Defender 2000

Type: Side-scrolling shooter
Players: 1 or 2 alternating
Levels: 100 +100 (extra spicy!)
Procontroller: Classic mode


I don't know what say except for "jaw-droppingly specatacular." Incredible speed, outstanding enemies, a dazzling algo-vision floor, and entrancing backdrops. It's all about action.


Tempest had techno beeps that were outragously insane. D2K will send you to the mad house. Even the opening track is wonderfully crisp. The first song will boggle the mind and will get the adrenaline pumpin' like crazy. FX are absolutely fabulous.


The control is ultra-tight. When people say slippery they're fantasizing cuz the game moves so fast they think the ship is going slower then the background or something. It's easy to get confused with all the baddies, but it's never slippery.


Geez, I'm giving a lot of 10's. This cart is so devilishly bedazzling that everyone will stand there in awe. Awesome.

Fun Factor:-9

A blast. Classic, Plus, and 2000 modes are all superb. You'll be playing it till' it get's impossibly hard... and then some. The bonus round is a great game itself, and plazma pong is superior fun.


"So alive you won't conquer the game... the game will conquer YOU!"
-Chad Ridgeway (Jaguar Game Reviewer)

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