Whats New

Whenever I update I'll put in here what I did!!

07/30/97...Well I'm starting the new page And sadly to make space I took the pic page down and the Guest Book!

06/30/97...Well I'm slowly updateing the page I got the guest book up and am working on other things!

06/29/97...It's been a long time since I last Updated the page and I'm sorry works been crazy!!! I added some more jag links and non jag links and hope to alot more this week! I don't yet but there's a good chance that I might be putting up a hole new page not about jag but something else more as it unfolds! Again thanks for your words of support LONG LIVE JAGUAR

03/18/97...Sorry Its been so long since I updated but I've been very busy!! I started to update the page today!! I added 3 faqs to the faq page(Highlander,Ultra Vortek,Missile Command 3D)and I added a link to the Jag Spot on the link page! And I added some more misc links!

02/05/97...I'm sorry I haven't been doing as much as I would like to lately but I've been busy!! I added the Jag-2000 Logo on the main page!!

02/02/97...I added a Jaguar Faq page!! I'd Like to thank Robert Jung (rjung@netcom.com)for keeping it up-to-date!!

01/31/97...I added a bunch of reviews to the review page!!

01/23/97...I took down the contest page sorry there wasn't enough demand for it!! I also added a list of the all the games that were released for the Jaguar.

01/14/97...I added a link to Just Claws and changed the Cool Links page to Misc Links.

01/11/97...I added a link to the Offical JAG BASH 1997 page by Chad Ridgeway. And I added a link to Jaguar World! And added a link to The Mage (Lonnie M. Smith) cheat page!! And I added a Cool Links page!

01/09/97...Added a Contest page

01/05/97...I changed the release dates For the new games from Telegames!

01/04/97...Put up the new review page to help sort out a few problems and added some Very good news to the News page!! I also added some pics of Iron Soldier 2,Worms and Zero 5 on my picture page. And I changed the name of the page to Jag-2000.

01/03/97...Well I finaly am getting some where with my Jaguar page I still ain't happy yet. I put up my Preview page and The whats new page. And I'l also added some more pics for the picture page. Oh yea I'm sorry if the previews aren't the best I've never reviewed/previewed anything before!
