Zero 5
By Caspian Software

ZERO 5 is a futuristic space shooter set in a 3-D, 360 degree playfield. The year is
2044 and the battle for Earth has begun. On the far reaches of the galaxy, a
massive invasion force is assembling. Scanners at DEFCON have alerted you to
the alien threat. The Earth's best pilots are dispatched in their BAMBAM cruisers
to engage the enemy. Multiple weapons, driving soundtrack, non-stop combat,
multiple power-ups, and 15 extended missions contribute to a shooters game with
real depth.
Zero 5 is beening published by Telegames and should be out in Feb.
This game looks amazing!! It really shows how nice gouraud shaded polygons can
look when there done right!! The game should've had more texture mapping for a little more
detail on the objects but, as we all know its not one of the jags strong points. But even with out it
this game looks to be a great game! The sound f/x in this game are as good as we've come to expect
from jaguar games!! We're going to be in for a treat for sure with this game!!
In my opinion this game will be a nice addition to anyones collection of jaguar games!
And allong with Worms the Jag's off to a good start in 97!! THANK YOU TELEGAMES!!!!