Flip Out!

Type: Puzzler
Players: 1
Levels: 9 Worlds
Procontroller: No


Very colorful and well designed. Character animation is not a smooth as I would've liked. I'd estimate around 20-25 fps. Cool effects like ice and light.


FX are very good. Music is pathetic. I can't stand the background music for most worlds. The diner has some nice 50-60s type music and the zero gravity has setting sounds, but all the other places has annoying sluggish rythm that drones... aah!


Decent for this type of game. Zero gravity can get confusing if you move too fast. The cursor is slower then I expected.


Hey, this game definitely draws a line between 16-bit and 64-bit graphically. I really would like better animation.

Fun Factor:-7

Until I beat the game it was fun. The first couple worlds are great and varied. Then hoopla world and pigskin world have to be 2 of the most lethargically boring things I've ever gone through. No replay value.


"A fresh new concept puzzler fans may want to check out."
-Chad Ridgeway (Jaguar Game Reviewer)

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