- 1 - XMODEM/YMODEM PROTOCOL REFERENCE A compendium of documents describing the XMODEM and YMODEM File Transfer Protocols This document was formatted 9-11-86. Edited by Chuck Forsberg Please distribute as widely as possible. Questions to Chuck Forsberg Omen Technology Inc 17505-V Sauvie Island Road Portland Oregon 97231 Voice: 503-621-3406 Modem (Telegodzilla): 503-621-3746 Speed 1200,300 Compuserve: 70007,2304 UUCP: ...!tektronix!reed!omen!caf - 2 - 1. ROSETTA STONE Here are some definitions which reflect the current vernacular in the computer media. The attempt here is identify the file transfer protocol rather than specific programs. XMODEM refers to the original 1979 file transfer etiquette introduced by Ward Christensen's 1979 MODEM2 program. It's also called the MODEM or MODEM2 protocol. Some who are unaware of MODEM7's unusual batch file mode call it MODEM7. Other aliases include "CP/M Users's Group" and "TERM II FTP 3". This protocol is supported by every serious communications program because of its universality, simplicity, and reasonable performance. XMODEM/CRC replaces XMODEM's 1 byte checksum with a two byte Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC-16), giving modern error detection protection. XMODEM-1k Refers to the XMODEM/CRC protocol with 1024 byte data blocks. YMODEM refers to the XMODEM/CRC (optional 1k blocks) protocol with the batch transmission described below. ZMODEM uses familiar XMODEM/CRC and YMODEM technology in a new protocol that provides reliability, throughput, file management, and user amenities appropriate to contemporary data communications. 2. YET ANOTHER PROTOCOL? Since its development half a decade ago, the Ward Christensen modem protocol has enabled a wide variety of computer systems to interchange data. There is hardly a communications program that doesn't at least claim to support this protocol. Recent advances in computing, modems and networking have revealed a number of weaknesses in the original protocol: + The short block length caused throughput to suffer when used with timesharing systems, packet switched networks, satellite circuits, and buffered (error correcting) modems. + The 8 bit arithmetic checksum and other aspects allowed line impairments to interfere with dependable, accurate transfers. + Only one file could be sent per command. The file name had to be given twice, first to the sending program and then again to the receiving program. + The transmitted file could accumulate as many as 127 extraneous bytes. Chapter 2 X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 3 + The modification date of the file was lost. A number of other protocols have been developed over the years, but none have displaced XMODEM to date: + Lack of public domain documentation and example programs have kept proprietary protocols such as MNP, Blast, and others tightly bound to the fortunes of their suppliers. + Complexity discourages the widespread application of BISYNC, SDLC, HDLC, X.25, and X.PC protocols. + Performance compromises and moderate complexity have limited the popularity of the Kermit protocol, which was developed to allow file transfers in environments hostile to XMODEM. The XMODEM protocol extensions and YMODEM Batch address these weaknesses while maintaining XMODEM's simplicity. YMODEM is supported by the public domain programs YAM (CP/M), YAM(CP/M-86), YAM(CCPM-86), IMP (CP/M), KMD (CP/M), rz/sz (Unix, Xenix, VMS, Berkeley Unix, Venix, Xenix, Coherent, IDRIS, Regulus). Commerical implementations include MIRROR, and Professional-YAM.[1] Communications programs supporting these extensions have been in use since 1981. The 1k packet length (XMODEM-1k) described below may be used in conjunction with YMODEM Batch Protocol, or with single file transfers identical to the XMODEM/CRC protocol except for minimal changes to support 1k packets. Another extension is simply called the g option. It provides maximum throughput when used with end to end error correcting media, such as X.PC and error correcting modems, including the emerging 9600 bps units by Electronic Vaults and others. To complete this tome, Ward Christensen's original protocol document and John Byrns's CRC-16 document are included for reference. References to the MODEM or MODEM7 protocol have been changed to XMODEM to accommodate the vernacular. In Australia, it is properly called the Christensen Protocol. __________ 1. Available for IBM PC,XT,AT, Unix and Xenix Chapter 2 X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 4 2.1 Some Messages from the Pioneer #: 130940 S0/Communications 25-Apr-85 18:38:47 Sb: my protocol Fm: Ward Christensen 76703,302 (EDITED) To: all Be aware the article[2] DID quote me correctly in terms of the phrases like "not robust", etc. It was a quick hack I threw together, very unplanned (like everything I do), to satisfy a personal need to communicate with "some other" people. ONLY the fact that it was done in 8/77, and that I put it in the public domain immediately, made it become the standard that it is. I think its time for me to (1) document it; (people call me and say "my product is going to include it - what can I 'reference'", or "I'm writing a paper on it, what do I put in the bibliography") and (2) propose an "incremental extension" to it, which might take "exactly" the form of Chuck Forsberg's YAM protocol. He wrote YAM in C for CP/M and put it in the public domain, and wrote a batch protocol for Unix[3] called rb and sb (receive batch, send batch), which was basically XMODEM with (a) a record 0 containing filename date time and size (b) a 1K block size option (c) CRC-16. He did some clever programming to detect