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Notes on moves: F is Forward (Towards your opponent). B is Back (Away from your opponent). U is Up. D is Down. "Charge" means to hold the direction for at least two seconds. "In close" moves must be performed standing next to opponent. "In air" moves are done while jumping. +-------------------------------------------+ | Section 2: THE CHARACTERS AND THEIR MOVES | +-------------------------------------------+ LUCIUS ------ Lightning Blast: D, F, Punch Hawk Attack (Low): Jump, D, Jab Hawk Teleport: Jump, Jab ElectroTherapy: In close, F, B, Punch Spinning Back Kick: B, Kick Hawk Attack (High): Jump straight up, D + Punch Ground Spark Wave: F, F, Kick Air Lightning Blast: Jump straight up, F + Punch *Annihilations* Electric Death: In close, F, F, B, Punch Hawk Decapitation: Jump straight up, B, B, Punch (all while in air) DREADLOC -------- Fire Breath: F, B, Punch Speed Slice: Charge B, F, Punch Come to Daddy: F, F, Punch Spin Staff: D, F, Jab Upclose Combo: ??? Low Jab: ??? Angle Spear Dive: In air, D, D, Punch Back Off, Man!: F, Punch *Annihilations* Jamaican Shish Kebab: From about 3-4 steps away, F, F, F, Jab Clean Slice: From about 3-4 steps away, B, F, Jab BUZZSAW ------- Hi Buzzsaw: F, F, Punch Pain Machine: Charge B, F, Kick Low Bolo: F, F, Jab Gut Spear Uppercut: Charge B, F, Punch Airgrab and Slam: In air, D + Punch Ricochet Blades: In air (but not jumping towards), D + Jab Gut Grinder: In close, B + Punch *Annihilations* Core Breach: From about 3-4 steps away, D, F, Punch Bolo Beheading: F, F, F, Jab SKULLCRUSHER ------------ Brain Fryin' Microwave: F, F, Punch Creeping Ground Blast: F, F, Jab Choke & Thump: Charge B, F, Punch Grim Dive of Death: Charge D, U Charged Particle Blast: B, F, Jab Stride & Slide: F, Kick Knife Head Butt: In close, B, F, Punch *Annihilations* Fatal Grip: From about 3-4 steps away, F, F, B, Jab Head, Well Done: Charge B, F, Jab VOLCANA ------- Flame Blast: D, F, Punch Fireport (behind): D, B Fire Breath: In close, B, Punch Flying Firedive: Charge B, F, Jab Fireroll: In air, F, Jab Aerial Firebomb: In air (but not jumping towards), D + Punch Fire Wall: Charge B, release, Kick Fireport Uppercut: Charge D, U *Annihilations* Shake 'n Bake: D, F, Jab Blowtorch: In close, F, F, B, Punch GROK ---- BoulderMorph: Charge B, D + Jab GroundPounder: Charge B, release, Jab Boulder Bounce (Air): Jump forward, D + Jab The Tenderizer: In close, B + Punch *Annihilations* Rocky Uppercut: In close, charge (but do not release) D, Jab. Avalanche Crush: Jump over opponent, D + Kick (directly overhead). MERCURY ------- Spinning Blade Sweep: D, D, Kick + Jab Big Gooey Pounder: In close, B, F, Punch Sawblade: Charge B, F, Kick Porcupine Spike Defense: D, D, Kick + Punch *Annihilations* Rock'em Sock'em Revenge: From about 3-4 steps away, F, F, Punch Ground Beef, Anyone?: D, F, Jab STAGE ANNIHILATIONS ------------------- 1. Uppercut Annihilations: These can be performed by any character. On The Stoned Posiedon, Hell's Kitchen, or Temple of the Vortek stages, simply perform an uppercut (hold down and press Punch) during "Annihilation Time." You'll see your opponent fall to his/her death! Some "uppercut-like moves" (you'll know them because you'll hear a laugh or "Awesome!" from the Guardian) may also do the trick. 2. Inner City Chaos: This annihilation can be performed on the Inner City Chaos Stage. The motion is D, D, D for all characters, but the button you press afterward varies. For Lucius, Dreadloc, and Skullcrusher, use Punch. For Volcana and Grok, use Kick. For Buzzsaw and Mercury, use Jab. An anvil will drop from the sky to crush your opponent. You'll probably want to stand at a distance unless you want to become pulp, too. +---------------------+ | Section 3: SECRETS | +---------------------+ 1. Hidden backgrounds in two-player mode: On the background select screen, do not press the A, B, or C buttons. Instead, press the * button for Subway Passage, or press the # button for Hidden Palace. 2. The hidden character Carbon: On the Hard or Killer difficulty level of a one-player game, in the Earthquake Zone stage, win with a double perfect and perform an Annihilation on the left side of the board, near the section that reads "No fighting--this area only." You will fight Carbon on the Subway Passage stage. Carbon looks like a shiny black version of Grok. Along with Grok's arsenal of moves, he can also throw diamond-shaped projectiles. 3. Speed selector option: At the title screen, press the 1, 5, and 9 keys simultaneously to enable a speed selector option. You can select "normal" or the faster "turbo" speed. 4. Voice modem code: At the title screen, type the sequence 9, 1, 1 on the keypad. (Dial 911, get it? :) ) Of course, this isn't very useful without the voice modem, which is unreleased as of this writing. +--------------------+ | Section 4: CREDITS | +--------------------+ Thanks to all of the following people: Scott Sarah (Gyaku@aol.com) FeSOLDIER@aol.com Jason Anthony Warlikowski (warlij@rpi.edu) Phan Hong Linh (linh@interlog.com) Chris Sasaki (csasaki@loginet.com) Karl J. von Laudermann (penfold@ccs.neu.edu) vaultkeepr@aol.com Sean McKay (JSMcKay@megaweb.com) Robert A. Jung (rjung@netcom.com) Juan & Gerry Gonzalez (gonzalez@lainet.com) Frans Keylard (fkeylard@on-ramp.ior.com) Mike Vinikour (mxv@spontaneous.com) Paul Sillito If you have any additions, E-Mail me at hysteria@gti.net and you will be given credit if I include it. If you have cool names for the Annihilations, E-Mail those to me, too. :) Most importantly, have fun playing the game!