/======================================================\ | VT100 and VT52 Compatable Modes ESCape Codes Chart | \======================================================/ VT52 Compatable Mode -------------------- ESC A Cursor up ESC B Cursor down ESC C Cursor right ESC D Cursor left ESC F Special graphics character set ESC G Select ASCII character set ESC H Cursor to home ESC I Reverse line feed ESC J Erase to end of screen ESC K Erase to end of line ESC Ylc Direct cursor address (See note 1) ESC Z Identify (See note 2) ESC = Enter alternate keypad mode ESC > Exit alternate keypad mode ESC 1 Graphics processor on (See note 3) ESC 2 Graphics processor off (See note 3) ESC < Enter ANSI mode Note 1: Line and column numbers for direct cursor addresses are single character codes whose values are the desired number plus 37 octal. Line and column numbers start at 1. Note 2: Response to ESC Z is ESC/Z. Note 3: Ignored if no graphics processor stored in the VT100 ANSI Compatable Mode -------------------- ESC [ Pn A Cursor up Pn lines ESC [ Pn B Cursor down Pn lines ESC [ Pn C Cursor forward Pn characters (right) ESC [ Pn D Cursor backward Pn characters (left) ESC [ Pl;PcH Direct cursor addressing, where Pl is line#, Pc is column# ESC [ Pl;Pcf Same as above ESC D Index ESC M Reverse index ESC 7 Save cursor and attributes ESC 8 Restore cursor and attributes ESC #3 Change this line to double-height top half ESC #4 Change this line to double-height bottom half ESC #5 Change this line to single-width single-height ESC #6 Change this line to double-width single-height ESC [ Ps..Ps m Ps refers to selective parameter. Multiple parameters are separated by the semicolon character (073 octal). The param- eters are executed in order and have the following meaning: 0 or none All attributes off 1 Bold on 4 Underscore on 5 Blink on 7 Reverse video on Any other parameters are ignored. ESC [ K Erase from cursor to end of line ESC [ 0K Same ESC [ 1K Erase from beginning of line to cursor ESC [ 2K Erase line containing cursor ESC [ J Erase from cursor to end of screen ESC [ 0J Same ESC [ 2J Erase entire screen ESC [ Ps..Ps q Programmable LEDs: Ps are selective parameters separated by semicolons (073 octal) and executed in order, as follows: 0 or None All LEDs off 1 L1 On 2 L2 On 3 L3 On 4 L4 On Any other parameter values are ignored. The following select alternative character sets. The G1 set is invoked for use by the control code SO (Shift Out), the G0 set is invoked by the control code SI (Shift In). G0 designator G1 designator Character set ESC ( A ESC ) A United Kingdom (UK) ESC ( B ESC ) B United States (USASCII) ESC ( 0 ESC ) 0 Special graphics/line drawing set ESC ( 1 ESC ) 1 Alternative character ROM ESC ( 2 ESC ) 2 Alternative graphic ROM ESC K Pt;Pb r Set top scrolling window (Pt) and bottom scrolling window (Pb). Pb must be greater than Pb. ESC H Set tab at current column ESC [ g Clear tab at current column ESC [ 0g Same ESC [ 3g Clear all tabs Modes ----- Mode Name Mode To set seq Mode To reset seq Line feed/new New line ESC [20h Line feed ESC [20l Cursor key Application ESC [?1h Cursor ESC [?1l ANSI/VT52 ANSI n/a VT52 ESC [?2l Column mode 132 col ESC [?3h 80 col ESC [?3l Scrolling Smooth ESC [?4h Jump ESC [?4l Screen mode Reverse ESC [?5h Normal ESC [?5l Origin mode Relative ESC [?6h Absolute ESC [?6l Wraparound On ESC [?7h Off ESC [?7l Autorepeat On ESC [?8h Off ESC [?8l Interface On ESC [?9h Off ESC [?9l Reports ------- ESC [ 6n Cursor position report ESC [ Pl;PcR (response; Pl=line#; Pc=column#) ESC [ 5n Status report ESC [ c (response; terminal Ok) ESC [ 0c (response; teminal not Ok) ESC [ c What are you? ESC [ 0c Same ESC [?1;Ps c response; where Ps is option present: 0 Base VT100, no options 1 Preprocessor option (STP) 2 Advanced video option (AVO) 3 AVO and STP 4 Graphics processor option (GO) 5 GO and STP 6 GO and AVO 7 GO, STP, and AVO ESC c Causes power-up reset routine to be executed ESC #8 Fill screen with "E" ESC [ 2;Ps y Invoke Test(s), where Ps is a decimal computed by adding the numbers of the desired tests to be executed: 1 Power up test 2 Data loop back 4 EIA modem control signal test 8 Repeat test(s) indefinitely Article 4810 of alt.hackers: Newsgroups: alt.hackers From: Dom@sound.demon.co.uk (The Dark Stranger) Path: caen!