false ACK or EOT, but basically left them the same. People who suggest I make SIGNIFICANT changes to the protocol, such as "full duplex", "multiple outstanding blocks", "multiple destinations", etc etc don't understand that the incredible simplicity of the protocol is one of the reasons it survived to this day in as many machines and programs as it may be found in! Consider the PC-NET group back in '77 or so - documenting to beat the band - THEY had a protocol, but it was "extremely complex", because it tried to be "all things to all people" - i.e. send binary files on a 7-bit system, etc. I was not that "benevolent". I (emphasize > I < ) had an 8-bit UART, __________ 2. Infoworld April 29 p. 16 3. VAX/VMS versions of these programs are also available. Chapter 2 X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 5 so "my protocol was an 8-bit protocol", and I would just say "sorry" to people who were held back by 7-bit limitations. ... Block size: Chuck Forsberg created an extension of my protocol, called YAM, which is also supported via his public domain programs for UNIX called rb and sb - receive batch and send batch. They cleverly send a "block 0" which contains the filename, date, time, and size. Unfortunately, its UNIX style, and is abit weird[4] - octal numbers, etc. BUT, it is a nice way to overcome the kludgy "echo the chars of the name" introduced with MODEM7. Further, chuck uses CRC-16 and optional 1K blocks. Thus the record 0, 1K, and CRC, make it a "pretty slick new protocol" which is not significantly different from my own. Also, there is a catchy name - YMODEM. That means to some that it is the "next thing after XMODEM", and to others that it is the Y(am)MODEM protocol. I don't want to emphasize that too much - out of fear that other mfgrs might think it is a "competitive" protocol, rather than an "unaffiliated" protocol. Chuck is currently selling a much-enhanced version of his CP/M-80 C program YAM, calling it Professional Yam, and its for the PC - I'm using it right now. VERY slick! 32K capture buffer, script, scrolling, previously captured text search, plus built-in commands for just about everything - directory (sorted every which way), XMODEM, YMODEM, KERMIT, and ASCII file upload/download, etc. You can program it to "behave" with most any system - for example when trying a number for CIS it detects the "busy" string back from the modem and substitutes a diff phone # into the dialing string and branches back to try it. 3. XMODEM PROTOCOL ENHANCEMENTS This chapter discusses the protocol extensions to Ward Christensen's 1982 XMODEM protocol description document. The original document recommends the user be asked whether to continue trying or abort after 10 retries. Most programs no longer ask the operator whether he wishes to keep retrying. Virtually all correctable errors are corrected within the first few retransmissions. If the line is so bad that ten attempts are insufficient, there is a significant danger of undetected errors. If the connection is that bad, it's better to redial for a better connection, or mail a floppy disk. __________ 4. The file length, time, and file mode are optional.The pathname and file length may be sent alone if desired. Chapter 3 XMODEM Protocol Enhancements X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 6 3.1 Graceful Abort The YAM and Professional-YAM X/YMODEM routines recognize a sequence of two consecutive CAN (Hex 18) characters without modem errors (overrun, framing, etc.) as a transfer abort command. This sequence is recognized when YAM is waiting for the beginning of a packet or for an acknowledge to one that has been sent. The check for two consecutive CAN characters virtually eliminates the possibility of a line hit aborting the transfer. YAM sends eight CAN characters when it aborts an XMODEM, YMODEM, or ZMODEM protocol file transfer. Pro-YAM then sends eight backspaces to delete the CAN characters from the remote's keyboard input buffer, in case the remote had already aborted the transfer and was awaiting a keyboarded command. 3.2 CRC-16 Option The XMODEM protocol uses an optional two character CRC-16 instead of the one character arithmetic checksum used by the original protocol and by most commercial implementations. CRC-16 guarantees detection of all single and double bit errors, all errors with an odd number of error bits, all burst errors of length 16 or less, 99.9969% of all 17-bit error bursts, and 99.9984 per cent of all possible longer error bursts. By contrast, a double bit error, or a burst error of 9 bits or more can sneak past the XMODEM protocol arithmetic checksum. The XMODEM/CRC protocol is similar to the XMODEM protocol, except that the receiver specifies CRC-16 by sending C (Hex 43) instead of NAK when requesting the FIRST packet. A two byte CRC is sent in place of the one byte arithmetic checksum. YAM's c option to the r command enables CRC-16 in single file reception, corresponding to the original implementation in the MODEM7 series programs. This remains the default because many commercial communications programs and bulletin board systems still do not support CRC-16, especially those written in Basic or Pascal. XMODEM protocol with CRC is accurate provided both sender and receiver both report a successful transmission. The protocol is robust in the presence of characters lost by buffer overloading on timesharing systems. The single character ACK/NAK responses generated by the receiving program adapt well to split speed modems, where the reverse channel is limited to ten per cent or less of he main channel's speed. XMODEM and YMODEM are half duplex protocols which do not attempt to transmit information and control signals in both directions at the same time. This avoids buffer overrun problems that have been reported by users attempting to exploit full duplex asynchronous file transfer protocols such as Blast. Professional-YAM adds several proprietary logic enhancements to XMODEM's Chapter 3 XMODEM Protocol Enhancements X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 7 error detection and recovery. These compatible enhancements eliminate most of the bad file transfers other programs make when using the XMODEM protocol under less than ideal conditions. 