Aircars by Midnite Software. Limited release from ICD


GamePro Magazine, September 1995, Page 66

By Tommy Glide

 If you do the math, you'll find it's wrong because Aircars for the 64-bit Jaguar looks like a bad 16-bit tank game. What happened to the other 48 bits?


Sci-Fi Fly-by
From your cockpit, you pilot an aircar (a heavily armed futuristic hovercraft) against an army of scientists bent on world domination. Through 32 missions, you seek and destroy targets, eliminate enemies, and collect power-ups. You can also switch views an weapons, drop smoke screens and mines, and use your map to search out targets. Each level is set in a large region with plenty of enemiy aircars and tanks to annoy you. You can also find teleport gates that warp you to different areas of the level. 

This polygon world is visually boring. An occasional tree is the only detail in the dismally sparse surroundings. While smooth scrolling and rolling terrain make for more realistic gameplay, the bland enemy targets and background scenery make this game a graphical dud. The sound is below average with the exception of decent explosions. A helpful voice will occasionally chime in when you destroy something important. But aside from the title screen, you don't get any music. For all its problems, Aircars offers good control. Multiple evasive movements and easy access to weapons make the game bearable. While Aircars can be played with up to eight pilots (using the CatBox network), the game isn't any more fun with the multiple players than it is alone. Similar to (but below the par of) the PC title Spectre, this substandard shooter will only satisy easy-to-please pilots. 

Aircars by Midnite Entertainment

Graphics: 1.5
Sound: 2.5
Control: 3.5
FunFactor: 2.0
Challenge: Adjustable
16 megs
Available now
Cockpit shooter
8 players (with CatBox multi-Jaguar link)
32 missions
Multiple Views
Save feature
ESRB rating: kids to adults

PROTIP: Study the targets at the beginning of each mission; you'll need to find them amid clusters of other buildings. 

PROTIP: Don't exchange hits with enemy tanks. Avoid their fire and attack them on the fly. 

PROTIP: When you destroy all the targets for a level, the teleport gates open so you can exit. 

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