
By Team 17


WORMS is the hit product that is available on most other next-gen systems. Designed for one to four players, this game combines the best elements from the very best games ever created. The game requires great thought, strategy and elements of sheer outrageous fortune within an almost infinite range of playing possibilities. Teams take it in turn to bombard the enemy with whatever weapon they feel is likely to reap the most reward. Each battle has a time period and once this is over a period of extra time may be played where all remaining worms are reduced to 1 unit of energy and the slightest hit will render them out of the game. The last team remaining wins the game.


This game got great reviews on the other systems it was on. So Worms for the Jaguar should be a great game also if they do a good port!

It's designed for one to four players, So it should be a great game to play with the buddies or to go at alone!! Each battle has a time period and once this time period is over you can have a sort of final death where all remaining worms are reduced to 1 unit of energy and the slightest hit will kill them. The last team standing wins the game.

Worms will feature a ton of weapons to use such as blowtorches, homing missiles,uzises, shotguns, hand grenades, mines, dynamiate and just about anything else you can think of!! And Also has hand-to-hand combat with moves right out of Street Fighter. There will be many different battle fields to fight on.

The Graphics in the game should be very smooth because of the +1000 frames of Worm animation! Sounds should also be great for this game. There's great sound F/X for just about everything you do and has lots of one liners in the game. The Worms have great one lines they say as you play the game and should help keep the game lively!!

This is one game I can't wait for!! And When it comes out in Jan. I'll be ordering it!!