System interrupts

There are four types of interrupts which can occur with the 6502 microprocessor:

6502 interrupts

  1. chip reset
  2. IRQ, interrupt request (maskable)
  3. MNI (non-maskable interrupt)
  4. software interrupt (BRK instruction)


On the 400/800 the chip reset occurs only upon power-up and causes the computer to do a cold start. On later models, pressing [SYSTEM RESET] will cause a chip reset but the computer then does a warm start. On the 400/800, the [SYSTEM RESET] key generates a NMI interrupt.


This is a synopsis of the cold start routine.

  1. The warm start flag [$0008] is set to 0 (false)

  2. If a cartridge slot contains a diagnostic cartridge, control is handed to the cartridge.

  3. The end of RAM is determined by trying to complement the first byte of each 4K block of memory.

  4. Hardware registers at $D000 - $D4FF (except $D100 - $D1FF) are cleared.

  5. RAM is cleared from $0008 to the top of ram.

  6. The user program jump vector, DOSVEC [$000A] is set to point to the black board mode (Atari logo display mode in XL/XE models).

  7. The screen margins are set to 2 and 39

  8. Interrupt vectors are initialized.

  9. Bottom of free RAM pointer, MEMLO [$02E7], is set to point to $0700.

  10. Resident CIO handlers are initialized.

  11. If the [START] key is pressed the cassette boot request flag, CKEY [$004A], is set.

  12. The CIO device table is initialized.

  13. If a cartridge is present it is initialized.

  14. Channel 0 is opened to the screen editor. The top-of-free-RAM pointer, MEMTOP [$02E5], is set to point below the screen region. The computer then waits for the screen to be established before continuing.

  15. If the cassette boot flag is set the cassette is booted.

  16. If there is no cartridge present or a cartridge doesn't prevent it, the disk is booted.

  17. The cold start flag is reset.

  18. If there is a cartridge present, the computer jumps to the cartridge's run vector.

  19. If there is no cartridge present the computer jumps through the vector DOSVEC [$000A (10)]. DOSVEC will point to either a booted program, the memo pad routine (400/800) or the logo display routine (XL/XE).


  1. The warm start flag is set to $7F (true).

  2. cold start steps 2 - 4 are executed.

  3. RAM is cleared from $0010 - $007F and $0200 - $03FF.

  4. Cold start steps 7 - 14 are executed.

  5. If cassette booted software is present the computer JSRs through CASINI [$0002].

  6. If disk booted software is present the computer JSRs through DOSINI [$000C (12)].

The difference between cold start and warm start is the condition of the warm start flag, WARMST, [$0008]. If this flag is 0 a complete cold start is executed. If the flag is anything other than 0 then only the warm start part of the warm start/cold start code is executed.


NMI interrupts are generated by the following conditions:

  1. Display list interrupt, generated by the ANTIC chip.
  2. TV vertical blank interrupt, generated by the ANTIC chip.
  3. [SYSTEM RESET] key (400/800).

When an NMI interrupt occurs, the hardware register NMIST [$D40F] is examined to determine what type of interrupt occurred. The computer is then directed through the proper ram vector to service the interrupt.


The computer makes no use of DLIs. The ram vector points to an RTI instruction.


There are two stages to the VBI service routine. The second stage is only done if a critical function was not interrupted.

Stage 1 (VBI)

The real time clock, RTCLOK [$0012 - $0014], is incremented.

The attract mode variables are processed.

System timer 1 is decremented. If it goes to zero the computer JSRs through system time-out vector 1.

Stage 2 (VBI)

The hardware registers are loaded with the data in their shadow registers.

System timer 2 is decremented. If it goes to zero the computer JSRs through the system time-out vector 2.

System timers 3, 4, and 5 are decremented. If a timer goes to zero the computer sets system timer flags 3, 4, and/or 5.

If auto-repeat is active, the auto-repeat process is done.

The keyboard debounce timer is decremented if not 0.

Information at the controller port registers is read, processed and placed in the proper shadow registers.


If a [SYSTEM RESET] interrupt is generated on the 400/800 the computer jumps to the warm start routine.

INTERRUPT REQUESTS (maskable interrupts (IRQs))

When an IRQ interrupt occurs the hardware register IRQST [$D20E], the PIA status registers, PACTL [$D302] and PBCTL [$D303] are examined to determine what caused the interrupt.

For each interrupt, the 6502 accumulator is pushed to the stack. The computer is then directed to the proper ram vector to service the interrupt.