3.3 XMODEM-1k 1024 Byte Packet The choice to use 1024 byte packets is expressed to the sending program on its command line or selection menu.[1] 1024 byte packets improve throughput in many applications, but some environments cannot accept 1024 byte bursts, especially minicomuters running 19.2kb ports. An STX (02) replaces the SOH (01) at the beginning of the transmitted block to notify the receiver of the longer packet length. The transmitted packet contains 1024 bytes of data. The receiver should be able to accept any mixture of 128 and 1024 byte packets. The packet number is incremented by one for each packet regardless of the packet length. The sender must not change between 128 and 1024 byte packet lengths if it has not received a valid ACK for the current packet. Failure to observe this restriction allows certain transmission errors to pass undetected. If 1024 byte packets are being used, it is possible for a file to "grow" up to the next multiple of 1024 bytes. This does not waste disk space if the allocation granularity is 1k or greater. With YMODEM batch transmission, the optional file length transmitted in the file name packet allows the receiver to discard the padding, preserving the exact file length and contents. 1024 byte packets may be used with batch file transmission or with single file transmission. CRC-16 should be used with the k option to preserve data integrity over phone lines. If a program wishes to enforce this recommendation, it should cancel the transfer, then issue an informative diagnostic message if the receiver requests checksum instead of CRC-16. Under no circumstances may a sending program use CRC-16 unless the receiver commands CRC-16. 4. YMODEM Batch File Transmission The YMODEM Batch protocol is an extension to the XMODEM/CRC protocol that allows 0 or more files to be transmitted with a single command. (Zero files may be sent if none of the requested files is accessible.) The design approach of the YMODEM Batch protocol is to use the normal routines for sending and receiving XMODEM packets in a layered fashion similar to __________ 1. See "KMD/IMP Exceptions to YMODEM" below. Chapter 4 XMODEM Protocol Enhancements X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 8 Figure 1. 1024 byte Packets SENDER RECEIVER "s -k foo.bar" "foo.bar open x.x minutes" C STX 01 FE Data[1024] CRC CRC ACK STX 02 FD Data[1024] CRC CRC ACK STX 03 FC Data[1000] CPMEOF[24] CRC CRC ACK EOT ACK Figure 2. Mixed 1024 and 128 byte Packets SENDER RECEIVER "s -k foo.bar" "foo.bar open x.x minutes" C STX 01 FE Data[1024] CRC CRC ACK STX 02 FD Data[1024] CRC CRC ACK SOH 03 FC Data[128] CRC CRC ACK SOH 04 FB Data[100] CPMEOF[28] CRC CRC ACK EOT ACK packet switching methods. Why was it necessary to design a new batch protocol when one already existed in MODEM7?[1] The batch file mode used by MODEM7 is unsuitable because it does not permit full pathnames, file length, file date, or other attribute information to be transmitted. Such a restrictive design, hastily implemented with only CP/M in mind, would not have permitted extensions to current areas of personal computing such as Unix, DOS, and object oriented systems. In addition, the MODEM7 batch file mode is somewhat susceptible to transmission impairments. __________ 1. The MODEM7 batch protocol transmitted CP/M FCB bytes f1...f8 and t1...t3 one character at a time. The receiver echoed these bytes as received, one at a time. Chapter 4 XMODEM Protocol Enhancements X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 9 As in the case of single a file transfer, the receiver initiates batch file transmission by sending a "C" character (for CRC-16). The sender opens the first file and sends packet number 0 with the following information.[2] Only the pathname (file name) part is required for batch transfers. To maintain upwards compatibility, all unused bytes in packet 0 must be set to null. Pathname The pathname (conventionally, the file name) is sent as a null terminated ASCII string. This is the filename format used by the handle oriented MSDOS(TM) functions and C library fopen functions. An assembly language example follows: DB 'foo.bar',0 No spaces are included in the pathname. Normally only the file name stem (no directory prefix) is transmitted unless the sender has selected YAM's f option to send the full pathname. The source drive (A:, B:, etc.) is never sent. Filename Considerations: + File names should be translated to lower case unless the sending system supports upper/lower case file names. This is a convenience for users of systems (such as Unix) which store filenames in upper and lower case. + The receiver should accommodate file names in lower and upper case. + When transmitting files between different operating systems, file names must be acceptable to both the sender and receiving operating systems. If directories are included, they are delimited by /; i.e., "subdir/foo" is acceptable, "subdir\foo" is not. Length The file length and each of the succeeding fields are optional.