Highlander: Last of the Macleods by Lore Design and Atari


Type:3D RPG action adventure
Levels:Not implemented
Cheats included at the bottom of the review
There Can Only Be One!

You are Quentin Macleod, last of the immortals and hope of all mankind. You discovered your true identity only after the death of your mother and the destruction of your village. As she died, your mother told you of your true destiny - to save mankind from the evil immortal Kortan.

Ramirez, one of the good immortals, will aid you in your task. You first quest is to rescue the remaining villagers (the Dundees) from Kortan's stronghold. Be careful or your first quest will be your last.


Wow! Where do I begin? The game opens with an intro clip from the popular cartoon series. Then there is a longer cartoon clip followed by a rendered computer cinema before the action begins. You start out in the wreckage of the Dundee village. You have no weapons, just punches, foot sweeps, jump kicks and that type of stuff. You have a variety of ducking and avoiding type moves which is very cool. You eventually find you way to the Hill of Oaths and pick up your sword from Ramirez there. Further into the game you can pick up gas guns and the rubber chicken. Quentin is made out of several shaded polygons. The polygon count is pretty low, but that's o.k. because quentin moves very true-to-life. The use of the motion capture system is very well done and helps out the visuals of the game tremendously. You control Quentin in a Myst-like environment..3D of course. The background visuals are absolutely stunning! Everything is so smooth, colorful and detailed to the max! The sound in the game is made up of atmospheric sound effects, music and gameplay sound effects. The atmospheric sounds are of very excellent quality, but become repetitive as they loop over and over. The music in the cartoons is alright, but again, the ingame music is too repetitive. The sound effects in the game are very cool. The clinging of swords, the swipe of your sword slicing the air, and the voicing effects which are very sharp. The game controls very well. This is a game that you must stick with or you will throw the controller down in rage. It takes time. You can aquire the skills to become an excellent sword fighter. Technique is needed, but this pays off. The complaint is that when you turn around, it's too slow. The cinemas in the game are top quality and the sound effects located therin are crystal-clear quality. The story line, plot, and depth in the gameplay are done to perfection. The game draws you in with its depth. The cinemas are set-up perfectly to get you excited about the next challenge. There are lots of things to discover and explore as the game is pretty big. This game was a deep gaming experience for me. I played it non-stop, almost, to beat it in 1 and 1/2 days. It's that good. I loved it!

Graphics-9 1/2
The backgrounds are sooo detailed, bright and ultra colorful. Quentin moves very fluidly, but there could have been more attention paid to the detail on the main character (I.E. a few more polygons and small detailing). The cinemas are very cool and high-res.
Sound/music-8 1/2
Very crystal in quality, but short in length. I love the sound in those cinemas.
Control-9 1/2
Everything is o.k. here except the minor nit of turning around slowly.
Very little loading. Power cinemas. Take a look at the graphics. Very smooth. The angles of view are really awesome!
Fun factor-10
This game pulls you into the character's shoes as your senses reel over the great graphics, well executed cinemas and deep storyline. Very awesome and just well done overall.
by Wes Powell

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