Iron Soldier by Eclipse

Type:3D mech simulator
Levels:16 missions
It's All In A Day's Work.

This game is great! This has to be the best simulation I have ever played! I've never been a big Mech fan, but I love this game to it's full extent! The intro is excellent.


That's how the music starts out! The opening track is very powerful, it has a sort of Military/Miami Vice beat to it. This long amazingly painted picture of the city and a Robot appears as the camera smoothly pans over it. You have a lot of options, but the intro has you so pumped up, you have to play the game! First you'll have to notice how smooth the game is. It's silky smooth! I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if the frame-rate was around 45 fps. You then notice you're huge! You see houses down at your feet, and the tanks look like little toys! You're the size of buildings, and it gives you a great sense of least until you see how many baddies there are! The graphics are (in one word) totally clean (O.K. two words). I mean, everything is just so well drawn. The building are flat polygons, and look a bit plain, but the closer you get, the more detail is revealed to you. Then the helicopters and tanks are fully texture-mapped and move beautifully. The helicopters are simply stunning. The move so realistic, and fight with great intelligence, as do all of Iron Soldiers enemies. The explosions are amazing. The best explosions I have ever seen lie within' this cart. The buildings blow up into many, many square blocks, all bouncing around, with fire and smoke. The helicopters blow up great. When you shoot one and look up, it explodes with cascades of shades polygons flying in your face! It is just so stunning you can't explain the feeling you get. Just take my word for it, it's totally intense! When you shoot a cruise missile the camera switches to directly behind it, and you can fly it over the city for miles. Superior eye-candy to say the least. Everything is also shaded to perfection, and in the night missions, when the helicopters fire their missiles, the front of them light up! Partially luminated heli's look awesome! Music reaches the graphics high standards as well. The music has a great military beat that keeps you on the move. Faster missions with more enemies contain faster more action paced musical tunes, and the night missions have more sedate, spookier rhythms that really captivate you, sucking you into that environment. The control will be hard at first, but the well though out control scheme makes learning fast and easy, and once you get the hang of it, the game will be so completely enjoyable, you can't get enough of it! Gameplay is dead-on perfect. So in the end, is this game fun...YES! Is this game worthy to be in your library...YES! And, should you get this game...I think you know the answer...

Totally smooth. Texture-mapping looks great! Everything looks great. Backdrops are well detailed, and everything is done in a very, very high-resolution. The buildings can look a bit plain, but there is nothing bad with the graphics at all. The graphics are Excellent!
Music is thumpin'! Boom-Boom-Boom!!! Coolio. Every stage has music that fits it to a 'T'. The music is some of the best on the Jag so far. The sound FX are good. The pounding of your feet, the rattling of the Assault Rifle, and the BOOM of the explosions are all done flawlessly. The sound of a flying rocket you shoot off is amazing! The sound is totally delicious!
Considering all the stuff you have to do with your Mech, the control is set up perfectly. With practice you can do a lot of maneuvers with ease. An option for a second player to control part of your Mech (like in Hover Strike) would have helped, but you still have total control of your Mech.
Power-9 1/2
Smoooooth! Everything moves smooth, from the frame-rate to the choppers, you'll be amazed. There is very little pixelation in the explosions, and the sound doesn't break up even when the most hectic events are happening. You want to show off the Jag? This is a fine choice!
Fun factor-10
Well, No-Duh it fun! Stomping on houses and tanks delivers an experience like non-other! 16 levels of mayhem, and plenty of weapons will keep you entertained for a loooong time! The gameplay is amazingly addicting. Get this one!
by Chad Ridgeway

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