Bubsy: In Fractured Furry Tails by Imagitec Design

Bubsy To The Rescue!
Type: 2D platformer
Players: 1 or 2 alternating
Levels: 15 chapters
ProController: No

Who do I look like? Flipper!?!

Only Bubsy can protect the world's kids from these silly stories and tangled-up tales as he leaps and bounds his way through 15 frantic chapters of fabulous furry fun. In Fairytaleland, Bubsy attends a twisted tea party, climbs a gian beanstalk, voyages under the sea (without getting his paws wet), heads to Ali Baba's desert and even meets with Hanzel and Gretal, who should be up on kidnapping charges.

Will Bubsy be able to set all the fairy tales straight?

Oh sure, lets all torch the Bubster!

As you get started, you'll hear a nice little tune and see the familiar Atari sign. The word Bubsy scales into view and Bubsy flies into the screen. Pixelized in all this 5 frames of animated glory.

Pilot's licence? What for?!

I played the first level for 10 minutes and said "This game sucks!". I've got 3 words for ya: ONE HIT KILLS. That's right, one hit and you're history. I turned it off and plugged away at a different game for a while, but I never give up on a game...sometimes ya really gotta stick with it. It's been worth it.

Keep it up! Just keep it up!

Graphically, there is nothing to set this apart from the 16-bitters with the exception of the colors. It's not that things look BAD, it's just that they totally lack anything extra-ordinary. The little rendered balls look kinda cool though. This game only has 1 layer of parallax! I'm a big fan of the Sonic series, so I've come to expect 5-6 layers out of the Genesis....this ain't right! The Jaguar has shown it's fine parallaxing capabilities in Kasumi, Defender 2000, Atari Karts and others, but it's very close to non-existent in this game. The animation is OK....some cool little extras for the main character. Nothing too spectacular once again though.

Nothing can stop me now!

Musicwise, you're in for a treat. The music by Imagitec is great! They never fail to pull off a cool soundtrack. There are 7 or 8 tracks throughout. This is the type of music you need for a solid platformer. I love the stuff!

Effectswise, I'm left wanting more. There is alot of fairly well digitized voice-overs in there, and some other good effects. When you're fighting a boss, you jump on him........you should hear something right?? Nope, not a sound...just the flashing of your opponent. Ya gotta round off the game!

With all the other categories falling fast, the gameplay shines through. The level design is absolutely awesome! Huge levels with great lay-outs. You'll to hit switches to get to areas of importance, and there are a great deal of secrets to be found. The enemies are very tough, but your power-ups are limited to extra dudes and invincibilities.

The control may take some getting used to. You'll be gliding around in no time. The control is very good, but far from perfect.

Each of the levels are cool in their own unique way. Especially good is the underwater levels. There is no special effect used in these levels to create the underwater felling. They simply drew up a transparent bubble and placed it over Bubsy's figure and drew up the aquatic surroundings...It's still surprisingly believable though.

If you'll give the game a chance, it'll grow on ya like mold on a 2 week old glass of milk :)

Graphics-7 1/2
They'll provide ya some colorful stuff to look at while you play for extended amounts of time.
Imagitec delivers the nice varied tunes, but fall a little short on the effects side
The controls are well done
I see nothing in this game that efficiently takes advantage of the Jag's 64-Bit force.
Fun factor-9 1/2
A great platformer that'll keep ya tuned in for great lengths at a time.....if you're good enough.
by Wes Powell
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