Baldies by Creative Edge


Levels:100 + bonuses

Ever want to rule the world? With Baldies you have the resources, but do you have the strategy and skill? Build your own society complete with workers, builders, soldiers, and scientists, and use them to conquer enemy territory.

When it comes to killing your foe, creativity is highly encouraged. You can skunk 'em, drowm 'em, blow 'em up, and electrocute 'em. The only limit is your imagination. Plan your attack well. The enemy is trying to do the same to you.

Baldies has been on my "getting" list for quite some time now. I finally have it now and I'm a very happy gamer. You control the world (not the bad dudes). The game gives you little bald dudes to work with in attemp to defend yourself and kill the hairy dudes. There are five different landscapes with 20 levels in each. Each landscape has it's own features. There are four types of baldies, each with it's own power bar. Blue(builder), Red(worker), Green(soldier), and White(scientist). You use the builders to get your house set up. The houses can be built up into huge castles(each landscape has different house styles). They make houses, repair houses, and upgrade houses. Use the soldiers to make ammo, protect your fortress, and destroy the enemy by hurling grenades and spraying bullets onto the scene. The workers build up your red bar, allowing you to use the shovel(after building 3 houses). When inside, they breed. The scientists make inventions. The inventions are of many. They range from landmines to popper fields, and from Flamehead to heli-copters. The game has fairly good graphics along with all of the playability. The music is quite cool while there should have been more sound effects. The cinematics are cool, but only average quality. Control is adequate. The only gripe is that sometimes pinpointing objects is hard. I am very happy with this game and so are my friends. Please do not look only at the graphics of this title. Look through to the gameplay instanly. Then you will find the value that is to be found in this game. It has everything to keep you playing for weeks. Categories.

They get the job done. The cinemas are cool but have been cut down in size and are only average quality.
Sound/music-8 1/2
The tunes are different in each landscape and are varied in style. They are well done. The SFX left me wanting more though.
Everything is easy. Just pinpointing things is a little tough. No big deal though.
Power-8 1/2
It's got over 100 challenging levels. The CD doesn't spin while you play. It must load the whole game in at once. Cool.
Fun factor-10
These are the games for me. It sucks you in!
By Wes Powell

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