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!uknet!demon!sound.demon.co.uk!sound.and.vision.bbs!vf10!VeXNeT!Dom Subject: Re: vt100 escapes Reply-To: Dom@sound.demon.co.uk References: <2kp5c0$61c@samba.oit.unc.edu> Distribution: world X-Mailer: Sound & Vision BBS +44 (0)932-252-323 Organization: Vex-Factor:10 Productions, London, England. Approved: I like to think so Lines: 145 Date: Tue, 1 Mar 1994 19:13:36 +0000 Message-ID: <#2377_vf10@sound.demon.co.uk> Sender: usenet@demon.co.uk In article <2kp5c0$61c@samba.oit.unc.edu> Michael.Lea@launchpad.unc.edu (Michael David Lea) writes: > Does anyone know where I can get a list of vt100 escape codes? I found > one list but it doesn't seem to work. TERMINAL COMMANDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c Reset [ ! p Soft Reset # 8 Fill Screen with E's } 1 * Fill screen with * test } 2 Video attribute test display } 3 Character sets display test KEYBOARD COMMANDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ 2 h Keyboard locked [ 2 l Keyboard unlocked [ ? 8 h Autorepeat ON [ ? 8 l Autorepeat OFF [ 0 q Lights all off on keyboard [ * q Light * on PROGRAMMABLE KEY COMMANDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! pk Program a programmable key (local) @ pk Program a programmable key (on-line) % pk Transmit programmable key contents SCREEN FORMAT ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ ? 3 h 132 Characters on [ ? 3 l 80 Characters on [ ? 4 h Smooth Scroll on [ ? 4 l Jump Scroll on [ *t ; *b r Scrolling region selected, line *t to *b [ ? 5 h Inverse video on [ ? 5 l Normal video off [ ? 7 h Wraparound ON [ ? 7 l Wraparound OFF [ ? 75 h Screen display ON [ ? 75 l Screen display OFF CHARACTER SETS AND LABELS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( A British ( B North American ASCII set ( C Finnish ( E Danish or Norwegian ( H Swedish ( K German ( Q French Canadian ( R Flemish or French/Belgian ( Y Italian ( Z Spanish ( 0 Line Drawing ( 1 Alternative Character ( 2 Alternative Line drawing ( 4 Dutch ( 5 Finnish ( 6 Danish or Norwegian ( 7 Swedish ( = Swiss (French or German) [Note all ( may be replaced with )] CHARACTER SIZE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # 1 Double ht, single width top half chars # 2 Double ht, single width lower half chars # 3 Double ht, double width top half chars # 4 Double ht, double width lower half chars # 5 Single ht, single width chars # 6 Single ht, double width chars ATTRIBUTES AND FIELDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ 0 m Clear all character attributes [ 1 m Alternate Intensity ON [ 4 m Underline ON [ 5 m Blink ON [ 7 m Inverse video ON [ 22 m Alternate Intensity OFF [ 24 m Underline OFF [ 25 m Blink OFF [ 27 m Inverse Video OFF [ 0 } Protected fields OFF [ 1 } Protected = Alternate Intensity [ 4 } Protected = Underline [ 5 } Protected = Blinking [ 7 } Protected = Inverse [ 254 } Protected = All attributes OFF CURSOR COMMANDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ ? 25 l Cursor OFF [ ? 25 h Cursor ON [ ? 50 l Cursor OFF [ ? 50 h Cursor ON 7 Save cursor position and character attributes 8 Restore cursor position and character attributes D Line feed E Carriage return and line feed M Reverse Line feed [ A Cursor up one line [ B Cursor down one line [ C Cursor right one column [ D Cursor left one column [ * A Cursor up * lines [ * B Cursor down * lines [ * C Cursor right * columns [ * D Cursor left * columns [ H Cursor home [ *l ; *c H Move cursor to line *l, column *c [ *l ; *c f Move curosr to line *l, column *c Y nl nc Direct cursor addressing (line/column number) H Tab set at present cursor position [ 0 g Clear tab at present cursor position [ 3 g Clear all tabs EDIT COMMANDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ 4 h Insert mode selected [ 4 l Replacement mode selected [ ? 14 h Immediate operation of ENTER key [ ? 14 l Deferred operation of ENTER key [ ? 16 h Edit selection immediate [ ? 16 l Edit selection deffered [ P Delete character from cursor position [ * P Delete * chars from curosr right [ M Delete 1 char from cursor position [ * M Delete * lines from cursor line down [ J Erase screen from cursor to end [ 1 J Erase beginning of screen to cursor [ 2 J Erase entire screen but do not move cursor [ K Erase line from cursor to end [ 1 K Erase from beginning of line to cursor [ 2 K Erase entire line but do not move cursor [ L Insert 1 line from cursor position [ * L Insert * lines from cursor position ObBusinessHack: Customer wants a CD-ROM multimedia encyclopaedia, so I buy a Soundblaster Pro for #75 which comes bundled with a multimedia encyclopaedia CD-ROM. After carefully removing the "not to be sold separately" notice from the CD, I sell it on for #75. Result: One free Soundblaster Pro and a happy (but gullible) customer. (Allegedly ;) Virtually... :)om ............................................................................. : INTERNET: Dom@sound.demon.co.uk :: Tel: 0831-88-42-69 Int:+44-831-884-269 : : FIDONET: VF10 at node 2:254/14 :: PGP 2.3 public key available via Email : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .