Atari and Jaguar News
Available Software (05/05/96)

Don Thomas's Catnips (08/14/96)

Atari-JTS Merger Press Release

Date10/15/1997 Time16:38:26
Last5/8 Change+ 1/16

    - Latest News:

  • Telegames finally released Zero 5. You can find a review on the Reviews page.

    - Older News:

  • ICD have released a limited amount of copies from Air Cars.
  • The release of Zero 5 and Worms has been delayed again by Telegames. Zero 5 is now set to be released in september, while Worms is set for october.
  • Dark Knight Games, a company based out of Nashua, NH has announced the possibility of doing a limited release of High-Quality Arcade JoySticks for the Atari Jaguar. They are also working on a 3-D Tomb Raider-style game called "Defcon 1" for the Jaguar, which will be released first on PC, and maybe a Club Drive type game called "Automaniacs" along with some Lynx games. Check out their homepage to pre-order the joystick or to get more info about the announced game(s).
  • JagFest '97, the first big meeting for Jag owners, took place this weekend. You can read all about it in our updated Special Features section.
  • World Tour Racing CD is out now!
  • Iron Soldier II has finally been released by Telegames!!!
  • Somebody at JTS suddenly must have remembered that they also own Atari, since they just updated their Jagwire site with info about the upcoming Telegames titles :)
  • ICD, the makers of the CatBox, have indicated that they want to publish a limited amount of copies from Air Cars, a game which supports up to 8 Jaguars linked together. For more info, check out The Jaguar's Domain.
  • Telegames have announced that the new release date for Iron Soldier II will be April 29th, with World Tour Racing set to be released at May 30th. Phaze Zero is still set to be released in June, and Worms will be available in July, but no specific date was given.
  • Due to a CD encryption problem, the release of Iron Soldier 2 has been delayed. Telegames will announce a new release date as soon as they fixed the problem. Check their website for more information.
  • Telegames released screenshots of the upcoming World Tour Racing on their web page. If the game will play as good as it looks, we'll be finally getting a decent racing game on the Jaguar!
  • Fox Interactive have confirmed that they are working on a PSX version of Alien vs. Predator - but rather than just porting the Jaguar version, it has been decided that the game will be re-vamped to include new storylines, level designs and new breeds of aliens. Release is scheduled for the Spring.
  • Telegames has confirmed that it will release Iron Soldier II and World Tour Racing in February. Both games are on CD.
  • Iron Soldier II will be released afterall!!! A Playstation version will be out first, after that they want to bring out the game for the Jaguar (CD). The game will feature a breathtaking intro, 20 new missions and much improved graphics. No release date was given. (Thanks, Oli :) )
  • Telegames have confirmed that beside Towers II, three more games are going to be released by them: Breakout 2000, Zero Five and Worms.
  • Towers II has hit the ROM vendor and should be out in 8 weeks max. !!! (With thanks to Vince Valenti from JV Games.)
  • Don Thomas, Atari's spokesman, has left the company and has joined Sony. You can read all about it in his latest and final Catnips (see top of page).
  • The merger between Atari and JTS is now official. JTS Corp., which makes hard disk drives, and Atari said they completed their previously announced merger, in a stock swap valued at $80 million. JTS, the surviving company, will continue to make disk drives and stated that it will be studying Atari's future in the game business.
  • As of today (August 1st), Atari Corp. shares (ATC) are no longer listed on the AMEX. Instead, JTS Corp. shares (JTS) are now listed on the stockmarket which indicates that the merger from Atari into JTS is as good as final. What this means is that the company Atari Corp. as we know it, ceases to exist, instead becomes part of JTS Corp. and that the name Atari only lives on as a brandname.
  • According to the latest stockholders report, Atari still has 90,000 unsold Jaguar units.
  • Don Thomas said that Atari was looking into the Underground's shareware idea.
  • Steven Scavone started a petition list to convince Telegames to produce more Jaguar games after Towers II. Telegames said that they'll need at least 6,000 names on the list before they can take it serious. If you want your name added to the list, just follow this link.
  • A group of game designers and programmers that calls itself The Underground is working on the idea of shareware games for the Jaguar now that it seems that Atari has abandoned their 64-bit system. The full story can be found on Gamewire, additional information on Kitten Litter and right here on the "Special Features" page (coming soon).
  • It's official: Telegames are going to bring out Towers II, the first real RPG on the Jag !
  • Worms, developed by Team 17, is in the final testing stage so hopefully it will be released in the next few months.
  • Rumour has it that Atari decided to cancel the last few games that they're supposed to bring out. After contacting Don Thomas from Atari about this, he replied to me that the "official" word from Atari is that Breakout 2000 is still the next game planned for release but that he didn't have any additional details for the public at this time.
  • Interplay will bring out Tempest 2000 on the PSX and Saturn under the name Tempest X. It will be a perfect conversion of the most popular Jaguar game, except the lack of any Melt-O-Vision (tr) effects.
  • Slam Racer Update: Sinister Developments are still waiting to hear from their distributors and the game has probably a few months work left in it, but the project is still on ! ( So don't get rid of your Jags just yet, boys and girls :) ).
  • Atari reported a net loss for 1995 of $49.6 million compared to a net income of $9.4 million in 1994 ( Ack !!! ).
  • From the introduction of Jaguar in late 1993 through the end of 1995, Atari sold approximately 125,000 Jaguar consoles. As of December 31, 1995, Atari had approximately 100,000 unsold Jaguar consoles.
  • Atari has terminated and plans to terminate numerous contracts and business relationships, including several related to software development activities.
  • Atari has stopped the manufacturing of new Jaguar consoles since mid '95. Based on current and expected sales and inventory levels, Atari does not intend to pursue additional Jaguar manufacturing.
  • Atari is currently involved in a lawsuit against Philips for "breach of contract and breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing arising out of Phillips' failure to deliver goods to Atari." ( CD-Units? ) and against Probe Entertainment Limited and Acclaim Entertainment for "breach of contract and related claims." ( MK III and other Acclaim titles ? ). Both companies have filed countersuits.
  • As of March 31, 1996, Atari had approximately 25 employees in the U.S., including five in engineering and product development, 12 in marketing, sales and distribution, two in purchasing and six in general administration and management. ( They had 101 employees in December '94 ).
  • Atari believes that most of its competitors have greater experience and expertise in 3D graphics and multimedia technology and have substantially greater engineering, marketing and financial resources than Atari. ( Duh !!! ).
  • Telegames are currently looking into publishing Towers II.
  • Breakout 2000 will be out in about 6 to 8 weeks.A original version of the game will be included.
  • Atari finally updated their JagWire page ( After checking it I wished they didn't ).
  • Fight for Life is released in the US.
  • Atari stated that they would continue to support the Jaguar this year by releasing ONE game a month .
  • Hyper Image have stopped the development of Phaze Zero.
  • Varuna's Forces is not coming out on the Jaguar. According to Accent Media Productions was the project killed by Atari when it was in the alfa stage of development.
  • Eclipse have finished Iron Soldier II for a couple of months now but the release is questionable because of low CD-system sales ( Only 10,000 ??? ).(*)
  • Skyhammer earned 85 % in a ST-Format review but there's still no release date.(*)
  • Atari has cancelled the development of AMP-CD-Edition ( New levels and movies ).(*)
  • Don Thomas said that the reason why Atari will not be at the E3 is that Atari is saving money for new Jaguar games ( Yeah, right! ).(*)
  • Atari Interactive is currently on hold ( They must be crazy ! ).(*)

(*) submitted by Oliver Wowra   (Thanks Oli ... hopefully some good news next time :) )