Cannon Fodder by Virgin

Don't Forget To Wash Your Hands Afterwards

Type: 3/4 View action stategy
Players: 1
Levels: TONS...really, I don't know
ProController: No

This one'll kill ya...When you have shot a man and he's lying there dead, shoot him some more to make him jump around like a bunny.



Cannon Fodder is pretty much a graphically plain game. However the addictiveness and gameplay for this title is matched by few other games that I know of. It's point-and-click format is easy to use. There are many weapons, vehicles, levels, and goodies included to keep you interested. The game requires a skill level that few plan on pluggin' at this one for hours at a time.

You start up with a few company logos and a crystal clear reggae tune....complete with a woman singin' the Cannon Fodder song lyrics. Then you'll be ready to start up and get to the gameplay.

Graphically, the game is nothing spectacular, but some of the scenery looks almost photo-realistic. The little troopers that you'll be guiding around by way of arrow are very small on-screen, and are animated averagely. Same thing goes with the little enemies. Tanks, ski-doos, choppas, and the other vehicles are nice looking, and so are the violent explosions that result from your high power bazooka or high floating grenade. In-between each level there are a few static screens. Now these are where you'll have a double-take at the screen. Ultra colorful and nicely detailed little dudes recieving metals....or burying an ol' buddy who was splattered in the fight.

The sound in the game is well done. The opening tune is particularly of high CD-like quality. But other than that, you'll only hear about 2-3 other tunes during the whole game. There is no in-game music....and I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing. The sound effects are funny, and they really add to the overall feel of the game. Many digitized wailing voices....digitized environmental sounds such as water running or wind blowing. All these little subtleties really count in a game. The gunfire sounds OK, but a more realistic sound would've really helped. Other than that, I really think everything's been carried out well here.

Control isn't too steep, but it will take a bit of workin' at it.....some with most games. Although I think that firing the special weapons such as grenades and bazookas is a bit unusual....pushing two buttons at the some time....It's no biggie. This game could've benefitted from the procontroller greatly, but the game was released long before the procontroller was.

Gameplay is excellent, and is the reason many keep playing the game. You have recruits that join the Army. You'll face lots of missions....and in each mission are phases. The amount of phases is each mission is different each time. If there are alot of phases...then you'll have to complete them all without recieving more recruits or having the ability to save your game in one of the two save slots. You'll get lotsa new you get further into the heat of the battle. Navigating the vehicles is a blast! I like the tanks alot. Take a quick shot at a building and send the roof flippin' through the air....only to land on a group of foes. The comedy in the game is another addicting factor. This comedy will turn into rage as you get further into the game. The missions become insanely difficult......and I don't know if this is good or bad. I'm stuck on one level...once I get un-snagged there, I'm off on my quest to conquer the hardest Jaguar game(in my opinion)!

If you're a fan of strategy....or just wanna try some strategy on the Jag, check this game out. It's a toughy, but that's what makes some games set above the rest.

Nothing to shout about....but nothing to cry about. The graphics only help the gameplay.
Sound/music-8 1/2
Well, the intro theme is The sound effects are great, and the lack of music really doesn't bug me much.
Control-8 1/2
There are some times when you'll swear that you pulled something off, but indeed you died. There are those times once in a while, but usually the game has exceptional control.
Power-7 1/2
Well, considering that the Jag has a much superior version compared to the PC....
Fun factor-9
Very addicting....but very hard.

by Wes Powell

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