
- Jag-@-Zine Acquires Kitten Litter -

by Patrick Holstine

  • My first involvement with a website started in 1995, when Brian Bessemer asked me to be a part of his Kitten Litter (KL) page, dedicated to the Atari Jaguar. As the calendar changed to 1996, several things happened: Atari basically went out of business, Brian got busy with other projects, and I started to help Les Caron with Jag-@-Zine (JZ).

    Before long, I found myself doing much more for JZ than KL, simply because Brian's other committments left him too little time to maintain KL the way he wanted to. However, Les had the time to devote to JZ, and in the eight months since he started the page, it has come a long way. We have added several original reviews, features, previews and news items to JZ in the meantime, all the while supporting Telegames efforts to publish new Jaguar titles.

    Then, just a couple weeks back, Brian announced that he was shutting down KL before the end of 1996 to devote his time to a new website for his band. He graciously offered Les and I a chance to acquire the content of KL, and we gladly accepted. And of course, we both wish Brian the best of luck with his new endeavors.

    So, over the last couple weeks, Les has been hard at work, recoding the KL pages, redesigning the JZ pages, and incorporating the contents of both sites into the new and improved Jag-@-Zine. You'll find that we now have more reviews, previews, interviews and news than ever before, as well as a continued committment to help promote the Telegames effort so that Jag owners will have a chance to enjoy new games well into 1997, and possibly even 1998.

    We hope you enjoy the new Jag-@-Zine, and that you find it easy to navigate and informative at the same time. If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to e-mail us. We certainly appreciate all of your input!

    Thanks again to Brian Bessemer for providing us with the contents of Kitten Litter. And thanks again to all of you for visiting JZ :)

    - Patrick Holstine
    December 19, 1996