

Screenshots of these games can be obtained from various FTP and Web sites including Atari Explorer Online and Sven's Unofficial Jaguar Homepage.

  • Alien vs Predator...One of the best games, ever. First person RPG with a ton of strategy and plot. Play as an Alien, a Predator, or a Space Marine. This game actually scares me. I bought it when first hit the shelves, I've beaten it numerous times, and I still love playing it, and it still scares the living out of me. The title isn't exclusive to Atari, but it's the only AvP game in this genre.

  • Attack of the Mutant Penguins ...Basically, aliens have landed and are diguised as penguins in an attempt to take over the world. Atari exclusive.

  • Atari Karts ...The 64-bit version of Super Mario Kart. This one has multiple scrolling backgrounds, and 16-bit color. You can even race as the bear from Crystal Castles! Atari exclusive.

  • Baldies CD ...Similar genre to Cannon Fodder and Lemmings, but with a little more strategy. Atari exclusive.

  • Battlemorph CD ...Sequel to Cybermorph offers faster gameplay, new gameplay, and larger levels. Gameplay is similar to Cybermorph yet objectives varry greatly from level to level. Memory Track highly recommended. Atari exclusive.

  • Braindead at 13 CD ...Animated adventure game similar to Dragon's Lair, however multiple outcomes and endings provide much higher levels of replayability.

  • Busby in Fractured Furry Tails ...Somewhat decent platformer.

  • Brutal Sports Football ...Football game similar to Pigskin. Great for double elimination competitions with your friends. Atari eclusive.

  • Blue Lightning CD...Think of Afterburner with multiple planes. Pack-in with the Jag CD. Atari exclusive.

  • Cannon Fodder ...Conversion of the Amiga game. This game is highly addictive and ammusing.

  • Checkered Flag ...Lame attempt at Virtua Racing. Atari exclusive.

  • Club Drive ...Hard Drivin' in Hotwheels? Good idea, but poor execution. Atari exclusive.

  • Cybermorph ...3D gouraud shaded ploygon flyer. Neat idea. Pack-in with the original Jaguar. Atari exclusive.

  • Defender 2000 ...This one goes down in history. One of the most anticipated titles for the Jaguar finally made it to store shelves earlier this year. In a nutshell... AWESOME graphics, INTENSE music, and a TON of playability! Jeff Minter has delivered again. Defender 2000 should be remembered as one of the greatest video games of all time. Atari exclusive.

  • Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story ...A decent karate-style fighter.

  • Double Dragon V ...What a piece of trash! Possibly the worst game on any platform.

  • Doom ...Conversion of the PC title. Gore, action, and lots of colors. Excellent title!

  • Dragon's Lair CD ...The arcade original on the Jag! This one's in full and uncut. Though I loved the original, this game is just as lacking in playability and replayability. Still, a near perfect translation (just a little grainy.)

  • Evolution Dino Dudes ...Puzzle/platformer. Atari exclusive.

  • Flashback ...The game available on most systems doesn't change a lot here. Expect a little smoother animation during intros, but also some annoying slow down.

  • Fever Pitch ...Soccer 'cart has mediocre graphics and difficult controls.

  • Flipout ...A unique puzzle game that's actually different that Tetris! If you like puzzlers, get this one. Atari exclusive.

  • Fight For Life ...Atari's only 3D fighter sports incredibly beautiful graphics, but may be too slow compared to VF2 and Tekken to be a real contender. Atari exclusive.

  • Highlander CD ...An action/adventure RPG. Incredible rendered backgrounds and cinematic camera angles. Atari exclusive.

  • HoverStrike ...A decent 'hover-tank' simlation game. A little loose on the control. Atari exclusive.

  • HoverStrike, the Unconquered Lands CD ...A big improvement over the 'cart. More levels, better control, and really cool lighting effects. Atari exclusive.

  • I-War ...This game's similar in style to Cybermorph, but bigger and smoother. You control a 'tank' inside the world's super-computer. Worth checking out. Atari exclusive.

