) Player 3 to player collision

GRACTL    53277     D01D      (W) 1=Missile DMA, 2=Player DMA
HITCLR    53278     D01E      (W) clear collision registers
PMBASE    54279     D407      (W) Player/Missile base address

WSYNC     54282     D40A      (W) Wait for horizontal sync
VCOUNT    54283     D40B      (R) Vertical TV scan line counter
NMIEN     54286     D40E      (W) Non-maskable interrupt enable
                                   (192 for DLI)