[3] The length field is stored in the packet as a decimal string counting the number of data bytes in the file. The file length does not include any CPMEOF (^Z) or other garbage characters used to pad the last packet. __________ 2. Only the data part of the packet is described here. 3. Fields may not be skipped. Chapter 4 XMODEM Protocol Enhancements X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 10 If the file being transmitted is growing during transmission, the length field should be set to at least the final expected file length, or not sent. The receiver stores the specified number of characters, discarding any padding added by the sender to fill up the last packet. Modification Date The mod date is optional, and the filename and length may be sent without requiring the mod date to be sent. Iff the modification date is sent, a single space separates the modification date from the file length. The mod date is sent as an octal number giving the time the contents of the file were last changed, measured in seconds from Jan 1 1970 Universal Coordinated Time (GMT). A date of 0 implies the modification date is unknown and should be left as the date the file is received. This standard format was chosen to eliminate ambiguities arising from transfers between different time zones. Two Microsoft blunders complicate the use of modification dates in file transfers with MSDOS(TM) systems. The first is the lack of timezone standardization in MS-DOS. A file's creation time can not be known unless the timezone of the system that wrote the file[4] is known. Unix solved this problem (for planet Earth, anyway) by stamping files with Universal Time (GMT). Microsoft would have to include the timezone of origin in the directory entries, but does not. Professional-YAM gets around this problem by using the z parameter which is set to the number of minutes local time lags GMT. For files known to originate from a different timezone, the -zT option may be used to specify T as the timezone for an individual file transfer. The second problem is the lack of a separate file creation date in DOS. Since some backup schemes used with DOS rely on the file creation date to select files to be copied to the archive, back- dating the file modification date could interfere with the safety of the transferred files. For this reason, Pro-YAM does not modify the date of received files with the header information unless the d numeric parameter is non zero. __________ 4. Not necessarily that of the transmitting system! Chapter 4 XMODEM Protocol Enhancements X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 11 Mode Iff the file mode is sent, a single space separates the file mode from the modification date. The file mode is stored as an octal string. Unless the file originated from a Unix system, the file mode is set to 0. rb(1) checks the file mode for the 0x8000 bit which indicates a Unix type regular file. Files with the 0x8000 bit set are assumed to have been sent from another Unix (or similar) system which uses the same file conventions. Such files are not translated in any way. Serial Number Iff the serial number is sent, a single space separates the serial number from the file mode. The serial number of the transmitting program is stored as an octal string. Programs which do not have a serial number should omit this field, or set it to 0. The receiver's use of this field is optional. Other Fields YMODEM was designed to allow additional header fields to be added as above without creating compatibility problems with older YMODEM programs. Please contact Omen Technology if other fields are needed for special application requirements. The rest of the packet is set to nulls. This is essential to preserve upward compatibility.[5] If the filename packet is received with a CRC or other error, a restrnsmission is requested. After the filename packet has been received, it is ACK'ed if the write open is successful. If the file cannot be opened for writing, the receiver cancels the transfer with CAN characters as described above. The receiver then initiates transfer of the file contents according to the standard XMODEM/CRC protocol. After the file contents have been transmitted, the receiver again asks for the next pathname. Transmission of a null pathname terminates batch file transmission. Note that transmission of no files is not necessarily an error. This is possible if none of the files requested of the sender could be opened for reading. In batch transmission, the receiver automatically requests CRC-16. The Unix programs sz(1) and rz(1) included in the source code file __________ 5. If, perchance, this information extends beyond 128 bytes (possible with Unix 4.2 BSD extended file names), the packet should be sent as a 1k packet as described above. Chapter 4 XMODEM Protocol Enhancements X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 12 RZSZ[12].SHQ (rzsz1.sh, rzsz2.sh) should answer other questions about YMODEM batch protocol. Figure 3. YMODEM Batch Transmission Session SENDER RECEIVER "sb foo.*" "sending in batch mode etc." C (command:rb) SOH 00 FF foo.c NUL[123] CRC CRC ACK C SOH 01 FE Data[128] CRC CRC ACK STX 02 FD Data[1024] CRC CRC ACK SOH 03 FC Data[128] CRC CRC ACK SOH 04 FB Data[100] CPMEOF[28] CRC CRC ACK EOT NAK EOT ACK C SOH 00 FF NUL[128] CRC CRC ACK Figure 4. YMODEM Filename packet transmitted by sz -rw-r--r-- 6347 Jun 17 1984 20:34 bbcsched.txt 00 0100FF62 62637363 6865642E 74787400 |...bbcsched.txt.| 10 36333437 20333331 34373432 35313320 |6347 3314742513 | 20 31303036 34340000 00000000 00000000 |100644..........