Flashback by Tiertex

Type:Platform strategy

You're Conrad B. Hart, Galaxis Bureau of Investigation Agent and right now you're stranded on a far-away planet after discovering an alien plot to take over earth. You must travel and find your way through four planets back to earth and foil the aliens' sinister and deadly plans.

You want a game with some action, some strategy, and some good graphics? Flashback is what you're looking for. First off, the game makes a very-good first impression. After the common Jaguar spinning logo, it goes into a pretty cool futuristic song while doing the copyrights. Then you're treated to a coolio cinema (Yes, cinemas on cartridge, and whole lot of them : ). It shows you escaping from aliens,you almost get away but end up getting shot down. It shows off some pretty good light sourcing, too! Anyways, there's a whole bunch of cimemas throughout, and they're all very-cool!

The game itself is pretty good-looking. You're rather small, and so are all the enemies, but the animation is great. I've never played Flashback before, but I rented the Sega version to compare the two (64-Bit versus 16-Bit, real fair?), and I found a few things out. The Jag version has redone the animation, so it's a bit smoother. There are more cinemas, and the cinemas are better that it's weaker predecessor. Even the music and sound FX have been cleaned up a bit, and the Jag version looks a bit sharper, with a tad more color, and a bit higher resolution. So obviously the Jaguar version is better, although no dramatic changes have taken place.

The music is strange, not that it sounds strange, but you only hear it sometimes. Like usually the game is silent except for the sound FX, but everyonce and a while some creepy music may come along for no reason (or just to scare you), or while you're fighting a few guards you're treated to some fast-paced action music. So overall, the sound is pretty decent. The graphics, although not screaming 64-Bits (like, say, Rayman does) still looks pretty cool. Sometimes I've experienced slowdown, but never while in battle. Also, the cinemas are a big plus, giving the game a graphical edge that is needed. In between levels you're treated to some fairly lengthy cinemas, and sometimes during levels there are short ones.

You should be warned though, that this game features some (literally) mind-boggling puzzles. Even the first level will have you thinking a bit. Yes, I finally did pass the game on Easy, but it's a huge challenge. There are three modes of difficulty, but the harder the setting, just affects how many baddies there are, no new puzzles.

There's also a bunch of goodies you can find. Like the Tele Control and Tele Receiver, so you can teleport around, it's real cool. Then you can also find money to buy things like Anti-G belts, or just stumble upon little things like mice (yes, mice!). So you really have to use your brain and figure out what to do with all these things.

The levels are nice and varied. One level you need to earn money by doing odd jobs (like destroying cyborgs!), and another level you're on a game show trying to escape with your life. Then sometime you really get some excitement by doing some obstacle courses, such as running through a level before a wall crushes you, or getting out of a planets core before it explodes. So as you can see, you won't get bored.

Overall, Flashback is a pure delight if you're in the mood for some brain-teasing fun, especially if you can get it for a good price. Go for it!

Just as good as they need to be. Not as colorful or as smooth as Pitfall or Rayman, but enough to be quite an eye-pleaser, and the cinemas rock!
Sound-7 1/2
The music in the cinemas are good, and while fighting you've got some coolio fast-paced music. The sound FX are crystal clear, but the game is often a bit to silent.
You want control? You have total control in this game! Make your guy do a long jump or a short hop, you can make him run, do somersaults, and pull out his gun whenever you want. You have all kinds of maneuvers, and they're all easy to pull off, once you learn them all.
Power-8 1/2
Better then the 16-Bitters, but compared to some of the flashier side-scrollers, it's kind of drone. Plus, there is some slowdown, but hey, nothing to fret over. The cinemas look good and smooth, and the morph guards look great.
Fun Factor-9 1/2
This game is tons of fun. Jumping around, blasting baddies. You'll love every second of this delightful title...if you can resist the urge not to smash the cartridge, because of it's brain-teasing puzzles : )!
by Chad Ridgeway

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