Attack of the Mutant Penguins by Sunrise Games

  • Type:Action, puzzle, strategy
  • Players:1 player
  • Levels:16+ 3 bonuses
  • Procontroller:No

  • Story: In the distant galaxy of Bleurggh, an evil(but reasonably stupid) band of aliens picked up some of Earth's television signals. Unfortunately for them, they could only tune in a wildlife program. The figured Earth would be a pushover to invade, so they disguised themselves as its inhabitants - penguins! Word of the invasion has reached those champions of intergalactic do-goodery, Bernard and Rodney. Now with their help, you must prevent the alin mutant penguins from triggering the doomscale and destroying the Earth. Are you up to the challenge?

    Overview: The game starts out with a kind of cheesy intro with some type of horror music. Then you get started. You choose from Rodney who is shaped like a pear and carries a wicked club and Bernard who is shaped like a tomato, has no arms or legs (like Rayman) and carries a frying pan. The game contains puzzles and various strategic elements, so the game provides a tutorial for you, which is good for the beginner. There is the big thing called the doomscale. It looks like a balance with a mean dude in the middle of it. Then there are mutant penguins coming from different directions. There are the good penguins of Earth that are out to kill those punks who disgrace them with their lame disguises. Good and bad penguins eventually work their way to the doom scale. You better keep the good side up, or bye bye.

    Bernard starts off with a normal pan. Then when you hit someone, it spits out 5 power balls. If you get 5 without using your weapon, then you'll get an electric pan. This pan kills the mutants, instead of simply spinning them around like the normal pan. Bloody eyeballs and fins cover the screen! If you get 10 of these without using your weapon, you'll get the frisbee pan. This allows you to set up the enemy in rows and take them all out in one shot. Very Awesome!

    Rodney starts out with a club that just smashes the baddies flat for a second. Then a super club that explodes the penguins' body. For gaining ten he gets the torch breath. Spit fire all over those alien scum!

    Each dude has a special powerup that may be found in the treasure chests on the levels. Bernard gets to be Samurai Bernard, and Rodney gets torch breath. What you do is go get gremlins (little blue dudes) that are wandering around. When you set these on chests, they blow up. The more you put on, the less time it takes to explode and reveal the contents. You can set up machines with these gremlins. Big blades spin around and when the stupid mutants walk into it, Splat! What looks to be a lampshade turns out to be a mutant killer too. When a penguin walks by this thing, it grabs them and slams then down on a spike!

    You must flip switches and do anything to slow the bad nasties down. There are awesome items to use. Glue sticks allow you to run across the ground spreading a line of glue to stop the mutant penguins dead in their tracks. Instant build lets you get machines running without waiting on gremlins. Dynamite blows then into the screen (looks pretty pixellized, they should have cleaned that up). And more. Here are the catecories.

    These are very lush and colorful looking graphics. They are very awesome considering what type of game this is. I found the backgrounds to be of very high quality. Good animation, and quite a bit of it.
    The game has no music which is a complaint. The sound effects hold this game at above average though. With lots of cool thwacks and stuff, the game makes you laugh. I love the sound when an mutant penguin turns into a green dude.
    Just perfect. For this type of game it couldn't get any better.
    This game has very good graphics and ample sound quality, but it really excells in the category of originality. New ideas and concepts are found all over in this one.
    Fun factor-9 1/2
    I loved every minute of it, but there needed to be some more levels. Kinda short.

    By Wes Powell

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