  • Iron Soldier ...Still the best 'mech simulator out there. Atari exclusive.

  • Kasumi Ninja ...A weak digitized fighter. Atari exclusive.

  • Missile Command 3D ...arguably one of the best Jag titles. Original Missile Command is a great nostalgia trip. 3D M.C. introduces enormous playing areas, radar, rendered graphics, and new weapons. Virtual M.C. is mind-blowingly unbelievable! It features a 3D environment, bosses, and power-ups. The sound track is decent techno style stuff, but still sounds like a video game. Too bad Atari screwed up the VR Headset deal, huh? Atari exclusive.

  • MYST CD ...Basically the same game available for PC and Mac with sharper images. Beautiful rendered sceens and good puzzles. Great puzzle game, bad gamer's game.

  • NBA Jam Tournament Edition ...Hey... The best port of NBA Jam is on the Jaguar! This one has all players, all voices, and some of the best grahics (even better than some of the Saturn's and Playstation's graphics.) All of that on a cartridge!

  • Pinball Fantasies ...Great for pinball fans. Atari exclusive.

  • Pitfall, the Mayan Adventure ...Like the SNES version, but a little updated. Still a really good game.

  • Power Drive Rally ...Awesome top view rally racer. The game play's up there with RC Pro Am on the Nintendo 8-bit, just way better graphics. Atari exclusive.

  • Primal Rage CD...Arcade translation by Time Warner Interactive. Sprites are slightly smaller, but not by much. Includes all finishing moves and even that 'anti-cheese' thing. The one flaw you'll notice on this title is the unusually long time it take to load. Otherwise awesome. If you own a Jag and like fighters, go buy this one.

  • Raiden ...Vertical scrolling arcade conversion.

  • Rayman ...What can I say. If you own any next-gen system that this is available on, get it now! Rayman is a platformer that gets away from the 'kiddie' stuff in Mario and Sonic. This game gets really hard and incorporates alot of different playing styles.

  • Ruiner Pinball ...Another pinball video game? The table setups are unique and the gameplay is good. Atari exclusive.

  • Sensible Soccer ...Soccer sports cart. Needs bigger sprites. Not too good.

  • Space Ace CD ...Readysoft's second Jaguar port. I think I got my fill of nostalgia while playing Dragon's Lair.

  • Super Burnout ...A decent racer similar to Hang On and Suzuka's 8 Hours. Atari exclusive.

  • Supercross 3D ...3D motorcross game featuring behind-the-bike-views, and prerendered and texturemapped graphics. Atari exclusive.

  • Syndicate ...'ported to just about everything, a corporate sabotage simulation.

  • Tempest 2000 ...Updated version of the arcade classic. This game has it all: awesome gameplay, lots of replayability, great graphics, and a killer soundtrack! Definitely one of the best titles on any platform. Game modes include Original, Plus, Duel, and 2000. Atari exclusive.

  • Theme Park ...PC conversion amusement park simulator in the style of the 'Sim' series.

  • Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy ...Horizontal shooter. AWESOME graphics on some of the sprites, but gameplay is poor. Atari exclusive.

  • Troy Aikman Football ...NFL licenced sports 'cart. Fun with decent graphics, but not Madden.

  • Ultra Vortek ...One incredible Mortal Kombat 'klone.' 7 characters, lots of moves, blood, and "anihilators." If this just had a few more character choices... Atari exclusive.

  • Val D'Issere Skiing and Snowboarding ...A really decent skiing/snowboarding game. Atari exclusive.

  • Vid Grid CD...Same game as on the PC. Pack-in with the Jag CD. Cool Jaguar intro!

  • White Men Can't Jump ...An unusual twist on basketball games. Comes with the Team Tap. 1 player games are kind of boring. Multi player games are great! Atari exclusive.

  • Wolfenstein 3D ...'port of the PC game. Faster and funner, but not quite Doom.

  • Zool2 ...A super colorful platformer with way too much happening to know what's going on.

  • Zoop ...Is there a single system (other that the Neo Geo) that doesn't have Zoop?