Help, I've Been DISMEMBERED and I can't get up

So you may have to walk with a slight limp. And people might call you "lefty" or "stump." All things considered, though, you got off lucky.

It's just the way things go when you play Kasumi Ninja, the first 32-meg fighting game for the 64-bit Atari Jaguar. Yeah, things get graphic, all right. There are death moves like scalping, kicks that pucture lungs, and enough blood to make a surgeon hurl.

But unlike other fighting games, there's a point to all this carnage. Beating your opponent means you sharpen your fighting techniques and aquire secret items that will help you through a 3D labyrinth for your final battle with Gyaku, the possessed Ninja elder.

So after you maim Gyaku and butcher whatever else might come your way, you win. Isn't that worth a limb or two?

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