| 30 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80 000000CA 56 Chapter 4 XMODEM Protocol Enhancements X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 13 Figure 5. YMODEM Header Information used by various programs _____________________________________________________________________ | Program | Batch | Length | Date | Mode | S/N | 1k-Blk | g-Option | |___________|_______|________|______|______|_____|________|__________| |Unix rz/sz | yes | yes | yes | yes | no | yes | sb only | |___________|_______|________|______|______|_____|________|__________| |VMS rb/sb | yes | yes | no | no | no | yes | no | |___________|_______|________|______|______|_____|________|__________| |Pro-YAM | yes | yes | yes | no | yes | yes | yes | |___________|_______|________|______|______|_____|________|__________| |CP/M YAM | yes | no | no | no | no | yes | no | |___________|_______|________|______|______|_____|________|__________| |KMD/IMP | yes | ? | no | no | no | yes | no | |___________|_______|________|______|______|_____|________|__________| 4.1 KMD/IMP Exceptions to YMODEM KMD and IMP character sequence emitted by the receiver (CK) to automatically trigger the use of 1024 byte packets as an alternative to specifying this option on this command line. Although this two character sequence works well on single process micros in direct communication, timesharing systems and packet switched networks can separate the successive characters by several seconds, rendering this method unreliable. Sending programs may detect the CK sequence if the operating enviornment does not preclude reliable implementation. Receiving programs should retain the option of sending the standard YMODEM C (not CK) trigger with the standard 10 second timeout to insure compatibility with newer forms of telecommunications technology. 5. YMODEM-g File Transmission Developing technology is providing phone line data transmission at ever higher speeds using very specialized techniques. These high speed modems, as well as session protocols such as X.PC, provide high speed, error free communications at the expense of considerably increased delay time. This delay time is moderate compared to human interactions, but it cripples the throughput of most error correcting protocols. The g option to YMODEM has proven effective under these circumstances. The g option is driven by the receiver, which initiates the batch transfer by transmitting a G instead of C. When the sender recognizes the G, it bypasses the usual wait for an ACK to each transmitted packet, sending succeeding packets at full speed, subject to XOFF/XON or other flow control exerted by the medium. Chapter 5 XMODEM Protocol Enhancements X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 14 The sender expects an inital G to initiate the transmission of a particular file, and also expects an ACK on the EOT sent at the end of each file. This synchronization allows the receiver time to open and close files as necessary. If an error is detected in a YMODEM-g transfer, the receiver aborts the transfer with the multiple CAN abort sequence. The ZMODEM protocol should be used in applications that require both streaming throughput and error recovery. Figure 6. YMODEM-g Transmission Session SENDER RECEIVER "sb foo.*" "sending in batch mode etc..." G (command:rb -g) SOH 00 FF foo.c NUL[123] CRC CRC G SOH 01 FE Data[128] CRC CRC STX 02 FD Data[1024] CRC CRC SOH 03 FC Data[128] CRC CRC SOH 04 FB Data[100] CPMEOF[28] CRC CRC EOT ACK G SOH 00 FF NUL[128] CRC CRC 6. XMODEM PROTOCOL OVERVIEW 8/9/82 by Ward Christensen. I will maintain a master copy of this. Please pass on changes or suggestions via CBBS/Chicago at (312) 545-8086, CBBS/CPMUG (312) 849-1132 or by voice at (312) 849-6279. 6.1 Definitions 01H 04H 06H 15H 18H 43H Chapter 6 Xmodem Protocol Overview X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 15 6.2 Transmission Medium Level Protocol Asynchronous, 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit. The protocol imposes no restrictions on the contents of the data being transmitted. No control characters are looked for in the 128-byte data messages. Absolutely any kind of data may be sent - binary, ASCII, etc. The protocol has not formally been adopted to a 7-bit environment for the transmission of ASCII-only (or unpacked-hex) data , although it could be simply by having both ends agree to AND the protocol-dependent data with 7F hex before validating it. I specifically am referring to the checksum, and the block numbers and their ones- complement. Those wishing to maintain compatibility of the CP/M file structure, i.e. to allow modemming ASCII files to or from CP/M systems should follow this data format: + ASCII tabs used (09H); tabs set every 8. + Lines terminated by CR/LF (0DH 0AH) + End-of-file indicated by ^Z, 1AH. (one or more) + Data is variable length, i.e. should be considered a continuous stream of data bytes, broken into 128-byte chunks purely for the purpose of transmission. + A CP/M "peculiarity": If the data ends exactly on a 128-byte boundary, i.e. CR in 127, and LF in 128, a subsequent sector containing the ^Z EOF character(s) is optional, but is preferred. Some utilities or user programs still do not handle EOF without ^Zs. + The last block sent is no different from others, i.e. there is no "short block". Figure 7. XMODEM Message Block Level Protocol Each block of the transfer looks like: <255-blk #><--128 data bytes--> in which: = 01 hex = binary number, starts at 01 increments by 1, and wraps 0FFH to 00H (not to 01) <255-blk #> = blk # after going thru 8080 "CMA" instr, i.e. each bit complemented in the 8-bit block number. Formally, this is the "ones complement". = the sum of the data bytes only. Toss any carry. Chapter 6 Xmodem Protocol Overview X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 16 6.3 File Level Protocol 6.3.1 Common_to_Both_Sender_and_Receiver All errors are retried 10 times. For versions running with an operator (i.e. NOT with XMODEM), a message is typed after 10 errors asking the operator whether to "retry or quit". Some versions of the protocol use , ASCII ^X, to cancel transmission. This was never adopted as a standard, as having a single "abort" character makes the transmission susceptible to false termination due to an or being corrupted into a and aborting transmission. The protocol may be considered "receiver driven", that is, the sender need not automatically re-transmit, although it does in the current implementations. 