Iron Soldier by Eclipse

Type:3D war simulation
Players:1 player
Levels:16 missions
Procontroller:A little

Story: Industry has taken over the planet. Three quarters of the Earth's surface is covered with concrete and steel cities and wastelands. The Iron Fist Corporation (IFC) has used military force to conquer national governments and create a worldwide military dictatorship.

Recently, the IFC developed a new weapon for use in urban areas: a 42-foot tall piloted robot, known as the Iron Soldier (or,IS). With such a weapon, they will have no trouble maintaining their hold on the populace.

However, an organization has been formed to stop the IFC. This group, known as the Resistance, has even managed to capture an early production model of the Iron Soldier unit.

This is where you come in. As a member of the Resistance, your job is to pilot the Iron Soldier in a one-man war against Iron Fist. The fate of the world rests on your shoulders, but at least your IS's shoulders can mount rockets.....

Overview: You have no idea how totally impressed I was when I picked up my controller to play this game for the first time. For the uninitiated, this game is sssoooo virtual it will blow you away! The first time I tracked a helicopter down from overhead and blew it away, the chunks of a wasted enemy flew in my face, and I paused the game and said to myself "whoaaaa dude!". This game has given me a rush since the first time, and it still does. The game is made up of 16 missions. They are all very varied so far a a goal goes. A lot of variety so the game doesn't get old. You pilot the mech through these levels to: recover weapons that are being worked on by the Iron Fist Corp., hunt down trucks carrying goodies, guard Resistance buildings, escort trucks out of the city, or just level the whole town. The graphics are great. Everything is well shaded and animated with the roto-scoping technique. There are texture maps here and there, very high qualty I might add. The artificial intelligence in this game is extremely well done. It's just perfect! Control is confusing at first, but like in most games, especially ones that allow more control of the action, you'll catch on in a hurry. Weapons are very destructive in this one. You've got your manipulator(fist) to bust up the town. The Cassey Aussult Rifle pumps out 75mm shells in bursts of three. The Rachels Gatling Gun shoots 40mm shells at over 600 rounds per minute. Wolfpack Rocket Launcher: holds 12 destructive rockets. The Badger Hand Grenades are the size of an oil drum! You can take out multiple enemies and buildings at a time with these. The Parker Chain Cutter is used to hack on those doll houses err.. skyscrapers! The charlotte Rail Cannon uses electromatic pulses to fire 120mm shots. This gun is very accurate, but needs to charge for a second or so. Slate Heavy Shield for cover. And the mother of them all, the Sable Cruise Missile. This sucker is awesome! You fly the baby toward your target! There is also wide range of enemy craft. Now to the categories.

The explosions in this game are unmatched by anything else I've seen yet. There are alot of colors. 16-bit I believe. The textures on the tanks and heli's are very well done. Nicely done backgrounds, very smooth.
The audio in this one is cool. Quite a few tracks of industrial type stuff compliment the games theme well. Every time you set your foot down, Boom! The bass thumps. The rockets sound very cool. Realistic sound/FX.
Everything is well handled in time. The advanced controls option is a great plus.
Iron Soldier throws the polygons around the screen with ease. The frame rate is kept near max. even at the most polygon filled times. Excellent stuff here.
Fun factor-10
What a blast! I will never get tired of completing these challenging levels and watching chunks of light sourced polygons flip around through fire and smoke. The best war sim ever!
by Wes Powell

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