Forum: Section: Jaguar Games/Tips Subj : BSF - Roll our own FAQ To : all I am trying to build a basic FAQ for "Brutal Sports Football for the Atari Jaguar" with help from other on-line folks. Please post any additions or corrections to this FAQ here, or (even better) E-Mail me so I can add to it. If anyone has video capture or is a good artist, pictures of the power-ups would be very useful for some people. Respond to: Internet = GEnie = head.trip AOL = headtrip_x CIS = 74214,565 Thanks! This is what I have in version 0.5 - 9/28/94 (CIS seems to have screwed up my formatting): Brutal Sports Football by Telegames for the Atari Jaguar 64-Bit Game Console FAQ version 0.5 I have had Brutal Sports Football for 2 days and I like it a lot. I wasn't going to buy it because it didn't look "64-Bit", and I don't normally like sports games. I broke down and bought it when I finished Wolfenstein 3D and was going nuts waiting for the "Magical, Wonderful, October/November Games Orgy" . Now that I've been playing Brutal Sports Football for a little while I actually like it a lot. It reminds me of Speedball 1 & 2 for the Atari ST and Amiga - constant action, some strategy, and FUN! I wish the people around me weren't too snobby or afraid to play video games; it looks like a _lot_ of fun for 2 players! The only gripe I have about Brutal Sports Football is that you can't adjust the music/FX levels (just music on/off) and that the manual STINKS. We can't help the music thing, but we _can_ make a FAQ to remedy the manual problem. So, here we go... and remember what the 'Teacher' says... "jaguar Jaguar JAGUAR!" Playing Tips: 1. Be sure to use the three 'formations' during play. Press the '1' key for "Defense", '2' for "Normal" and '3' for "Aggressive". "Defense" (#1) allows you to 'pack' your half of the field with your players (best for when you are looking to hold onto a lead for a win).Use it when the opposing team is heading towards your end of the field. "Normal" (#2) is the multi-purpose formation. It offers defensive & offensive positions, and is pretty 'normal'. "Aggressive" (#3) puts your team in attacking formation, pushing towards your opponents goal. It's a very useful way to keep the opposing team busy while you forge ahead. It also places several teammates near the enemy goal so you can pass the ball and 'baffle' 'em * Continually changing formations can really improve your scores. 2. Whenever your goalie has the ball - kick it downfield! 3. It usually helps to approach the other team's goal from the side. The computer team passes a lot near the goal, and passing near their goal seems to outsmart them. Also, you can kick towards their goal, and when their goalie catches the ball you can score by slamming him into the goal while he's holding the ball! It makes him cry . 4. If you're losing by a wide margin, concentrate on wiping out your opponents (GamePro Magazine). 5. The first player you should eliminate is the goalie. Once he's gone, it's a lot easier to score goals (GamePro Magazine). Controls: The manual for Brutal Sports Football leaves a lot to be desired. Especially for 70 bones! This area of the FAQ will try to outline any controls not mentioned in the manual, and elaborate on the ones that _are_ mentioned. Locker Room: The Locker Room is where you can repair & improve your team between league matches. Unfortunately the manual doesn't say much about it. Here's some information... 1. You have 9 team members, but only 7 play in a game. The trick is to use your 7 best men. The only exception is #1 - he's the goalie so you need to keep him in good shape! When you select "Locker Room" from the options after a league game, you come to a screen with all you team members in treatment chambers. Initially all players are selected, but you can use L-R on your joypad to select individual team members. First, find your best 6 guys besides #1 (your goalie). If a guy is standing he's doing pretty good. If he's kneeling he's 'hurting'. If he's got a bandage where his head should be - it's not his day! You can also tell a players health by looking at the red ovals next to his number. The higher the red, the better off he is.There's also a green "Life-O- Meter" above each players head (or where his head _was_). The wider the green "Life-O-Meter", the better the poor mug is doing. Once you've found your 6 most promising players you need to "fix 'em up". Use the L-R on the joypad to select a player (he becomes highlighted). Then use the 'B' button (or 'UP') on the joypad to close the treatment door. Once the door is closed you may select one of the three treatments. The Cross means 'Health', the Jagged Line means 'Speed', and the Helmet means 'Cranial Reconstruction" (for headless cases). One tip: After your first match, the last two players are still in perfect health because they haven't played yet. Use them in the next match if you need to. The best thing to do is fix up your goalie first. Next, work your way down the other 6 candidates, giving them a little more health at a time until either they're all healthy or you run out of money. If you still have money left, or if you don't want to use it all on repair, you can make your players faster. It's best to start with the goalie. While repairing your players you can use the 'A' button on the joypad to select a player for the next game. Selected players have a red light above them. Be sure to keep your goalie in the game! Once you're happy with your selections use the L-R on you joypad to center the selector (all players are lit). Next use 'Down' twice, until you see 'Exit' appear. Press 'B' to return to the previous screen. Well, that's all I've got so far. Please write me to add to this FAQ; I'll mention all contributors. You can reach me at: Internet = GEnie = head.trip AOL = headtrip_x CIS = 74214,565 Thanks! Wayne Did I mention that the manual sucks?