The operating system doesn't use software interrupts. The software interrupt vector points to a PLA followed by an RTI.

     Interrupt vectors

     Label  address type function

     VDSLST $0200   NMI  DLI  Points to an RTI
     VVBLKI $0222   NMI  stage 1 VBI
     VVBLKD $0224   NMI  return-from-interrupt routine
     CDTMA1 $0226   NMI  time-out 1 (used by SIO)
     CDTMA2 $0228   NMI  time-out 2 (not used by OS)
     VPRCED $0202   IRQ  not used (points to PLA,RTI)
     VINTER $0204   IRQ  not used (PLA,RTI)
     VKEYBD $0208   IRQ  keyboard interrupt
     VSERIN $020A   IRQ  used by Serial I/O routine
     VSEROR $020C   IRQ  used by SIO
     VSEROC $020E   IRQ  used by SIO
     VTIMR1 $0210   IRQ  not used by OS (PLA,RTI)
     VTIMR2 $0212   IRQ  not used by OS (PLA,RTI)
     VTIMR4 $0214   IRQ  ?
     VIMIRQ $0216   IRQ  main IRQ code
     VBREAK $0206   BRK  unused by OS (PLA,RTI)


The following timers are updated during vertical blank (VBI) as noted above. If a timer is decremented to 0 the computer jumps through it's associated vector or sets it's associated flag.

     Label  address  flag/vector

     RTCLOK $0012    3 byte clock ($0012 = MSB)
     CDTMV1 $0218    CDTMA1 $0226  vector (SIO time-out)
     CDTMV2 $021A    CDTMA2 $0228  vector
     CDTMV3 $021C    CDTMF3 $022A  flag
     CDTMV4 $021E    CDTMF4 $022C  flag
     CDTMV5 $0220    CDTMF5 $022E  flag


There are two registers on the antic chip which control interrupts. These registers can be used to disable interrupts if necessary. There are also two associated interrupt status registers.

The IRQ enable and status registers use the same address. The result is that reading the register does not reveal the enabled interrupts but the interrupts pending. IRQ interrupt enable data should usually be written to the OS shadow first. Reading the OS shadow tells which interrupts are enabled.

               Non maskable interrupt enable

     NMIEN  $D40E

                7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
               | | | not used  |

      bit 7  1 = DLI enabled
          6  1 = VBI enabled

               Non maskable interrupt status

     NMIST  $D40F

                7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
               | | | | not used|

      bit 7  1 = DLI pending
          6  1 = VBI pending
          5  1 = [SYSTEM RESET] key pending

               Interrupt request enable

     IRQEN  $D20E

                7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
               | | | | | | | | |

      bit 7  1 = [BREAK] key interrupt enable
          6  1 = keyboard interrupt enable
          5  1 = serial input interrupt enable
          4  1 = serial output interrupt enable
          3  1 = serial output-finished interrupt enable
          2  1 = timer 4 interrupt enable
          1  1 = timer 2 interrupt enable
          0  1 = timer 1 interrupt enable

      IRQEN has a shadow register, POKMSK [$0010 (A)].

               Interrupt request status

     IRQST  $D20E

                7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
               | | | | | | | | |

      bit 7  1 = [BREAK] key interrupt pending
          6  1 = keyboard interrupt pending
          5  1 = serial input interrupt pending
          4  1 = serial output interrupt pending
          3  1 = serial output-finished interrupt pending
          2  1 = timer 4 interrupt pending
          1  1 = timer 2 interrupt pending
          0  1 = timer 1 interrupt pending


Writing any number to WSYNC [$D40A (54282)] will cause the computer to stop and wait for the next TV horizontal sync.

It is wise to use DLIs one TV line before needed then writing to WSYNC. This will keep other interrupts from causing DLIs to be serviced late. This can cause a DLI to change something in the middle of a scan line.

                   Useful database variables and OS equates

     POKMSK $0010       (16): IRQEN shadow
     IRQEN  $D20E    (53774): enables IRQs when written to
     IRQST  $D20E    (53774); gives IRQs waiting when read
     PACTL  $D302    (54018): bit 7 (read) peripheral A interrupt status
                              bit 0 (write) peripheral A interrupt enable
     PBCTL  $D303    (54019): bit 7 (read) peripheral B interrupt status
                              bit 0 (write) peripheral B interrupt enable
     WSYNC  $D40A    (54282): wait for horizontal sync
     NMIEN  $D40E    (54286): NMI enable
     NMIST  $D40F    (54287): NMI status

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