6.3.2 Receive_Program_Considerations The receiver has a 10-second timeout. It sends a every time it times out. The receiver's first timeout, which sends a , signals the transmitter to start. Optionally, the receiver could send a immediately, in case the sender was ready. This would save the initial 10 second timeout. However, the receiver MUST continue to timeout every 10 seconds in case the sender wasn't ready. Once into a receiving a block, the receiver goes into a one-second timeout for each character and the checksum. If the receiver wishes to a block for any reason (invalid header, timeout receiving data), it must wait for the line to clear. See "programming tips" for ideas. Synchronizing: If a valid block number is received, it will be: 1) the expected one, in which case everything is fine; or 2) a repeat of the previously received block. This should be considered OK, and only indicates that the receivers got glitched, and the sender re- transmitted; 3) any other block number indicates a fatal loss of synchronization, such as the rare case of the sender getting a line-glitch that looked like an . Abort the transmission, sending a 6.3.3 Sending_program_considerations While waiting for transmission to begin, the sender has only a single very long timeout, say one minute. In the current protocol, the sender has a 10 second timeout before retrying. I suggest NOT doing this, and letting the protocol be completely receiver-driven. This will be compatible with existing programs. When the sender has no more data, it sends an , and awaits an , resending the if it doesn't get one. Again, the protocol could be receiver-driven, with the sender only having the high-level 1-minute timeout to abort. Chapter 6 Xmodem Protocol Overview X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 17 Here is a sample of the data flow, sending a 3-block message. It includes the two most common line hits - a garbaged block, and an reply getting garbaged. represents the checksum byte. Figure 8. Data flow including Error Recovery SENDER RECEIVER times out after 10 seconds, <--- 01 FE -data- ---> <--- 02 FD -data- xx ---> (data gets line hit) <--- 02 FD -data- xx ---> <--- 03 FC -data- xx ---> (ack gets garbaged) <--- 03 FC -data- xx ---> ---> <--- ---> <--- (finished) 6.4 Programming Tips + The character-receive subroutine should be called with a parameter specifying the number of seconds to wait. The receiver should first call it with a time of 10, then and try again, 10 times. After receiving the , the receiver should call the character receive subroutine with a 1-second timeout, for the remainder of the message and the . Since they are sent as a continuous stream, timing out of this implies a serious like glitch that caused, say, 127 characters to be seen instead of 128. + When the receiver wishes to , it should call a "PURGE" subroutine, to wait for the line to clear. Recall the sender tosses any characters in its UART buffer immediately upon completing sending a block, to ensure no glitches were mis- interpreted. The most common technique is for "PURGE" to call the character receive subroutine, specifying a 1-second timeout,[1] and looping back to PURGE until a timeout occurs. The is then sent, ensuring the other end will see it. __________ 1. These times should be adjusted for use with timesharing systems. Chapter 6 Xmodem Protocol Overview X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 18 + You may wish to add code recommended by John Mahr to your character receive routine - to set an error flag if the UART shows framing error, or overrun. This will help catch a few more glitches - the most common of which is a hit in the high bits of the byte in two consecutive bytes. The comes out OK since counting in 1-byte produces the same result of adding 80H + 80H as with adding 00H + 00H. 7. XMODEM/CRC Overview 1/13/85 by John Byrns -- CRC option. Please pass on any reports of errors in this document or suggestions for improvement to me via Ward's/CBBS at (312) 849-1132, or by voice at (312) 885-1105. The CRC used in the Modem Protocol is an alternate form of block check which provides more robust error detection than the original checksum. Andrew S. Tanenbaum says in his book, Computer Networks, that the CRC- CCITT used by the Modem Protocol will detect all single and double bit errors, all errors with an odd number of bits, all burst errors of length 16 or less, 99.997% of 17-bit error bursts, and 99.998% of 18-bit and longer bursts. The changes to the Modem Protocol to replace the checksum with the CRC are straight forward. If that were all that we did we would not be able to communicate between a program using the old checksum protocol and one using the new CRC protocol. An initial handshake was added to solve this problem. The handshake allows a receiving program with CRC capability to determine whether the sending program supports the CRC option, and to switch it to CRC mode if it does. This handshake is designed so that it will work properly with programs which implement only the original protocol. A description of this handshake is presented in section 10. Figure 9. Message Block Level Protocol, CRC mode Each block of the transfer in CRC mode looks like: <255-blk #><--128 data bytes--> in which: = 01 hex = binary number, starts at 01 increments by 1, and wraps 0FFH to 00H (not to 01) <255-blk #> = ones complement of blk #. = byte containing the 8 hi order coefficients of the CRC. = byte containing the 8 lo order coefficients of the CRC. Chapter 7 Xmodem Protocol Overview X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 19 7.1 CRC Calculation 7.1.1 Formal_Definition To calculate the 16 bit CRC the message bits are considered to be the coefficients of a polynomial. This message polynomial is first multiplied by X^16 and then divided by the generator polynomial (X^16 + X^12 + X^5 + 1) using modulo two arithmetic. The remainder left after the division is the desired CRC. Since a message block in the Modem Protocol is 128 bytes or 1024 bits, the message polynomial will be of order X^1023. The hi order bit of the first byte of the message block is the coefficient of X^1023 in the message polynomial. The lo order bit of the last byte of the message block is the coefficient of X^0 in the message polynomial. Figure 10. Example of CRC Calculation written in C UPDCRC update routine from "rbsb.c". Refer to the source code for these programs (contained in RZSZ1.SHQ and RZSZ2.SHQ) for usage. A fast table driven macro is also included in this file. /* update CRC */ unsigned short updcrc(c, crc) register c; register unsigned crc; { register count; for (count=8; --count>=0;) { if (crc & 0x8000) { crc <<= 1; crc += (((c<<=1) & 0400) != 0); crc ^= 0x1021; else { crc <<= 1; crc += (((c<<=1) & 0400) != 0); return crc; 7.2 CRC File Level Protocol Changes 7.2.1 Common_to_Both_Sender_and_Receiver The only change to the File Level Protocol for the CRC option is the initial handshake which is used to determine if both the sending and the receiving programs support the CRC mode. All Modem Programs should support the checksum mode for compatibility with older versions. A receiving program that wishes to receive in CRC mode implements the mode setting handshake by sending a in place of the initial . If the sending program supports CRC mode it will recognize the and will set itself into CRC mode, and respond by sending the first block as if a had been received. If the sending program does not support CRC mode it will Chapter 7 Xmodem Protocol Overview X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 20 not respond to the at all. After the receiver has sent the it will wait up to 3 seconds for the that starts the first block. If it receives a within 3 seconds it will assume the sender supports CRC mode and will proceed with the file exchange in CRC mode. If no is received within 3 seconds the receiver will switch to checksum mode, send a , and proceed in checksum mode. If the receiver wishes to use checksum mode it should send an initial and the sending program should respond to the as defined in the original Modem Protocol. After the mode has been set by the initial or the protocol follows the original Modem Protocol and is identical whether the checksum or CRC is being used. 7.2.2 Receive_Program_Considerations There are at least 4 things that can go wrong with the mode setting handshake. 1. the initial can be garbled or lost. 2. the initial can be garbled. 3. the initial can be changed to a . 4. the initial from a receiver which wants to receive in checksum can be changed to a . The first problem can be solved if the receiver sends a second after it times out the first time. This process can be repeated several times. It must not be repeated too many times before sending a and switching to checksum mode or a sending program without CRC support may time out and abort. Repeating the will also fix the second problem if the sending program cooperates by responding as if a were received instead of ignoring the extra . It is possible to fix problems 3 and 4 but probably not worth the trouble since they will occur very infrequently. They could be fixed by switching modes in either the sending or the receiving program after a large number of successive s. This solution would risk other problems however. 7.2.3 Sending_Program_Considerations The sending program should start in the checksum mode. This will insure compatibility with checksum only receiving programs. Anytime a is received before the first or the sending program should set itself into CRC mode and respond as if a were received. The sender should respond to additional s as if they were s until the first is received. This will assist the receiving program in determining the correct mode when the is lost or garbled. After the first is received the sending program should ignore s. Chapter 7 Xmodem Protocol Overview X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 21 7.3 Data Flow Examples with CRC Option Here is a data flow example for the case where the receiver requests transmission in the CRC mode but the sender does not support the CRC option. This example also includes various transmission errors. represents the checksum byte. Figure 11. Data Flow: Receiver has CRC Option, Sender Doesn't SENDER RECEIVER <--- times out after 3 seconds, <--- times out after 3 seconds, <--- times out after 3 seconds, <--- times out after 3 seconds, <--- 01 FE -data- ---> <--- 02 FD -data- ---> (data gets line hit) <--- 02 FD -data- ---> <--- 03 FC -data- ---> (ack gets garbaged) <--- times out after 10 seconds, <--- 03 FC -data- ---> <--- ---> <--- Here is a data flow example for the case where the receiver requests transmission in the CRC mode and the sender supports the CRC option. This example also includes various transmission errors. represents the 2 CRC bytes. Chapter 7 Xmodem Protocol Overview X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 22 Figure 12. Receiver and Sender Both have CRC Option SENDER RECEIVER <--- 01 FE -data- ---> <--- 02 FD -data- ---> (data gets line hit) <--- 02 FD -data- ---> <--- 03 FC -data- ---> (ack gets garbaged) <--- times out after 10 seconds, <--- 03 FC -data- ---> <--- ---> <--- 8. MORE INFORMATION More information may be obtained by calling Telegodzilla at 503-621-3746. Hit RETURNs for baud rate detection.Speed detection is automatic for 300, 1200, and 2400 bps. A version this file with boldface, underlining, and superscripts for printing on Epson or Gemini printers is available on Telegodzilla as "YMODEME.DOC" or "YMODEME.DQC". UUCP sites can obtain this file with uucp omen!/usr/spool/uucppublic/ymodem.doc /tmp A continually updated list of available files is stored in /usr/spool/uucppublic/FILES. The following L.sys line calls Telegodzilla (Pro-YAM in host operation). Telegodzilla waits for carriage returns to determine the incoming speed. If none is detected, 1200 bps is assumed and a greeting is displayed. In response to "Name Please:" uucico gives the Pro-YAM "link" command as a user name. The password (Giznoid) controls access to the Xenix system connected to the IBM PC's other serial port. Communications between Pro-YAM and Xenix use 9600 bps; YAM converts this to the caller's speed. Finally, the calling uucico logs in as uucp. omen Any ACU 1200 1-503-621-3746 se:--se: link ord: Giznoid in:--in: uucp Contact omen!caf if you wish the troff source files. Chapter 8 Xmodem Protocol Overview X/YMODEM Protocol Reference 09-11-86 23 9. Document Revisions The September 11 1986 edition clarifies nomenclature and some minor points. The April 15 1986 edition clarifies some points concerning CRC calculations and spaces in the header. 10. YMODEM Programs A demonstration version of Professional-YAM is available as ZMODEM.ARC This may be used to test YMODEM amd ZMODEM implementations. Unix programs supporting the YMODEM protocol are available on Telegodzilla as RZSZ1.SHQ and RZSZ2.SHQ (SQueezed shell archives). Most Unix like systems are supported, including V7, Xenix, Sys III, 4.2 BSD, SYS V, Idris, Coherent, and Regulus. A version for VAX-VMS is available in VRBSB.SHQ. Irv Hoff has added YMODEM 1k packets and basic YMODEM batch transfers to the KMD and IMP series programs, which replace the XMODEM and MODEM7/MDM7xx series respectively. Overlays are available for a wide variety of CP/M systems. Questions about YMODEM, the Professional-YAM communications program, and requests for evaluation copies may be directed to: Chuck Forsberg Omen Technology Inc 17505-V Sauvie Island Road Portland Oregon 97231 Voice: 503-621-3406 Modem: 503-621-3746 Speed: 2400,1200,300 Usenet: ...!tektronix!reed!omen!caf Compuserve: 70007,2304 Source: TCE022 Chapter 10 Xmodem Protocol Overview CONTENTS 1. ROSETTA STONE.................................................... 2 2. YET ANOTHER PROTOCOL?............................................ 2 2.1 Some Messages from the Pioneer.............................. 4 3. XMODEM PROTOCOL ENHANCEMENTS..................................... 5 3.1 Graceful Abort.............................................. 6 3.2 CRC-16 Option............................................... 6 3.3 XMODEM-1k 1024 Byte Packet.................................. 7 4. YMODEM Batch File Transmission................................... 7 4.1 KMD/IMP Exceptions to YMODEM................................ 13 5. YMODEM-g File Transmission....................................... 13 6. XMODEM PROTOCOL OVERVIEW......................................... 14 6.1 Definitions................................................. 14 6.2 Transmission Medium Level Protocol.......................... 15 6.3 File Level Protocol......................................... 16 6.4 Programming Tips............................................ 17 7. XMODEM/CRC Overview.............................................. 18 7.1 CRC Calculation............................................. 19 7.2 CRC File Level Protocol Changes............................. 19 7.3 Data Flow Examples with CRC Option.......................... 21 8. MORE INFORMATION................................................. 22 9. Document Revisions............................................... 23 10. YMODEM Programs.................................................. 23 - i - LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. 1024 byte Packets......................................... 7 Figure 2. Mixed 1024 and 128 byte Packets........................... 7 Figure 3. YMODEM Batch Transmission Session......................... 12 Figure 4. YMODEM Filename packet transmitted by sz.................. 12 Figure 5. YMODEM Header Information used by various programs........ 13 Figure 6. YMODEM-g Transmission Session............................. 14 Figure 7. XMODEM Message Block Level Protocol....................... 15 Figure 8. Data flow including Error Recovery........................ 17 Figure 9. Message Block Level Protocol, CRC mode.................... 18 Figure 10. Example of CRC Calculation written in C................... 19 Figure 11. Data Flow: Receiver has CRC Option, Sender Doesn't........ 21 Figure 12. Receiver and Sender Both have CRC Option.................. 22 - ii -